The shoulders.
the top of the shoulder.
i kâi koiⁿ-páng tōa, ŭ lâk;
he is broad shouldered and strong.
an official cape, laid over the robe, and made of silk.
a mantilla worn by brides.
hiah koiⁿ cē;
lay down the burden for a little while.
ūaⁿ koiⁿ;
to shift the burden from one shoulder to the other.
tī gû ūaⁿ koiⁿ;
an earthquake, supposed to result from the movement of the ox that sustains the earth.
khîa koiⁿ bé;
to ride on one’s shoulder.
sie lám koiⁿ;
to embrace.
kio koiⁿ thio mòng-êk kâi nâng bói mûeh, màiⁿ khah cho-siap;
when you buy from pedlars who carry their wares about on their shoulders, do not drive too close a bargain.
cêk phìⁿ koiⁿ cū taⁿ kàu hṳ́-kò̤ khṳ̀;
carried it there withont once shifting it from one shoulder to the other.
koiⁿ-thâu khìa-khìa;
very high shouldered.
koiⁿ kak; koiⁿ-thâu kâi pn̄g sî kut;
the shoulder blade.
koiⁿ bōi thio, chíu bŏi thî;
the shoulder can bear no burden, and the hand can grasp no weight.
A space; a classifier of rooms and houses.
cí koiⁿ chù hṳ́ lăi kúi koiⁿ pâng?
In this house how many rooms are there?
ūe koiⁿ phang;
the whole place is fragrant.
ūe koiⁿ chàu;
the whole place smells badly.
i keh cò̤ cêk koiⁿ cêk koiⁿ lóng-cóng ŭ jîh gūa koiⁿ;
he has divided it up into apartments, and there are over twenty in all.
i hṳ́ lăi kâi pâng koiⁿ cōi: īa ŭ sói-êk koiⁿ, īa ŭ húe-sît koiⁿ, m̄ pí nâng bô̤ sĭm-mih koiⁿ-keh kâi chù;
the apartments in it are many: there are bath-rooms and there are cook rooms, and it is not as it is where people have a house with but few rooms.
nŏ̤ koiⁿ sie-thàng;
the rooms open into each other.
To select; to choose.
khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ nē kóiⁿ-tô̤h, kóiⁿ cêk kâi hó̤-hó̤ kâi;
select without haste, so as to get one of the very best ones.
i kâi m̄ cai cò̤-nî tó̤ kóiⁿ: kóiⁿ kàu taⁿ hŵn-lío kóiⁿ bô̤ kâi hó̤;
he does not know to choose: he has been until now looking them over with a view to getting the best, and has not yet made a selection.
sĭ úa ka-kí kóiⁿ-sẃn kâi;
it is one that I myself picked out.
kóiⁿ-sẃn m̄ pat-tò̤ khṳ̀;
do not know how to choose.
cía mng sĭ nâng kóiⁿ sīn kâi;
this is what is left after other people have picked out what they wanted.
khṳt nâng kóiⁿ chûn cêk cho̤h hùe-kha;
the garblings left by those who have selected what they wanted from the goods.
kóiⁿ cĕng kâi ío ke cîⁿ;
the assorted ones are higher priced.
i khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ nē tó̤ kóiⁿ nâng-ke;
he is taking his time in looking about among families in order to choose a wife.
soiⁿ kóiⁿ-khí cêk cho̤h;
the first pick of the goods.
The cocoon of the silk worm; the silky pups of other moths.
the silk worm’s aurelia.
ēng chôiⁿ-kóiⁿ sâh lío lâi thiu sî;
boil the cocoon and then wind off the silk.
cía sĭ kóiⁿ-tîu;
is pongee.
kit cêk kâi kóiⁿ tŏ̤ chĭu kò̤;
made a cocoon on a tree.
sî-hāu cē kàu, i ka-kī cŭ kă phùa kóiⁿ chut lâi;
when the season for it arrives, it eats through its cocoon and comes forth.
chôi-tāu cē pìⁿ cò̤ chôiⁿ-ngô̤ cū chut kóiⁿ;
when the grub has changed into a moth it emerges from the cocoon.
cí khí thâng ŏi kit kóiⁿ kâi;
this caterpillar makes a cocoon.
A plait; gathers; tncks.
niap kóiⁿ;
lay plaits.
cêk pôiⁿ àiⁿ niap kúi kâi kóiⁿ?
How many plaits do you wish to have on a side?
thīⁿ lâi kâi kóiⁿ m̄ sì-cìaⁿ;
the plait is not sewn down straight.
ĕ-tng àiⁿ thīⁿ, khieh kóiⁿ, tîeh khieh hó̤-hó̤;
another time when you are sewing gathers you must sew them evenly.
kóiⁿ cūe tîeh cih tît-tît;
the plait must be folded straight.
mīn tèng niap kâi kóiⁿ;
has a puckered scar on her face.
To sunder; to put obstacles between.
m̄ hó̤ kòiⁿ-so̤ nâng kâi kut-nêk;
one must not set relatives at variance.
kòiⁿ jît kòiⁿ jît cîah;
take it on alternate days.
tìn-tang kòiⁿ cêk kháu phûn;
there is a grave [belonging to some one else] occupying the space between.
nŏ̤ kâi kheⁿ keh-piah tìn-tang kòiⁿ ŭ cêk kò̤ tōa cîeh;
in the space between the two pools there is a large stone obstructing the way.
so̤ put kòiⁿ chin, sin put kòiⁿ kū;
differences do not sunder relationship, and the new does not separate one from the old.
bô̤ kòiⁿ bô̤ chah;
there are no obstacles intervening.
chŵn bô̤ kòiⁿ chah, thong sin sĭ i kâi;
there are no intervening spaces [belonging to some one else], the whole extent of it belongs to him.
To carry under the arm; to clasp between the arm and the trunk.
i ko̤h-tháng-ĕ cū kŏiⁿ ku-ā ki tek lâi;
he brought several bamboos, holding them tightly under his arm.
kŏi pn̄g-tháng lâi;
bring the rice-basin, holding it under the arm.
hāi i kŏiⁿ kàu êhⁿ-êhⁿ-kìe;
was squeezed so tightly under her arm that he could scarcely breathe.
i pì kíaⁿ kŏiⁿ jî lâi kàu cí-kó̤ kang-khó căi;
it will be very hard for her to come all this distance carrying one child on her back, and another under her arm.
i kíaⁿ-jît kĭam-kŏiⁿ ke kâi hak-seng tó̤ cò̤;
he to-day brought along another student into the examinations.