A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / jún | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / jún

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  • To assent; to permit.

  • lṳ́ íⁿ-keng jún-nâp kùe úa;

    you have already granted it to me.

  • i ŭ ìn-jún a bô̤?

    Has he given his consent or not?

  • To fatten; to moisten; to bedew.

  • cṳ̀-jŭn;

    to enrich; to bedew.

  • cheng sim, jŭn hùi;

    cleanse the humors and enrich the blood.

  • ēng cúi khṳ̀ jŭn i;

    take water and moisten it.

  • mīn cîah lâi hong-jŭn căi;

    his face has become very florid.

  • i kâi sek sĭm sĭ jŭn-cêk;

    its color is very fresh.

  • ŭ lō cúi lâi cṳ̀-jŭn i, i kōi tōa;

    if the dew moistens it, it will grow quickly.

  • Tough.

  • àng gû-phûe hìeⁿ jūn;

    as tough as cowhide.

  • nêk jūn căi, pû lâi būe mîⁿ;

    the meat is very tough, and cooking has not made it soft.

  • kṳn hŵn-lío jūn;

    the sinews are still tough.

  • The intercalary month.

  • jūn gûeh;

    the intercalary month.

  • mêⁿ nî sĭ jūn saⁿ gûeh a sĭ jūn sì gûeh?

    Is it the third month or the fourth, that occurs twice next year?

  • saⁿ nî cêk jūn;

    there is an intercalary month once in three years.

  • ngŏ nî cài jūn;

    these five years have two intercalary months.