A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / kùiⁿ | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / kùiⁿ

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  • Accustomed; used to; inured to.

  • ēng tîeh m̄ kùiⁿ-sìⁿ;

    he is not accustomed to the use of it.

  • iang-o̤ lío le kùiⁿ-sìⁿ;

    accustomed to indulgence.

  • i tâng soiⁿ cîah kùiⁿ;

    he was accustomed to eating it before.

  • chēng kùiⁿ;

    used to wearing it.

  • cí-kò̤ khĭa-khí kùiⁿ lío, pât kò̤ ùi khĭa-khí m̄ kùiⁿ;

    have lived here till I am habituated to the place and fear I should not feel at home elsewhere.

  • taⁿ i cò̤ khṳ̀ nĕ kùiⁿ-kùiⁿ nē;

    he has now practised it till he is very familiar with the way of doing it.

  • High; tall.

  • i kâi cì-khì kûiⁿ;

    his aspirations are high.

  • taⁿ cū cìeⁿ kûiⁿ tōa lío!

    How much he has grown!

  • i sui sĭ cìeⁿ kûiⁿ cìeⁿ tōa hŵn-lío sĭ a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ khì;

    although he is so large, he is still a child in his ways.

  • cìeⁿ-sî kâi kè kûiⁿ;

    the present price is high.

  • cí īeⁿ kâi kè ío kûiⁿ;

    this sort is of still higher price.

  • ŭ ío kûiⁿ kâi a bô̤?

    Have you any taller ones?

  • bô̤, cū sĭ cí hō̤ sĭang kûiⁿ lío;

    this sort is the tallest we have.

  • nín nŏ̤ nâng phit thóiⁿ tī-tîang kûiⁿ;

    you two stand up here and see which is the taller.

  • ŭ kâi kûiⁿ, ŭ kâi ói;

    some are tall and some are short.

  • cêk tn̆g kûiⁿ, káu chieh bô̤ ēng;

    for reaching to a height of ten feet, a nine foot pole is useless.

  • i kâi nâng kûiⁿ-tio kûiⁿ-tio;

    he is tall and slender.

  • lṳ́ kâi chíu khîeh-khí kûiⁿ;

    lift your arm high.

  • thèⁿ kûiⁿ cē;

    prop it up higher.

  • i ío kûiⁿ mîaⁿ;

    his name stands higher on the list.

  • i kâi sin-hàng bô̤ hìeⁿ kûiⁿ, ngó-tún ngó-tún nē;

    he is not very tall, but is sturdy and well built.

  • cí kâi ŭ jîeh kûiⁿ?

    How tall is this?

  • àiⁿ cò̤ kúi tn̆g kûiⁿ?

    How many tens of feet high are you going to make it?

  • i nâng kûiⁿ tōa;

    he is a large man.

  • kàu sì ngŏ chùn kûiⁿ;

    it is four or five inches high.

  • i ŏi chēng kûiⁿ kîah-thô̤;

    she wears high heels.

  • cía īa-sĭ tîⁿ sang kha, siu kâi thâu lô̤h khṳ̀ to kio tōa nâng pêⁿ-pêⁿ kûiⁿ ló;

    if she were to bind her feet, and arrange a coiffure, she would be as tall as a grown person.

  • peh cĭeⁿ kûiⁿ-kûiⁿ kâi suaⁿ téng;

    climb a high hill.

  • tah kâi pêⁿ kûiⁿ-kûiⁿ;

    make a high platform.

  • jît chut ho̤h kûiⁿ lío;

    the sun is already high.

  • kûiⁿ suaⁿ kûiⁿ chîo tùi;

    high hills have high hills to face them.

  • uang-uang kûiⁿ;

    tall and personable.

  • A political division answering to a district; the fifth order of territorial divisions, sometimes called a county.

  • i kíaⁿ tó̤ cò̤ kūiⁿ kuaⁿ;

    his son is district magistrate.

  • hīn jīm móng kò̤ kâi ti-kūiⁿ;

    is now filling the office of district magistrate in a certain place.

  • kūiⁿ sîaⁿ;

    district cities.

  • káu kūiⁿ;

    the nine districts.

  • nín sĭ tī cêk kūiⁿ kẃn kâi?

    In which district are you?

  • kūiⁿ cú; kūiⁿ thài-îa;

    the district magistrate.

  • kūiⁿ ô̤h;

    the district examinations.

  • keh kūiⁿ;

    the adjoining district.

  • lîn kūiⁿ;

    neighboring districts.

  • nŏ̤ kūiⁿ kiam kài;

    the two districts are contiguous.

  • suaⁿ kūiⁿ;

    a mountainous district.

  • sĭ tōa kūiⁿ a sĭ síe kūiⁿ?

    Is it a large or a small district?

  • cí-kò̤ sĭ sôk tī cêk kūiⁿ hūn kẃn?

    What district magistrate holds this place under his jurisdiction?

  • síu kūiⁿ;

    the chief district.

  • kūiⁿ gê-mn̂g;

    the district yamun.

  • kūiⁿ sêng;

    the deputy magistrate of the district.

  • kūiⁿ-kháu kháu ŵn a būe?

    Are the district examinations through with yet?

  • A case with drawers or a door; a press; a locker; a chest.

  • tōa kūiⁿ, kūiⁿ kíaⁿ;

    large and small lockers.

  • chn̂g-kūiⁿ;

    a sideboard.

  • to̤h-kūiⁿ;

    a side table with drawers.

  • kūiⁿ-thâi;

    a counter in a shop.

  • cúi kūiⁿ;

    large covered water-jars.

  • lō kūiⁿ;

    water jars kept along the street, as a precaution against fires.