A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / jṳ́ | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / jṳ́

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  • Near; at hand; proximate.

  • íen jṳ́ thŵn mîaⁿ;

    celebrated far and near.

  • hia jṳ́ kui sim;

    in remote and in neighboring places, all hearts turn to him.

  • kùe nî tŏ̤ jṳ́;

    the end of the year is at hand.

  • To daub; to befoul; to defile.

  • chíu-ńg jṳ́ kàu nah-sap;

    have daubed your sleeve so that it is dirty.

  • cêk koiⁿ jṳ́ kàu nah-tī, nah-sap;

    the whole place is daubed with dirt.

  • màiⁿ jṳ́ tîeh i;

    do not get daubed by it.

  • jṳ́ tîeh îu;

    daubed with paint.

  • chíu màiⁿ jṳ́ tîeh bâk;

    do not get ink on your hands.

  • kha jṳ́ tîeh thô-kau-mûe;

    his feet are daubed with soft mud.

  • The organ of hearing.

  • sĭ chîo-thêng kâi jṳ́ mâk kuaⁿ;

    is an official who acts as eyes and ears to the ruler.

  • ēng i tó̤ cò̤ jṳ́ mâk;

    use him for ears and eyes.

  • hīn-khek kâi kuaⁿ-hú jṳ́ mâk kṳ̆n căi;

    the present magistrate is very sharp eyed and quick eared.

  • jṳ́ mâk khuah;

    a wide range for seeing and hearing.

  • To spread out thin, as ointment on a plaister.

  • jṳ́ câu-câu;

    spread it of uniform thickness.

  • kô màiⁿ jṳ́ khah khuah;

    do not spread the paste over too large a space.

  • ko̤-îeh jṳ́ pô̤h- pô̤h;

    spread the ointment very thin.

  • Yet; then; a particle confirming or ending off.

  • jṳ̂ íⁿ;

    that is all.

  • put kùe cìeⁿ-seⁿ jṳ̂ íⁿ;

    only this and nothing more.

  • sĭang ŏi sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ jṳ̂ íⁿ-íⁿ;

    the utmost that I can do is this.

  • jṳ̂-chíaⁿ;


  • i jṳ̂-chíaⁿ m̄ pat jī;

    more-over, he does not understand letters.

  • chông hṳ́-kò̤ jṳ̂ khṳ̀;

    had been along there.

  • cí kù ūe chông hô̤ jṳ̂ lâi?

    Whence came this phrase?

  • lṳ́ chông hô̤ jṳ̂ cai?

    How then have you become aware of this?

  • chông hô̤ jṳ̂ ŏi?

    Whence then came the power?

  • chông hô̤ jṳ̂ pat?

    How could he have known?

  • In disorder; out of place; in confusion.

  • thâu-mô̤ⁿ jṳ̂-jṳ̂;

    hair unkempt.

  • tī-hng jṳ̂;

    the place is in disorder.

  • piⁿ jṳ̂, khṳ̀ siu tît;

    your cue is all in a tangle, go and comb it.

  • i tó̤ jṳ̂ tàⁿ;

    he is talking wildly.

  • hàm i màiⁿ jṳ̂ cò̤;

    tell him not to act disorderly.

  • màiⁿ mûeh jṳ̂;

    do not disarrange it.

  • sĭ khṳt i lóng-jṳ̂;

    it has been disarranged by his meddling with it.

  • sim jû;

    the mind disturbed.

  • cò̤-nî pàng i tó̤ jṳ̂?

    Why have you let it get into a tangle?

  • sùaⁿ jṳ̂-jṳ̂;

    the thread is all in a tangle.

  • i kâi ke lăi jṳ̂-jṳ̂ châh-châh;

    her house is all in confusion.

  • pûaⁿ-úaⁿ pái kàu jṳ̂-jṳ̂;

    the dishes are laid in a disorderly manner.

  • bô̤ thâu bô̤ sú, jṳ̂-jṳ̂;

    no clue to it in the midst of the tangle.

  • Fat; rich.

  • pŭi-jṳ̆;


  • būe hó̤ cîah pûi-jṳ̆;

    should not yet eat rich food.

  • ēng khīeⁿ pûi-jṳ̆ a míen?

    Is it necessary to abstain from rich food?

  • bô̤ pûi bô̤ jṳ̆ cîah cò̤-nî ŭ nĭ hó̤ chī a-nôⁿ?

    With nothing nutritious to eat how can I have milk wherewith to nourish the baby?

  • A style, title, or name, taken by educated people at about fifteen years of age, or at marriage. It was anciently taken at twenty.

  • i kâi jṳ̆ sĭ sĭm mûeh?

    What is his designation?

  • cun jṳ̆ būe cêng chíaⁿ kà;

    I have not yet inquired your honorable title.

  • i cêng cò̤ ŭ jṳ̆ a būe?

    Has he yet taken his style?

  • cí kâi jṳ̆ sĭ i tōa nâng cò̤ kâi;

    this name is given him by the elders of his family.

  • A substitute; a second.

  • put jṳ̆ kè;

    no two prices.

  • i chŵn bô̤ jṳ̆ sim;

    he has no two minds about it.

  • put jṳ̆ sim;

    not double minded.