A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / khuang | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / khuang

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  • A frame, or casing.

  • mn̂g-khuang;

    the casing of a door.

  • kiaⁿkhuang;

    a picture frame.

  • cîeh mn̂g-táu-khuang;

    a stone door-frame.

  • To subvert; to waste.

  • tì-kàu khuang ke;

    to bring about the overthrow of a family.

  • i khṳt cí kâi kíaⁿ-tĭ, jṳ́ kàu khuang ke tŏng sáng;

    the family was impoverished by this son’s squandering of its substance.

  • i kâi ke cū sĭ khṳt i hāi kàu khuang khṳ̀;

    their family has been impoverished by him.

  • chù khuang-tó̤ khṳ̀; the house has fallen in ruins.

  • khuang sîaⁿ khuang kok;

    subvert the city and overturn the empire.

  • A pen; a coop; a circle; a ring.

  • ang-cun khuang;

    a quail pen.

  • lîah tîeh nŏ̤ ciah peh-mâk-khuang;

    caught two of the birds which have a ring of white around their eyes.

  • lâi khṳ̀ cío khuang tèng thóiⁿ nâng phah cío;

    let us go to the cock-pit and see the fighting.

  • thìo m̄ chut khuang;

    cannot jump over the boundary of the cock-pit.

  • phah su kâi cū pue chut khuang;

    the one beaten in the fight flies out of the pen.

  • cêk khuang âng-âng céng khí lâi;

    a red circle swelled up.

  • An instant; a moment; just now.

  • khúang-khek bô lî;

    were not separated for a moment.

  • khúang-khek cṳ kang cū ŏi hwt gê hwt hîeh, khui hue, kit cí;

    in an instant of time it buds, puts forth leaves, blossoms and bears fruit.

  • To confer, as a largess or bounty.

  • thien khùang;

    the airing clothes festival, on the 6th of the 6th moon.

  • àiⁿ ēng cò̤ khùang ngî, a sĭ àiⁿ lô̤h cò̤ kău khùang?

    Shall I speak of it as “a suitable present” or as “a generous gift”?

  • Furthermore; moreover; a time; a period.

  • ho khùang sĭ lṳ́!

    How much the more since it is you!

  • khùang kiam i īu m̄ tŏ̤;

    and besides all that, he is not at home.

  • khùang-chíaⁿ thiⁿ īu lô̤h hŏ, cò̤-nî hó̤ khṳ̀?

    And in addition to all that, it rains, so how can we go?

  • khùang-īu nî lău;

    moreover he is advanced in years.

  • ho khùang sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    and how much the more since it is thus.

  • kéng khùang căi-seⁿ?

    How go the times with you?

  • cìeⁿ-sî kâi kéng-khùang hó mē?

    Do the times go well with you lately?

  • cṳ̆-lâi kâi kéng khùang to m̄ hó̤, taⁿ ciaⁿ cĭam-cĭam hó̤;

    heretofore the times have gone ill with me, now they are gradually improving.

  • The vault or pit under a tomb; a solitude.

  • líu cêk kâi khùang;

    dig a grave.

  • chwn khùang;

    make a vault for a coffin.

  • cí kháu phûn hṳ́ tói sĭ sang khùang kâi;

    this grave has within it two vaults for coffins.

  • kū nî bó̤ siu-sîp, kâi khùang thâp lô̤h khṳ̀;

    it has not been repaired for many years, and the vault has caved in.

  • khùang tói kâi muêh sṳ̆ lí hó̤, kĭu cìaⁿ hó̤ lôh khùang;

    after all things are arranged in the vault, the coffin may then be lowered into it.

  • khùang-iá;

    a desert; a wilderness.

  • Imprudent; extravagant; rash.

  • i kâi chíu-thâu khùang căi;

    he is very free-handed.

  • i kâi chiu-thâu khùang kùiⁿ-sìⁿ, mih sṳ̄ to sĭ khùang-khùang lí-kẃn sái;

    he is accustomed to be free-handed, and on all occasions he spends rashly and extravagantly.

  • cí kâi ēng cîⁿ li khah khùang, ci kâi ēng cîⁿ li khah siap;

    the one uses money too imprudently, while the other is too close-fisted.

  • Vacant; empty; waste; extensive.

  • khong-khong khùang-khùang;

    waste and void.

  • ṳ̂-gūa hŵn-chûn cêk kò̤ khùang tī khuah-khuah;

    there remains besides an extensive piece of unoccupied ground.

  • hāng lâi ŭ cêk kâi khùang tîaⁿ;

    in this alley there is a wide vacant area.

  • khùang tîaⁿ ciu ûi ŭ it jī câp ke;

    around this waste space are ten or twenty houses, with families dwelling in them.

  • Mad; insane; raving; wild.

  • ngŏ̤ tîeh cêk ciah khûang káu jw̆n pui;

    came across a rabid dog barking furiously.

  • i cò̤ sṳ̄ khûang-búang căi;

    he acts in a very eccentric manner.

  • tàⁿ ūe màiⁿ khûang-khûang búang-búang thèng tàⁿ;

    do not talk in that extravagant and incoherent way.

  • cíu cē lô̤h tó cū khûang;

    as soon as he swallows liquor he becomes crazed.

  • i sĭ hwt khûang, m̄-hó̤ khṳ̀ chái i;

    he is out of his head, pay no attention to him.

  • i kâi sù-sèⁿ khûang căi;

    he is very rash and headstrong.

  • khûang-khûang lí-lí ēng;

    go ahead and use without judgment.

  • khûang huang méⁿ hŏ;

    furious gusts and driving rain.

  • Aslant; falling; inclined.

  • khŭang-khŭang-tó̤;

    upset; subverted.

  • i kúi nâng pēⁿ kàu khŭang-khŭang-tó̤;

    they are all prostrated with disease.

  • in-ûi cò̤ kú hŏ, cho̤h chù cn̂g kâi khŭang-khŭang-tó̤;

    on account of the long continued rain, the houses are all tumbling down.