A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / ien | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / ien

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  • Tainted.

  • nêk ien;

    the meat is spoiled.

  • cía hṳ̂ mng ien ló;

    this fish is just on the verge of becoming tainted.

  • Why; how is it that.

  • lṳ́ ien cai úa m̄-àiⁿ?

    How do you know that I do not want it?

  • i ien lêng hāi úa?

    How can he harm me?

  • i ien tit cìeⁿ-seⁿ?

    How can he do thus?

  • Remote; distant.

  • íong-íen;


  • îo-íen;

    in the far distance.

  • lō-tîo îo-íen;

    the way is interminable.

  • íen kṳ̆u thŵn mîaⁿ;

    famed far and near.

  • ìen-khì;

    irritated; vexed.

  • cē ìen-khì cū màiⁿ i;

    as soon as he gets out of temper he won’t take it.

  • khṳt i cē ìen-khì cū sek tīo;

    if he gets out of patience with it, he will throw it away.

  • i cē ìen-khì cū lîah i khṳ̀ cio-cò̤;

    whenever she gets vexed she takes him and punishes him.

  • The nest of the cliff swallow.

  • ìen-o̤;

    edible bird’s-nest.

  • kuaⁿ ìen; kuaⁿ ien-o̤;

    the finest sort of edible bird’s-nest.

  • ìen-pâi;

    an inferior quality of edible bird’s-nest.

  • cêk mn̂g-khí tŭn nŏ̤ cúaⁿ ìen-o̤ khṳ̀ cîah;

    every morning cook two edible bird’s-nests by boiling them in a dish surrounded with water, and eat them.

  • thâu úaⁿ cū sĭ ìen-o̤;

    the first dish is edible bird’s-nest.

  • A banquet.

  • cíu îen;

    a feast, with wine.

  • îen sîah;

    a banquet.

  • To relieve; to bring forward.

  • mō̤ⁿ i lâi kìu-ĭen;

    hope he will come and rescue.

  • ĭen-ín pâk kò̤ kâi cṳ lâi cò̤ cèng-kṳ̆;

    bring forward a quotation from another book as proof.

  • To keep at a distance; to stand aloof from.

  • tîeh chin kun-cṳ́, ĭen sío-jîn, m̄ hó̤ chin sío-jîn ĭen kun-cṳ́;

    one should affiliate with the refined, and keep away from vulgar people, not fraternize with the vulgar, and hold aloof from the cultured.

  • kúi sîn, īu tîeh kèng i, īu tîeh ĭen i;

    as to spirits, good and bad, one must do homage to them, and keep aloof from them.

  • To procrastinate; to invite.

khùe-khùe khṳ̀.

  • màiⁿ ĭen-chî;

    go quickly and without delay.

  • m̄-hó̤ ĭen-ko̤h;

    do not delay.

  • ĭen-māng kúi jît;

    put it off for a few days.

  • chî-chî ĭen-ĭen;


  • lṳ́ cò̤-nî khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ ĭen, ĭen kàu taⁿ?

    Why have you kept putting it off until now?

  • cêk gûeh ĭen kùe cêk gûeh, cêk nî ĭen kùe cêk nî;

    delayed it month after month, and year after year.

  • ĭen khah kú cū bô̤ ēng;

    if you delay it too long it will be of no use.

  • ciu jît i tó̤ ôiⁿ-ôiⁿ ĭen-ĭen to bô̤ khṳ̀ cò̤;

    he dilly-dallies all day and never does it.

  • khṳt i tam-ĭen kàu jîeh kú cìaⁿ hâiⁿ;

    he put off the payment of it for no inconsiderable time.

  • i sĭ tó̤ chien-ĭen sî-jît kâi;

    he is staving it off as long as possible.

  • ĭen-chíaⁿ nâng-kheh;

    invite a guest.

  • ĭen sṳ kà-tok;

    invite a learned man to superintend it.

  • To desire strongly; to long for morbidly.

  • him-ĭen;

    to covet.

  • him-ĭen căi;

    longs for greatly.

  • àiⁿ li bŏi tit tîeh, thû-thû tó̤ him-ĭen;

    want it but cannot have it, and can only crave it.

  • To amplify; prolix; superfluous.

  • hu-ĭen;


  • hu-hu ĭen-ĭen;

    a superfluity of amplification.

  • i cn̂g kâi tàⁿ m̄ tîeh ūe nêk, to sĭ hu-ĭen kâi ūe;

    he does not get at the gist of the subject at all, but expatiates without making the matter any clearer.