A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / ko̤ | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / ko̤

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  • Leprosy, scrofula, and kindred diseases.

  • thái-ko̤;


  • thái-ko̤ nâng;

    a leper.

  • thái-ko̤ mîⁿ-nūaⁿ kâi nâng;

    one full of leprous sores.

  • thái-ko̤ phûa;

    a leprous woman.

  • khĭa-khí tŏ̤ thái-ko̤ lîo kò̤;

    dwelling in a lazar- house.

  • khí-thâu phû thái-ko̤;

    beginning to show signs of leprosy.

  • thái-ko̤ khṳt-cîah;

    a leprous beggar.

  • cong-côk tōa, thái-ko̤ khah mîⁿ-nūaⁿ;

    when a clan becomes large there are always some in it who are far gone in leprosy.

  • thái-ko̤ ŏi ùe nâng;

    leprosy is contagious.

  • i sĭ tâng a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ thái-ko̤ kâi;

    he has been a leper from his childhood.

  • thái-ko̤, seⁿ-mīaⁿ;

    to the leprous, his life.

  • thái-ko̤ lâu phú kàu cêk kâi cêk kâi;

    the leper’s domes rise one by one, (on his body).


  • A parrot.

  • eng-ko̤;

    the green parrot.

  • lĭo-ko̤;

    the minor, a bird which may be taught to speak.

  • Grease; hard fat; greasy substances.

  • ngâu cò̤ ko̤;

    make it into salve.

  • buah ko̤-îeh;

    anoint with ointment.

  • ngâu îeh-ko̤;



  • kâi gûeh ŭ jîeh cōi ko̤ húe?

    How much is allowed you per month for fat and fire [a scholar’s stipend]?

  • ko̤-lîang cṳ́-tĭ;

    a rich man’s son; a young spendthrift.

  • ngâu îu-ko;

    try out lard.

  • kîap nâng ciⁿ-ko̤;

    tear out the fat of human entrails.

  • līu nâng ko̤-chúe;

    squeeze out peoples’ marrow; take the means of living away from people.

  • lṳ́ hóng lṳ́ lôk, mîn ko̤ mîn ciⁿ: hĭa mîn kōi ngîak, sĭang-thiⁿ lâng khi;

    your salary and perquisites are the people’s substance: the common people are easily oppressed, but God is not to be imposed upon.

  • cîeh-ko̤;


  • ko̤-huang;

    the space between the heart and diaphragm.


  • The culm of the bamboo; a slender stick.

  • tek ko̤;

    a bamboo pole.

  • khîa ki tek ko̤ lâi nê saⁿ;

    take a bamboo pole and hang the jackets out to dry.

  • khîa tek-ko̤-kíaⁿ lâi tìo máng-tìeⁿ;

    take a small bamboo pole to suspend the mosquito bar upon.

  • tîeh khîeh ki tn̂g-tn̂g kâi tek-ko̤ cìaⁿ lă tit tîeh;

    you must take a very long pole and then you can poke it down.

  • The pole of a boat.

  • i tó̤ tng thâu-ko̤;

    he is bowman.

  • cang ko̤ theⁿ cū hó̤;

    take the pole and pole along and all will be well.

  • ki ko̤ pàng lô̤h cū sĭ cíeⁿ;

    put your pole in and it becomes an oar.

  • i kâi ko̤ ciéⁿ côi;

    they work in unison; they pull together.

  • cí-kò̤ ko̤ m̄ hó̤ theⁿ, tîeh tàu cíeⁿ;

    we cannot pole here, we must put on the oars.

  • Cakes; pastry; dumplings.

  • íang-o̤ àiⁿ cîah ko̤;

    an indulged child wants sweetmeats.

  • koi n̆ng ko̤;

    sponge cake.

  • bói cē ko̤-píaⁿ lâi phùe tê;

    buy a few cakes to eat with tea.

  • gûeh ko̤, gûeh píaⁿ;

    cakes with and without stuffing, of a crescent shape.

  • ńng ko̤;

    soft cakes.

  • kang ko̤;

    hard cakes.

  • hûn-phìen ko̤; cṳ-cheh ko̤;

    flaky cakes.

  • lek-tāu ko̤;

    cakes having a core of green peas.

  • ko̤ chòi;

    rice flour for making pastry.

  • To sing in a recitative or chanting style.

  • ko̤ bú;

    to chant and dance.

  • ko̤-chìang;

    to chant.

  • ko̤-chìang lâi kâi siaⁿ-im hó̤;

    it was chanted melodiously.

  • ko̤ siaⁿ lío lĭang;

    clear sounds of sweet music.

  • mîn kang kâi ko̤ îo;

    a popular ditty.

  • ko̤-sŏng i kâi ṳn-tek;

    chant praises of his goodness.

  • An elder brother; a term of respect.

  • a ko̤;

    the Emperor’s sons; my elder brother; a term used in addressing another person’s servant.

  • ko̤ ko̤; tōa ko̤;

    my dear elder brother.

  • lău ko̤;

    venerable Sir.

  • Perfume; fragrant.

  • ko̤-ko̤-phang;


  • A lamb.

  • îang ko̤, múiⁿ cíu;

    stewed lamb and delicate wines.


  • The culm of grain; a first draft of a paper; a minute; proof sheets.

  • bêh kó̤;

    wheat straw.

  • tĭu kó̤-cháu;

    rice straw.

  • cháu-kó̤;


  • i kâi ūe chŵn mín phah kó̤, li-li tàⁿ;

    he has no need of writing out beforehand what he is going to say, but speaks off-hand with fluency.

  • cêk nâng khí kó̤, cêk nâng sía;

    one made the rough draft, and the other wrote out a fair copy.

  • i sĭ sía tîeh theng-kó̤ tèng kâi;

    he got his degree through writing a theme.

  • hâh tîeh i kâi theng ĕ kó̤;

    it suits his theme.

  • nâng cheng-hu i cò̤ kó̤-kong;

    people address him as head clerk of the office where the records of cases are kept.

  • phài i cò̤ kó̤-ùaⁿ mn̂g-cíeⁿ;

    depute him to be the keeper of the office where the records of cases are deposited.

  • A bundle; a parcel.

  • pau-kó̤;

    a bundle.

  • pì pau-kó̤;

    carry a bundle on the back.

  • pau-kó̤ phûe;

    the cloth wrapper in which a bundle is bound.

  • ké siang-hó̤, mông pau-kó̤;

    falsely friendly, manipulating your bundle to find out what is in it.

  • kó̤-pńg;

    a plant like water-hemlock or cowbane, (Cicuta) whose seeds are used as medicine.

  • kó̤-png hó tī thâu-thìaⁿ;

    cowbane is good for the headache.

  • kó̤-bûah hâh hieⁿ-lĭo-bûah hó̤ cò̤ cò̤ hieⁿ;

    powdered cowbane, with incense powder, is good to use as incense.

  • To accuse; to inform; to advise of; to request.

  • ngŵn-kò̤;

    the plaintiff.

  • pĭ kò̤;

    the defendant.

  • ngŵn-kò̤ kŭi tŏ̤ tang pôiⁿ, pĭ-kò̤ kŭi tŏ sai pôiⁿ, kang-cèng cū kŭi tìn-tang;

    the plaintiff kneels on the east, the defendant on the west, and the witness in the centre.

  • phŏ̤-kò̤ sī tī-tîang?

    Who is to plead the case?

  • chut kò̤-sī;

    issue a proclamation.

  • i kò̤ lṳ́ mih sṳ̄?

    What does he charge you with?

  • i pun móng nâng khòng-

kò̤ tîeh;

  • i ŭ kò̤, úa ŭ sù;

    he has a charge, and I have a refutation.

  • cía kò̤ m̄ cĭeⁿ cúa;

    this accusation is not worth the paper it takes to write iton.

  • m̄-hó̤ bú-kò̤ nâng;

    bring no false charges.

  • kò̤ cn̄g;

    an indictment.

  • i khṳ̀ kò̤ gṳ̄ cn̄g, tîeh khṳ̀ cīeⁿ-si kò̤, kò̤ lío, cìaⁿ hâh-sek kò̤ gṳ̄ cn̄g;

    if one wishes to appeal to the supreme court, he must first bring his case before the provincial courts in their order, and then if he is not satisfied with the decision he appeals to the supreme court.

  • i líang ke tó̤ sie kò̤;

    the two parties are suing each othor.

  • kò̤ lío tī-tîang îaⁿ?

    Who won the suit?

  • cía sǹg sì ŭ kò̤ bô̤ sù kâi;

    this is to be reckoned as a charge without any defence.

  • kò̤ kía cêk kâi gûeh;

    ask a month’s leave of absence.

  • i hīn-khek kò̤ pēⁿ lío tŏ̤ ke thîo ui;

    having got leave of absence on account of sickness, he is at home nursing his health.

  • i khṳ̀ kò̤ cong-ĭang, kò̤ m̄ cún;

    he went to get leave of absence on account of his duties to his parents, but did not get it.

  • To row with an oar.

  • kò̤ méⁿ cē;

    row faster.

  • kò̤ cíeⁿ;

    to row.

  • i ŏi kò̤ cûn a bŏi?

    Can he row a boat?

  • A place; a point.

  • cí-kò̤;


  • hṳ́-kò̤;


  • tī-kò̤;


  • múaⁿ-tī-kò̤;


  • lṳ́ àiⁿ khṳ̀ tī-kò̤?

    Where are you going?

  • i bô̤ khṳ̀ tī-kò̤;

    he has not gone anywhere.

  • pàng tŏ̤ tī-kò̤?

    Where did you put it?

  • pât-kò̤;


  • khṳ̀ pàng pât-kò̤;

    go and put it somewhere else.

  • kò̤-kò̤ to̤ hó̤;

    any place will do.

  • bô̤ kò̤ hó̤ pàng;

    there is no place to put it.

  • kîaⁿ bô̤ kò̤ khṳ̀;

    there is no place to walk in.

  • lṳ́ lâi úa kò̤, úa li khṳ̀ lṳ́ kò̤;

    you came to my house, and I went to yours.

  • màiⁿ khṳ̀ i kò̤;

    do not go where he is.

  • lâi ún kò̤ cŏ̤;

    come and sit with us.

  • ún cí khṳ̀ hìeⁿ kò̤, bô̤ sĭm-mûeh hó̤ cîah;

    if we go there we shall find nothing to eat.

  • sîaⁿ-chĭ kò̤ cū ŭ mûeh hó̤ cîah;

    in the market there are edibles.

  • khṳ̀ phêng-íu kò̤ tàⁿ ūe;

    gone to a friend’s to consult with him.

  • kò̤-kò̤ ŭ;

    every place contains some.

  • cí kâi sĭ ēng kàu tī-kò̤ khṳ̀?

    How far will this go in supplying our wants?

  • nā cí kṳ̆n kò̤ mō̤-kìⁿ kàu hn̆g-hn̆g kò̤;

    stay near here and look away off yonder.

  • bô̤ tī-kò̤ hó̤ thit-thô;

    there is no place to go for recreation.

  • lṳ́ khĭa pàng cí-kò̤;

    you stand here.

  • lṳ́ khṳ̀ cŏ̤ pàng hṳ́-kò̤;

    you go and sit there.

  • tŏ̤ hṳ́ kháu kò̤;

    outside there.

  • tŏ̤ hṳ́ tói kò̤;

    inside there.

  • gūa mīn kò̤;

    on the outside.

  • hái kîⁿ kò̤;

    on the sea-shore.

  • tŏ̤ cí lō piⁿ kò̤;

    here by the roadside.

  • tŏ̤ suaⁿ kha kò̤;

    by the foot of the hill.

  • tŏ̤ mîn-chn̂g ĕ kò̤;

    under the bed.

  • tŏ̤ i thâu-khak téng kò̤;

    above his head.

  • tŏ̤ i sin-piⁿ kò̤;

    upon his person.

  • i tŏ̤ hṳ́ téng kò̤, a sĭ tŏ̤ cí ĕ kò̤?

    Is it up there or down here?

  • jw̆n tī kò̤ hó̤;

    any place will do.

  • bô̤ kò̤ hó̤ hiah;

    no place to lodge.

  • A classifier; a lump; a piece.

  • cêk kò̤ nêk;

    a piece of meat.

  • hṳ́ kò̤ tī jîeh khuah?

    How wide is that piece of land?

  • khîeh kò̤ píaⁿ pun i;

    get a biscuit and give it to her.

  • àiⁿ ke nŏ̤ kò̤;

    I want two lumps more.

  • ku-ā kò̤ pau cò̤ cêk kò̤;

    several pieces wrapped in one bundle.

  • lô̤h kò̤-kíaⁿ pêh-hŵn;

    put in a little bit of alum.

  • kng kò̤ cîeh lâi tú;

    bring a stone and brace it.

  • cang kò̤ châ lâi soih;

    stay it in place by a bit of wood.

  • kô̤-kêh;

    to hinder; to cause delay; to embarrass; to impede.

  • múaⁿ-tī-kò̤ kô̤-kô̤-kêh-kêh, kîaⁿ káng gûeh cìaⁿ kàu;

    was hindered everywhere, and arrived only after a whole month’s travel.

  • cêk tît kàu hṳ́-kò̤ khṳ̀, chŵn bô̤ tíam-kíaⁿ kò̤-kêh tîeh;

    went there at one stretch, and without the least delay anywhere.

  • A conical or cylindrical trap, made of bamboo, for catching fish; it is dragged along the bottom.

  • hṳ̂ kô̤, hê kô̤;

    traps for fish and for prawns.

  • cē jîp kô̤ tói cū bŏi tit chut;

    if they once get into the trap they cannot get out.