A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / khùai | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / khùai

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  • Glad; cheerful; pleasure; alacrity; rapid; prompt.

  • khùai-lâk;

    in good spirits.

  • ciu-jît to sĭ khùai-khùai lâk-lâk, míen hwn-ló̤;

    is as happy as the day is long, and has no occasion for sorrow.

  • khùai-ì;


  • cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ cò̤ khṳ̀ khùai-ì căi;

    this affair has come about in a very satisfactory way.

  • cí kâi ūi-chṳ̀ sĭm sĭ lîang-khùai;

    this place is delightfully cool.

  • sóng-khùai; comfortable;

    easy and contented.

  • i mih-sṳ̄ to sĭ sóng-sóng khùai-khùai, bŏi khu-thì;

    everything goes smoothly with him, and he has nothing to bother him.

  • sin-cīeⁿ m̄ sóng-khùai;

    is quite unwell.

  • cêk sî cṳ khùai;

    a moment’s pleasure.

  • i tó̤ tng bé-khùai;

    he is a thief detector in a magistrate’s office.

  • khùai-pang;


  • khùai cûn;

    a fast boat.

  • khùai hia;

    military boots.

  • thìang khùai;


  • tàⁿ lâi thìang- khùai căi;

    very sharply said.

  • To cut off, to amputate, to decollate; to cut in two.

  • khùai-cṳ́-síu;

    au executioner.

  • i sĭ sĭang mîaⁿ-ke kâi khùai-cṳ́-síu, cêk hûe ŏi thâi kúi peh nâng, cêk nâng cêk ē to;

    he is a very expert headsman, and can decapitate several hundred men at one time, with one stroke of the knife to each.