A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / khang | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / khang

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  • Labor; work.

  • i tó̤ cò̤ khàng-khùe;

    he is at work.

  • i kâi khang-khùe lō tn̂g căi;

    he is able to do a vast amount of work.

  • ciu jît gîap-gîap to sĭ cò̤ khang-khue;

    is at work incessantly all day long.

  • i tó̤ cò̤ mih khang-khùe?

    What sort of work is he doing?

  • cí kâi, chú i kâi khang-khùe lō hó̤;

    take this one on account of his ability to work.

  • cho khang-khùe;

    coarse work.

  • Empty; vacant; unoccupied.

  • khang chù;

    an empty house.

  • phò íⁿ-keng puaⁿ khang hâiⁿ úa lío;

    everything is moved out from the shop, and it is delivered over to me.

  • m̄ hó̤ sái i khang chíu tńg khṳ̀;

    do not send him back empty handed.

  • hăm ke nâng cáu kàu khang-khang;

    the whole family have run away.

  • khang-khak;


  • cí kâi gê-cí khang-khang khak-khak, bô̤ nek;

    this cocoa-nut is perfectly hollow, and has no meat in it.

  • tâng mn̂g- khí-cá cîah kàu taⁿ tn̂g khang tó khang;

    since breakfast this morning my stomach has remained unfilled.

  • cêk sieⁿ mûeh khṳt châk thau kàu khang-khang;

    the whole trunkful of things was taken by the thief, and nothing left.

  • khang tī;

    unoccupied land.

  • khang chùi tàⁿ, bô̤ thóiⁿ cheh;

    say it off without looking at your book.

  • khang pak;

    an empty belly.

  • bōi kàu khang-khang;

    all sold off.

  • sái i tó̤ khang sĭeⁿ;

    set him to vainly wishing.

  • chíu m̄ khang;

    have no unemployed hand; am busy.

  • A hole; an orifice; an aperture.

  • cam khang;

    the eye of a needle.

  • ûai phīⁿ-khang mô̤ⁿ;

    dig the hairs from the nostrils.

  • hĭⁿ khang;

    the ear passages.

  • khang kíaⁿ;

    a very small orifice.

  • líu kâi khang;

    dig a hole.

  • hṳ́ kâi khang ŭ jîeh chim?

    How deep is that hole?

  • khui kâi khang khṳt i thong khì;

    make an aperture for ventilation.

  • sìo thĭo châk khang;

    reckon the number of pillars and then chisel out the mortises.

  • mâk khang khuah;

    has large eyes.

  • suaⁿ khang;

    a cave.

  • cûa khang;

    a serpent’s hole.

  • nío-chṳ́ khang;


  • mông tîeh bô̤ khang bô̤ uh;

    could feel no crevices.

  • khang sún tàu lâi m̄ kín;

    the mortise and tenon are not tightly joined.

  • bùn jîp khang;

    wriggled into his hole.

  • To haul along, to pull, to lead, to lug in, to induce.

  • nŏ̤ nâng sie khang chíu tó̤ kîaⁿ;

    the two were pulling each other along by the hand.

  • khang i kîaⁿ;

    pull him along by the hand.

  • khang gû;

    lead a buffalo by a rope.

  • cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ khang-lîen kàu tōa bó̤ mûeh nâng;

    this affair compromises a great number of people.

  • úa kio i bô̤ khang bô̤ khùa;

    I am in no way connected with him.

  • khang-máng;

    haul along.

  • khang-khieh kàu i sêng jîn;

    help him on till he is of age.

  • khang ciah kâu;

    lead a monkey about.

  • cū sĭ khang káu lô̤h îu thng;

    it is leading a dog to the frying pan.

  • cū sĭ i tó̤ khang-ín;

    it is he who brings it upon us.

  • To lead by the hand.

  • khang i kâi chíu;

    lead him by the hand.

  • nŏ̤ nâng sie khang chíu;

    the two took hold of hands.

  • khang i cò̤-pû khṳ̀;

    lead him along with you.

  • khang a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ;

    to lead a child.

  • khang-thòa i lâi;

    pull him along by the hand.

  • To tow; to connect by a cord.

  • khîeh tîo sùaⁿ lâi khang i tùe;

    take a thread and join it on.

  • khîeh tîo so̤h-kíaⁿ lâi khang;

    take a cord and tow it after.

  • A healthy body and quiet mind.

  • i lău nâng jîeh khang-kĭen!

    What a hale old man he is!

  • lṳ́ lău nâng kâi khì-thói khang-kĭen căi;

    venerable sir, you are very hale and hearty.

  • khang-hi jī-tíen ŭ sa-câp gūa pńg, ŭ saⁿ sì bw̄n jī.

    Khang Hi’s dictionary is in over thirty volumes and contains thirty or forty thousand characters.

  • Magnanimous; decided in a good cause; generous.

  • cí kâi nâng câp-hun khang-khài;

    this person is very public-spirited.

  • i kẃn-thăi nâng to sĭ khang-khang khài-khài;

    he always treats one with great liberality.

  • cí kâi li khah khang-khài, hṳ́ kâi li khah nioh-sioh;

    this one is too liberal, and that one is too narrow minded.

  • The depression in the face where the eye is.

  • mâk khang o-o;

    dark circles around the eyes.

  • mâk khang chim-chim;

    the eyes sunken.

  • Blank; to leave a space; an interval; a deficit; un-employed.

  • ṳ̆ ìn khàng pêh;

    previously stamped in blank.

  • cí cêk kâi gûeh bô̤ cêk jît ŏi khàng;

    this month there is not a day unoccupied.

  • sím kàu i cē lô̤h khàng cū toah phah;

    continued the trial till there was an interim and then threatened and beat him.

  • cìeⁿ-sî cū khàng ku-ā jît bô̤ cò̤;

    lately there was an interval of several days when nothing was done.

  • khàng kâi keh lío, cìaⁿ lâi sía;

    leave one space empty and then write.

  • i kâi ūe tàⁿ lâi bŏi lô̤h khàng;

    he talked on without any pause.

  • khí chûn ŭ cêk kò̤ khàng tī;

    after building, a piece of unused ground was left.

  • A wide couch; a divan.

  • khàng-kí, tieⁿ cò̤ jîeh cōi cîⁿ?

    How much did you pay apiece for the divan tables?

  • úa àiⁿ cò̤ tieⁿ tōa khàng-chn̂g;

    I wish to make a divan.

  • khàng-chn̂g téng pái tieⁿ khàng-kí;

    on the divan was a divan table.

  • i la i cŏ̤ khàng, i m̄ káⁿ cŏ̤;

    he pressed him to sit on the divan, but he would not presume to do so.

  • To look at with displeasure.

  • mâk khàng-khàng tŏ̤ thóiⁿ i;

    glared at him.

  • lṳ́ thóiⁿ i kâi mâk khàng-khàng, i sĭ hĕng i kâi īeⁿ;

    see how he looks at him askance, as if he hated him.

  • Excessive; violent; strong.

  • thiⁿ-sî khah khàng ŭaⁿ;

    the season is one of excessive drought.

  • cí kâi tī-hng khah khàng îang;

    this place is excessively bare and destitute of shade.

  • i kâi mêh khah khàng îang;

    his pulse is very high.

  • i cò̤ lâi put pui, put khàng, khap-khap hâh lói;

    he was neither obsequious nor arrogant, but simply polite.

  • To dry by a fire; to toast; a brick bed.

  • khîeh khṳ̀ húe tèng khàng;

    put it by the fire and dry it.

  • cía khàng lâi m̄ so;

    this is not toasted enough to make it crisp.

  • khàng kàu chiah-pauh chiah-pauh;

    toast it till it is brown.

  • phah húe khàng;

    make a brick bed, under which a slow fire may be made, to keep the bed warm.

  • To resist; to oppose; to rebel against.

  • khàng kṳ̆;

    stand in opposition.

  • khàng cí;

    resist the will of the emperor.

  • i khàng nîe jîeh kú lío;

    how long has he refused to pay the land tax.

  • i cò̤-nî káⁿ khàng kuaⁿ?

    How dare he resist the magistrate?

  • i īa sĭ khàng tẁn m̄ cun cū tîeh phah;

    if he resists and refuses to obey he must be beaten.

  • To examine; to take a careful view of.

  • khàng-sìeⁿ;

    take a careful view.

  • cē sòi sim khàng-sìeⁿ cū cai;

    if you consider it carefully you will know.

  • m̄ khàng-sìeⁿ to m̄ cai;

    without examination of it, I cannot know.

  • To hold in both hands, as in offering to a superior.

  • khṳ̀ kàu, i cū khâng tê lâi cîah;

    when we arrived she brought tea for us to drink.

  • chō̤ cò̤ cêk tháng-pûaⁿ khâng lâi;

    put them all on a salver and bring them.

  • To engrave blocks for printing.

  • khâng ŭ póiⁿ a bô̤?

    Are there blocks for printing it?

  • khâng-kheh bûn-jī;

    to engrave characters on wood.