A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / kiah | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / kiah

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  • To pry at sidewise, as in picking a Chinese door.

  • khṳt châk kiah mn̂g jîp khṳ̀;

    had his door pried open by a thief, who got in.

  • mn̂g li khṳt châk kiah khui, mûeh li bŏi m̄ kìⁿ;

    the door was pried open by a thief, but nothing was missing.

  • To bring to mind; to make known; to borrow.

  • kiah toaⁿ;

    a promissory note.

  • kiah hăng;

    debts; liabilities.

  • kiah sìo;

    borrowed moneys.

  • ŭ kiah hío chut lâi a būe?

    Has the list of successful candidates been published yet?

  • tó̤ hṳ́-kò̤ kiah ŭ kîeh cōi ngṳ̂n?

    How much money did he get there ?

  • To open up, or out; to spread or distribute around; to lift; to separate by a jerk.

  • kiah khui;

    to lift apart; to thrust aside; to open up as to the air or to the light.

  • kiah khui pò-lîam cū thóiⁿ-kìⁿ;

    lifted the curtain and saw it.

  • cúa kiah khui khṳt i lā;

    lift the bundles of paper out and spread them so that they will air.

  • kiah tōa lâk cū kiah tit khui;

    lift with force and then you can lift them apart.

  • A patten; a wooden shoe or clog, used in rainy weather.

  • chēng sang kâi âng phûe kîah;

    wear a pair of pattens with red upper leathers.

  • khôk-khôk-kìe, chēng sang châ-thâu kîah cū lâi;

    came clamping along in a pair of wooden clogs.

  • cang kîah;

    pattens made from the fiber of the coir palm.

  • úai cîh kiah kha;

    broke the heel off the patten by stepping on the side of the foot.

  • ciap kîah kha;

    put a new sipport under the patten.

  • tèng kîah phò;

    a shop when clogs are made.

  • kîah kha ìn lío kâi ūi kâi ūi;

    tracks made with muddy pattens.

  • thô téng kâi kîah ūi kâi kîah ūi;

    tracks made with pattens on the mud.

  • kîah-kíaⁿ khà cheng-khih, cò̤ i khṳ̀;

    shook the dust off his pattens and went.