A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / jip | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / jip

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  • To enter; to enter upon; to put in.

  • cía hùe sĭ àiⁿ jîp kháu kâi a sĭ àiⁿ chut kháu kâi?

    Are these goods for importation or for exportation?

  • mûeh hó̤, siu jîp cí lâi;

    when you have done them all up, put them in here.

  • sûi nâng to sĭ chut jîp cí kâi mn̂g;

    everybody goes in and out at this door.

  • seng-lí to̤ bô̤ cîⁿ hó̤ jîp;

    there is nothing coming in from the business.

  • cìeⁿ-sî bô̤ mih cîⁿ jîp chíu;

    there is but little money coming in lately.

  • cē ŭ cîⁿ jîp chíu cū sàng-hâiⁿ lṳ́;

    as soon as I have any money in hand I will pay you.

  • i thiaⁿ ūe to thiaⁿ m̄ jîp hĭⁿ;

    what he hears does not enter into his mind.

  • m̄ sie jîp;


  • lṳ́ tîeh cai jîp sìo;

    you must remember to enter it in account.

  • tiang-sî àiⁿ jîp húe?

    When are you to begin to live in that house?

  • i tó̤ chut kuaⁿ jîp hú;

    he has official visitors coming and going.

  • i thóiⁿ khṳ̀ jîp sîn;

    he has studied it till he is versed in it.

  • só̤ jîp put hu só̤ chut;

    his income is not equal to his outlay?

  • tîeh lĭang jîp ûi chut;

    estimate your income to see what you can expend.

  • i tiang-sî jîp ô̤h?

    When does he enter school?

  • jîp sìu-châi kàu taⁿ jîeh kú?

    How long is it since he took his degree of A.M.?

  • thóiⁿ m̄ jîp mâk;

    it does not please my eye.

  • thóiⁿ tit jîp mâk;

    pleasing to the eye.

  • i cho̤h ūe tàⁿ khṳ̀ jîp chêng jîp lí;

    what he said was reasonable.

  • bô̤ i jîp lâi;

    will not allow him to enter.

  • àiⁿ jîp mîⁿ;

    will stuff it with cotton.

  • jîp côiⁿ mn̂g a jîp ău mn̂g?

    Did he go in by the front door or by the back door?

  • jîp lâi cí lăi cŏ̤;

    come in here and sit down.

  • cí-kò̤ hó̤ jîp khṳ̀ mē?

    Can we go in here?

  • cò̤-pû jîp lâi thóiⁿ;

    go in together and see.

  • cò̤-nî bŏi tit jîp?

    Why will it not go in?

  • kōi-kōi cū jîp;

    it will go in easily.

  • jîp kong-hŭe;

    enter a club.

  • ngî jîp, put ngî chut;

    takes in but does not give out.

  • tāⁿ jîp bô̤ tāⁿ chut;

    makes mistakes in his own favour but not otherwise.