A grade; a degree in office.
i sĭ sĭm-mih pín khip?
Of what grade is he?
kia ke saⁿ khip;
promoted three grades.
cêk khip cêk khip khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ seng;
gradually advanced a grade at a time.
in-ûi gō kong sṳ̄ kàng khip;
degraded on account of mistakes in public business.
kàng khip, thîo ēng;
degrade in rank and send elsewhere for use.
To inhale.
khip i kâi khì;
breathe its exhalations.
khip cêk kâi khùi tn̂g-tn̂g;
draw in a very long breath.
khùi cêk ē khip-jîp cĭu àiⁿ thìaⁿ;
when I draw in my breath it hurts me.
cêk u cêk khip;
one exhalation of breath to one inhalation.
To draw forth; to imbibe; to head, as doctrine or example.
i cong jît hûang-hûang khip-khip, to sĭ ēng kang;
he gives earnest heed the whole day long, and is very diligent.
i cò̤ sṳ̄ hûang-hûang khip-khip, khṳ̂n-kṳ́n căi;
he does things heedfully, and is very earnest and attentive.
Cautious; wary; solicitous, lest a thing miscarry.
kìⁿ-tîeh nĕ khîp-khîp;
became very apprehensive on seeing it.
kiaⁿ kàu khîp-khîp;
wary through dread.
khîp-khîp, m̄ káⁿ tin-tăng;
dare do nothing, for fear of results.