A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / kiu | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / kiu

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  • Bent down; compelled to stoop; unable to extricate one’s self.

  • màiⁿ kiu-niu;

    do not double yourself down into a heap.

  • i cò̤-nî kiu-kiu niu-niu, cn̂g kâi m̄ chun-chṳ?

    Why is it that he is bent down double, and does does not straighten himself up at all?

  • To shrink up; to contract; to draw in; to pucker up; to recoil.

  • kiu kàu hṳ́ tói-tói jîp khṳ̀;

    withdrew into the inner recesses.

  • kiu chûn bô̤ tíam-kíaⁿ, tó̤-tó̤;

    shrunk up so that only a little short bit remains.

  • i kiu lío m̄ hàuⁿ chun chut lâi;

    he draws himself in, and will not stretch out again.

  • lṳ́ phìen i chun chut lâi, cē kiaⁿ tîeh, i cū kiu jîp khang tói tìam;

    if you entice him out, as soon as he is frightened he withdraws and hides himself in the depths of his hole again.

  • i tò̤-kiu jîp khṳ̀;

    he has drawn himself back (into his shell).

  • cē phâk ta cū kiu;

    as soon as it is dried in the sun it shrinks.

  • cía pò sói lío ŏi kiu;

    this cloth shrinks in washing.

  • kha kiu bûa, khṳt nâng kùe lō;

    draw in your feet and let people pass.

  • i kâi chiu kiu tŏ̤ saⁿ-ńg tói;

    her hand was drawn up into her sleeve.

  • lṳ́ màiⁿ kiaⁿ i kiu;

    do not scare him so as to make him retreat into his hole.

  • ku kiaⁿ lío, ku thâu kiu jîp khṳ̀;

    when the tortoise is frightened he draws in his head.

  • i àiⁿ kiu lô̤h thô tói, kiu m̄ lī, khṳt úa lîah tîeh;

    he was going to draw himself into the ground, but before he did it, I caught him.

  • thóiⁿ-kìⁿ i lī-hāi cū kiu-thò̤;

    saw it was dangerous and drew back.

  • khṳt i kûaⁿ kiu khṳ̀;

    shrunken with cold.

  • kiu-bûa;

    to contract or draw up.

  • i kâi nâng kiu bûa m̄ káⁿ chṳt lâi;

    he stood huddled up against the wall, and dared not come out.

  • hàm i màiⁿ kiu-niu, káⁿ-káⁿ nē;

    tell him not to shrink back, but to come boldly forward.

  • úa thóiⁿ i cò̤ sṳ̄ cò̤ ŏi kiu-kiu nē?

    I wonder why it is that he acts so timorously: is it because he is incompetent, or because he lacks confidence in himself?

  • àiⁿ kiu, kiu m̄ tit;

    wanted to draw back out of sight, but could not.

  • To walk with short steps.

  • i kîaⁿ khṳ̀ kha kiu-a-kiu, m̄ káⁿ kîaⁿ tōa pō;

    he walks mincingly, not venturing to take long steps.

  • i kîaⁿ khṳ̀ cò̤-nî kiu-kiu nē?

    Why does he walk so carefully?

  • To combine for unlawful purposes.

  • i cò̤-nî káⁿ kíu cèng hăi-tò?

    How dare he lead the people into a feud?

  • úa khṳt i kíu-tîⁿ kàu ùi;

    I have been lead by him till I am sick of it.

  • i cong-kú lâi kíu-kíu tîⁿ-tîⁿ;

    he is all the time coming and involving us in his affairs.

  • khṳt cho̤h sṳ̄ kíu-tîⁿ kàu bŏi tit khui sin;

    was entangled in an affair so that I could not get away.

  • To examine into judicially.

  • káng-kìu;

    to cross-examine.

  • káng-kìu kàu mêng-mêng pêh-pêh;

    inquired into it so as to be quite certain as to the facts.

  • khîong kìu;

    make an exhaustive examination.

  • kìu kéng sĭ cò̤-nî?

    After all, what does it amount to?

  • màiⁿ khṳ̀ chim kìu i;

    do not go and make a profound search into it.

  • tui kìu;

    follow up the investigation.

  • keh câp gūa nî cìaⁿ lâi tui kìu cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄;

    came after a lapse of more than ten years, and pursued the investigation.

  • kuaⁿ cò̤-nî kìu tī i?

    What sort of overhauling did the magistrate give him?

  • cía tîeh ngîam kìu kàu thiet-tói;

    this must be sifted to the bottom.

  • cíeⁿ-seⁿ kìu phōiⁿ khṳ̀ tîeh huap;

    this prosecution has been conducted according to law.

  • phêng jît kháu-kìu tŏ̤ tó lăi;

    turn it over constantly in my own mind.

  • kìu-mn̄g i kâi chêng-îu;

    inquire into the circumstances which led to it.

  • i cò̤ mih sṳ̄ sĭ ŭ káng ŭ kìu, bô̤ thèng cò̤;

    in whatever he does he informs himself in regard to the way it ought to be done, and does not act heedlessly.

  • úa pit àiⁿ kṳn kìu kàu cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ mêng-pêh;

    I shall certainly make a radical examination into this affair until it is cleared up.

  • chíaⁿ kuaⁿ-hú kìu tui;

    ask an official investigation.

  • To assist; to rescue; to save from evil; to liberate; to protect; to prevent from going wrong; relief; salvation.

  • lṳ́ kìu úa cē;

    you come to my deliverance.

  • i cò̤-nî m̄ khéng kìu i?

    Why will he not render him any help?

  • lṳ́ thóiⁿ ŭ kìu mē?

    Do you think there is any deliverance to be hoped for?

  • kìu ŏi tit kîp;

    may succeed in rescuing.

  • bŏi kìu m̄ kîp;

    the help will not be too late.

  • sái nâng lâi thó̤ kìu piaⁿ;

    send some one to ask for a body of troops to be dispatched to their relief.

  • kìu piaⁿ jû kìu húe: cē lâi thó̤ kìu, méⁿ-méⁿ cū tîeh khṳ̀ kìu;

    going to the relief of the troops is like going to help put out fire: as soon as the call for help comes, one must immediately go to the rescue.

  • khí piaⁿ-bé khṳ̀ kìu i;

    raise troops and go to their relief.

  • kìu sèⁿ-mīaⁿ;

    save his life.

  • kíu mīaⁿ cē; kiù mīaⁿ cē!

    Help! Help!

  • kíu khó kìu lāng;

    save from suffering.

  • kìu sì;

    deliver the world.

  • kìu sì cú;

    the Saviour.

  • cău-hùe i lâi tap kìu;

    fortunately he came to the rescue.

  • khṳ̀ pùaⁿ lō tá kìu i;

    went half way and there rescued him.

  • mō̤ⁿ i lâi kìu ĭen;

    hope they will come and raise the siege.

  • kìu-cì khîong-khó hùe;

    help the miserable.

  • cèng-nâng khṳ̀ kìu-hŭ i;

    they all went to his help.

  • méⁿ-méⁿ khṳ̀ kìu kè;

    haste to the rescue.

  • kìu kip;

    deliver when in extremity.

  • kìu seⁿ kêk;

    a life-saving society.

  • khah māng kìu, kìu m̄ tńg;

    the help was rendered too late to be of service.

  • bŏ̤i tit kìu;

    cannot save him.

  • ô̤h kìu;

    difficult to render effective help.

  • bô̤ kìu lío;

    no help will now avail.

  • i bô̤ kìu;

    there is no salvation for him.

  • méⁿ-méⁿ ēng îeh thóiⁿ kìu tit hó̤ mē;

    hasten to apply the remedies and see if he can be saved.

  • thèng kìu thóiⁿ ŏi ûah a bŏi;

    render aid in any way possible and see if his life may be saved.

  • phêng-sî ŭ cí kâi îeh lâi kìu cū cún-cún ûah;

    if he had had this remedy in the beginning he would surely have been saved.

  • kìu phîn;

    succour the poor.

  • ŭ sĭm-mih sĭen huap hó̤ kìu ki-hng?

    What is the best way of rendering relief in famine?

  • hàm-kìe kìu;

    call ont for help.

  • khǹg-pàng ĕ jît hó̤ kìu nâng;

    lay it away and keep it to save some one’s life with at another time.

  • cía sĭ thóiⁿ khṳ̀ kìu pĕ;

    this is apparently such discomfort as one would endure for the sake of rescuing a father.

  • ŭ kìu lío;

    help comes.

  • A ball; globular; spherical.

  • phah kîu;

    to play ball.

  • teng kîu;

    the globe of a lamp.

  • teng-kîu húe-pé;

    a chandelier.

  • sìu kîu hue;

    the Hydrangea.

  • tăⁿ sìu kîu;

    to throw the embroidered ball, to choose a husband.

  • kîu koiⁿ;

    a billiard room.

  • khà kîu;

    play croquet.

  • A corpse laid in a coffin; a coffin with a corpse in it.

  • i kâi kĭu uaⁿ-pàng tĭ-kò̤?

    Where is his coffin placed?

  • lêng-kĭu uaⁿ-pàng tōa thiaⁿ;

    the encoffined corpse lies in the main room.

  • î kĭu;

    to remove an encoffined corpse.

  • thêng-kĭu thêng tŏ̤ tì-kò̤?

    Where is the still unburied corpse deposited?

  • pàng-kĭu;

    an encoffined corpse that remains unburied.

  • chut kĭu;

    carry out the corpse.

  • kng kĭu;

    boar a coffin.

  • sàng kĭu;

    to accompany a funeral.

  • ūn kĭu;

    to take a corpse homo.

  • cǹg kĭu;

    to bury a corpse.

  • lîah lău kĭu;

    seize a body that is left too long unburied.

  • châk kĭu;

    to lacquer a coffin.

  • i kâi kĭu sĭ châk úaⁿ-lêh;

    his coffin is caulked with mortar made from pulverized rice bowls.

  • kĭu íⁿ-keng kàu suaⁿ, toaⁿ sĭ būe cêng lô̤h khùang;

    the body has arrived at the burial-ground, but is not yet lowered into the grave.

  • A fault; an error; a misdemeanor; blame.

  • kâi kĭu àiⁿ kui pàng tī-tîang kò̤?

    On whom is the blame for this error to be laid?

  • i kui kĭu pàng i kò̤;

    he laid the blame on him.

  • níu àiⁿ pàng i kò̤;

    On whom are you going to charge the fault?

  • cía sĭ tī-tîang kâi kĭu?

    Whose fault is it?

  • i put-lêng sî khî-kĭu;

    he cannot shift the reponsibility for this error.