By or from the emperor; respectfully.
an imperial commissioner.
khim sṳ̀ hâng-lîm;
made a member of the Imperial Academy by royal grant.
pàng khim-che khṳ̀ chê-phōiⁿ;
send an ambassador to examine into and adjudicate.
cīeⁿ-jît sĭ khim hŏng kùe sĭang jŭ kâi;
lately respectfully received the imperial mandate.
khang-hi jī-tíen sĭ khim tīaⁿ kâi cṳ;
Khang Hi’s dictionary is one of the books printed by order of the government.
cía sĭ khim mĕng kâi kuaⁿ;
this is one raised to official rank by imperial command.
nâng-nâng to sĭ khim-khim kèng-kèng i;
every one honors him.
khim cun hûang-sĭang kâi cí khṳ̀ kîaⁿ;
act in accordance with the imperial wishes.
khim hŭam;
a state prisoner.
The lapel of a coat, which used to distinguish the gentry as the gowned class; the bosom; the feelings.
lṳ́ kâi àiⁿ ka cò̤ tōa tâng a sĭ ka cò̤ khih khim?
Do you want yours cut so as to button under the arm, or half way between the front and the left shoulder?
i kio úa sĭ khim hiaⁿ-tĭ;
he and I are brothers-in-law.
ō̤, lṳ́ kio i sĭ lîen-khim! Oh, you and he are the husbands of two sisters are you!
i kâi heng-khim khuah-tâk;
he is very large-hearted.
jŭ kak hieⁿ-lí kâi khim-khî kak nâng kak nâng iak-sok kíaⁿ-tĭ;
order the learned and the elders in each village to keep the young men in subjection.
To clutch; to grasp by the collar; to seize.
i khṳt i khím lâi;
he was seized and brought here by him.
lṳ́ ā sĭ kiaⁿ-ùi khím i m̄ lâi, hàm ke cêk nâng sie-hŭ khím; if you fear that you cannot seize and bring him, call another man to help in arresting him.
khím i kâi piⁿ;
caught him by the queue.
khím i kâi heng-kuaⁿ-côiⁿ;
seize him by the lapel of his tunic.
khím so̤h;
caught hold on a rope.
To seize as a hawk does; to grasp; to clutch.
lîah mûaⁿ-ciah su ēng khîm hóⁿ lâk;
in catching a sparrow the skill that would catch a tiger must be used.
khîm châk su khîm ûang;
in seizing rebels, their leader must be caught.
khîm lîah; khîm ûak; to arrest.
Flying and feathered creatures.
khîm sìu;
birds and beasts.
the feathered tribes.
cí khí nâng kio khîm sìu, bô̤ ĭ;
such people are not in any way different from wild animals.
cí khí kîaⁿ-ûi sĭ khîm-sìu kâi kîaⁿ-ûi, m̄ sĭ nâng kâi kîaⁿ-ûi;
this conduct is that of a beast, not that of a human being.
A Chinese lute; a harpsicord.
tôaⁿ khîm; thâng khîm;
to thrum the strings of a lute.
khîm tôaⁿ lâi hó̤ thiaⁿ căi;
the lute is well played.
khîm sùaⁿ;
khîm sùaⁿ soiⁿ hûa hó̤ lío cìaⁿ lâi tôaⁿ;
first atune the strings of the lute and then play.
lṳ́ ŏi phah îo-khîm a bŏi?
Do you play the zithern?
i sĭ pat cŏ̤ kùe khî m-tn̂g kâi nâng;
he is one who has sat on the judge’s bench.
poih im khîm;
a music box.
thâng khîm put jîp gû jṳ́;
it is useless to thrum the lute to a buffalo.
cí cêk kèⁿ khîm kâi im ío hó̤;
this lute has a finer tone.
thiaⁿ khîm tô̤-pī;
heard the sound of his lute, and fled.
khîm, kìam, cṳ, sieⁿ, siu-sîp hó̤-hó̤;
had all his accoutrements ready.