A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / kong | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / kong

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  • Achievement; good service; virtue ; meritorious.

  • i kâi kong-lâu tōa;

    his merit is great.

  • cò̤ sṳ̄ cò̤ kàu sêng kong;

    one must bring what one does to a successful issue.

  • ŭ kong kâi chîn-cṳ́;

    courtiers who have done meritorious deeds.

  • kong-chîn ău-ĭ;

    the descendants of deserving ministers.

  • bô̤ kong ien káⁿ cîah lôk?

    Without having done anything deserving reward, how dare one draw his salary?

  • ŭ kong-tek kîp mîn;

    has done good works in behalf of the people.

  • kĭen kong, lîp ngîap;

    achieve virtue, and found an estate.

  • kong-mîaⁿ chî cá to ŭ sìo;

    merit is sooner or later rewarded.

  • thû-lâu bô̤ kong;

    to labor without advantage.

  • cău-hùe cí thiap îeh cîah lô̤h khṳ̀ ŭ kong-hāu;

    as it happened this dose of medicine proved effective when taken.

  • i íⁿ-keng kong sêng, mîaⁿ cĭu lío;

    he has already achieved a reputation.

  • i tó̤ cò̤ kong-tek;

    he is making merit.

  • i kâi hà hôk sĭ sìo kong a tăi kong?

    Does he wear mourning for five or for nine months.

  • Public; common; open; equal to all; general; just; equitable; the first of the five ranks of nobility; a duke, a lord, a master.

  • kong sṳ̄;

    public business.

  • kong hŭe;

    club, association, or public society.

  • kong só̤ tī-hng;

    town houses or public halls.

  • kong-tău;

    fair, equitable.

  • kong-kong tău-tău;

    perfectly just.

  • i cò̤ sṳ̄ úa thóiⁿ tîeh m̄ kong-tău;

    he acts in a way that appears to me to bo unfair.

  • kong-cìaⁿ kâi hieⁿ sin;

    upright village elders.

  • cèng nâng lâi kong lí;

    all came to make a fair settlement.

  • tăi-ke àiⁿ kong-kṳ́ tī-tîang?

    Whom do you all want to put forward as a candidate?

  • kong-ciak;

    a duke.

  • kong îa;

    my lord, the duke.

  • kong cṳ́;

    a young gentleman; officers, gentlemen.

  • sío kong-cṳ́;

    a wild young gentleman.

  • hua-hua kong-cṳ́;

    a young spendthrift.

  • tōa siang kong;

    a term used in addressing a clerk in a yamun or a large house.

  • kong cú;

    the emperor’s daughter.

  • i sĭ kong ke cò̤-pû cîah a sĭ pun khui cîah?

    Do the whole family take their meals together, or do they eat separately?

  • a-kong;

    a grandfather.

  • thài kong;

    great grandfather.

  • gūa kong;

    maternal grandfather.

  • kong má;


  • hŏng có-kong; pài có-kong;

    worship of ancestors.

  • kong có tăi-jîn;

    the Prefect.

  • nŏ̤ kong phûa hûa căi;

    the old couple agree very well.

  • cía sĭ kong băng;

    this is a public fund.

  • i sai-khih nâng kâi kong cîⁿ;

    he embezzles the public funds.

  • hùi tīo kong mûeh;

    waste the public property.

  • hak ke cêk cho̤h kong ngîap;

    buy some more public property.

  • tì-chàng ke ho̤h cōi kong châng kong phò;

    buy in ever so many more fields and shops to be used in common.

  • kong sim;

    public spirited.

  • kong phêng;

    just; equitable.

  • kong phêng kau-êk;

    a fair bargain.

  • kong bŭ hŵn căi;

    public business of many kinds.

  • kong tn̂g;

    a public hall.

  • kong tī;

    a common.

  • cêk jī jîp kong mn̂g, káu gû thoa m̄ chut;

    when a complaint is once entered at the yamun, nine oxen cannot draw it out.

  • péng kong phōiⁿ sṳ̄;

    adjudicate in accordance with equity.

  • soiⁿ kong, ău sai;

    public interests before pi-ivate business.

  • sĭ kong hun, a sĭ pêh thô?

    Is it the best quality of opium, or the worst?

  • To attack; to assault; to fight with; to set to work at; to apply to; to rouse by reproving.

  • kong-phah i kâi tī-hng;

    attacked their country.

  • cèng nâng kong-khek cêk nâng;

    they all set upon him.

  • kong sîaⁿ;

    assault a citadel.

  • jît mêⁿ kong cṳ;

    study hard day and night.

  • íⁿ tâk kong tâk;

    use poison as an antidote for


  • kong m̄ phùa;

    fail to take by assault.

  • kong phùa i kâi îaⁿ-cē;

    captured their in- trenchment.

  • hŭe-côi kong-tú i;

    assemble and withstand them in battle.

  • pin-lô̤ lêng hĭa khì, kong kien;

    betel-nut will disperse wind and reduce congestion.

  • méⁿ-méⁿ tîeh ēng kong thâm kâi îeh lâi kong tīo cí cho̤h thâm;

    must quickly take some medicine which will remove phlegm, and clear out the throat with it.

  • soiⁿ kong-sùaⁿ cí tíam cék khì;

    first dissipate the humors which have accumnlated.

  • cē khì, hueh cū kong sim;

    as soon as one is angry, the blood rushes to the heart.

  • khṳt cho̤h thâm cē kong, cū hun-kông khṳ̀;

    as soon as he was choked with mucous he became insensible.

  • An artisan; skilled work; skill; a job.

  • sṳ̆ lông kong siang;

    literary men, farmers, artisans and merchants.

  • i cò̤ lâi ceng-kong căi;

    he has done it in a most workmanlike manner.

  • cía sît-căi nâng khá tô̤h thien kong;

    this man has certainly seized upon the skill of nature in doing things expertly.

  • cía sĭ tōa kong thîaⁿ;

    this is a big job.

  • The exhibition of respectful feeling.

  • kong-hí;

    I respectfully wish you joy, (as at the New Year).

  • khṳ̀ kio i kong-hí kâi nâng ho̤h cōi;

    those who went to wish him a Happy New Year were many.

  • A tube; a short cylinder.

  • cam khǹg tŏ̤ cam-kóng tói;

    the needles are put away in the needle-case.

  • tek kóng;

    a small dipper or measure made from a section of the trunk of a bamboo.

  • cêk kóng lâng;

    the core of a boil.

  • To offer to a liege lord things for service; presents from foreign nations given in homage; fit for presents or tribute; the best sort; to offer service.

  • cìn kòng;

    to bring tribute.

  • kòng sài;

    tribute bearers.

  • sĭ lâi k`o͘ng sĭm-mih mûeh?

    What does he bring as tribute?

  • kòng lói;

    presents sent to Court.

  • tōa kùe kòng-īⁿ;

    bigger than an examination hall, (in which the graduates are supposed to offer their talents for their country’s service).

  • kòng cûn;

    a ship bearing tribute.

  • ŭ sĭm-mih ko̤h īeⁿ mûeh-kĭaⁿ lâi kòng-hìen;

    has some curious thing to present.

  • líam ki kòng-hieⁿ lâi phīⁿ phang;

    light a large white incense stick and smell its odor.

  • i tàⁿ cí kâi sĭ kòng tn̄g;

    he says this is the very best sort of satin.

  • kòng tău sĭ îu tī-kò̤?

    By what route is the tribute brought?

  • kien kòng;

    those graduates who have bought their degree.

  • chut kòng;

    graduates who have tried for ten years to get the next degree.

  • lī kòng;

    one who has bought an office.

  • Odoriferous; diffused odor.

  • cêk koiⁿ kòng-kòng phang; sĭ ûn hieⁿ-châ a m̄ sĭ?

    The whole place is full of a sweet smell; it comes from burning sandal wood does it not?

  • phīⁿ tîeh kòng-kòng phang;

    smells very fragrant.

  • A cannon; a howitzer.

  • cí bûe kòng kâi seⁿ-cu ēng jîeh tōa?

    How large a ball is required for this cannon?

  • sin cù cêk mn̂g tâng kòng;

    a newly cast brass cannon.

  • kòng chóiⁿ;

    a swab for cleaning a cannon.

  • kòng kâi îeh lóng-cóng jîp pīn;

    the cannon is already loaded.

  • To roil; to stir up and make turbid.

  • kŏng kàu lô̤-lô̤;

    roil by stirring.

  • kŏng lô̤ i;

    roil it up.

  • m̄ tîeh kŏng nâng kâi cúi ŏi tit lô̤ cìaⁿ ŭ ēng, tó̤ kŏng nâng kâi cúi m̄ lô̤ cò̤ ŭ ēng nē?

    Of what use is it to make a fuss, if you do not make one that amounts to something?