A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / khíu | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / khíu

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  • Dandruff; scurf; dirt grimed in.

  • kueh tīo i kâi o khíu;

    scrape off the black scurf.

  • nah-sap kàu cí téng chĭeⁿ têng khíu;

    so dirty as to have a layer of scurf formed upon it.

  • thâu-khíu cōi căi;

    his head is covered with dandruff.

  • tîeh ŭ sie-sie kâi cúi, hṳ́ têng khíu cìaⁿ chìu tit khṳ̀;

    you must have very hot water and then the layer of dirt may be scrubbed off.

  • cía tîeh ŭ hwn-kán cìaⁿ sói i kâi khíu, tit cheng-khih;

    in order to wash this grime off clean, soap must be used.

  • To grasp; to clutch; to pinch up.

  • khíu cŭ;

    gather up in a lump by grasping.

  • khíu kín;

    clutch tightly.

  • khíu i kâi piⁿ;

    clutch his queue.

  • khíu i kâi heng-côiⁿ;

    clutched him on his chest.

  • khíu kín-kín m̄ khéng pàng;

    clutched him tightly and would not let go.

  • khíu kàu i hueh lâu;

    nabbed him so as to make the blood start out.

  • To implore, to seek, to aim at.

  • ai khîu;

    sadly beg.

  • khṳ́n khîu;

    earnestly beseech.

  • hŭam sṳ̄ m̄-hó̤ khah kho̤ khîu;

    nothing should be too peremptorily demanded.

  • khî-khîu hŏ-cêk;

    pray for rain.

  • ŭ khîu pit èng;

    the demand brings the supply.

  • sì-sôk kâi nâng m̄ sĭ khîu mîaⁿ cū sĭ khîu lĭ;

    common people, if they are not seeking fame are seeking gain.

  • khîu châi;

    endeavor to gain wealth.

  • khîu châi bŏi pit cū tit châi: khîu kong-mîaⁿ bŏi pit cū tit kong-mîaⁿ: hŭam sṳ̄ sĭ khîu ka-kī cìaⁿ chiet-ìo;

    if you strive for wealth, you are not certain to gain it: if you strive for fame you may fail to get it: in all things strive for self-mastery and that which is most important will be attained.

  • pù-kùi m̄ hó̤ búang khîu;

    seek not to gain honor and riches by unworthy means.

  • múaⁿ-tī-kò̤ khîu, sîn mn̄g hût;

    entreating the gods everywhere.

  • pín-khîu;

    to petition.

  • nâng to̤-to̤ ŭ khîu kau hẃn ti, khîu îong hẃn jôk kâi;

    people often seek for a high position and get a low one instead, they seek for glory and on the contrary are disgraced.

  • tho̤h nâng khṳ̀ khîu chin;

    commission some one to intercede with his relations.

  • khîu nâng jû thun saⁿ-chùn-kìam;

    to entreat people is like swallowing a three inch blade.

  • thô mīn kōi ǹg, nâng mīn lâng khîu;

    to depend on the face of the earth for support is easy, to supplicate before the face of man is hard.

  • put khîu jîn;

    need not ask anybody for it; a back-scratcher.

  • i mih sṳ̄ ŏi, mín ēng khîu-sĭ nâng;

    he can do all sorts of things and need ask help from none.

  • khîu cṳ́;

    pray for the gift of offspring.

  • khîu sīu;

    pray for long life.

  • cía sṳ̄ m̄ hò̤ kíang-khîu;

    it is not well to pray for this too importunately.

  • Afraid; pale and trembling.

  • kiaⁿ kàu khâp-khâp-khīu;

    so frightened that he was white and trembling.

  • kiaⁿ kàu khīu bŏi tit hiah;

    quaking with fright.

  • chìn kàu khīu;

    shivering with cold.

  • sieh kàu khīu;

    tremblingly careful of.

  • Hard from being underdone.

  • pn̄g khah khīu, cîah m̄ lô̤h;

    the rice is too little cooked, I cannot eat it.

  • mī tîeh sah khīu cē, m̄ hó̤ⁿ khah mîⁿ;

    the vermicelli must be but slightly boiled, do not boil it too soft.