A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / ieh | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / ieh

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  • To bind by a contract; to form a treaty or compact; an agreement.

  • lîp hûa ieh;

    establish a treaty of peace.

  • lîp hâp ieh;

    make a contract.

  • sit ieh;

    violate a contract.

  • ieh úa kio i cò̤-pû khṳ̀;

    agreed that I should go with him.

  • ieh tīaⁿ-tîeh;

    made a definite agreement.

  • i kàu sî cū pŭe ieh;

    when the time arrived he broke the compact.

  • cò̤ sṳ̄ m̄ jû ieh;

    not done according to contract.

  • ieh khî;

    fix a time.

  • put ieh jṳ̂ tâng;

    to agree undesignedly.

  • i ieh móng sî hâiⁿ úa;

    he agreed to pay me at a certain time.

  • bô̤ tẁn bô̤ ieh;

    no compact was made.

  • i nŏ̤ nâng ŭ tẁn ieh;

    the two have made a compact.

  • i àm-cĕⁿ tẁn-ieh i;

    he secretly promised him.

  • To guess.

  • ieh m̄ tîeh;

    did not guess rightly.

  • úa ieh m̄ pat tò̤ khṳ̀;

    I do not know what to guess.

  • thèng ieh;

    guess at random.

  • cò̤ kâi mīaⁿ lâi ieh;

    guess at fates.

  • cía o̤h ieh;

    this is hard to guess.

  • a noⁿ-kíaⁿ ieh sang a khia;

    children guess at odds or evens.

  • cē ieh cū tîeh;

    guessed it at once.

  • khṳt lṳ́ ieh;

    let you guess at it.

  • îeh-po-sûn;

    the cicada, the scissors-grinder.

  • îeh-po-sûn tó̤ kìe;

    the cicadas are piping.

  • Medicine; chemical preparations.

  • îeh îⁿ;


  • îeh súaⁿ;

    medicinal powders.

  • îeh bûah;

    medicine in the form of powder.

  • îeh-ko̤;


  • ko̤-îeh;


  • îeh phìen;

    medicine in flakes.

  • îeh chùi;

    medicine in chips, or fragments.

  • îeh thâu îeh búe;

    the residuum of drugs.

  • îeh tû;

    a medicine case.

  • îeh phò; îeh chài phò;

    a drug-shop.

  • îeh līo;


  • îeh côih;

    an instrument for shaving up drugs.

  • îeh to̤;

    a knife for cutting up drugs.

  • îeh cúi;

    fluid medicines.

  • îeh thng;

    viscid medicines.

  • îeh ca; îeh pho̤h;

    dregs of medicines.

  • cêk thiap îeh;

    the medicine prescribed.

  • îeh-hng;

    a prescription.

  • cêk hôk îeh;

    the medicine taken in one dose.

  • cí thiap îeh cîah lô̤h khṳ̀ ío hó̤;

    after taking this course of medicine he was better.

  • cía îeh sĭ cîah kâi a sĭ buah kâi?

    Is this medicine to be taken internally or to be applied externally?

  • cía îeh hó̤ pû cúi khṳ̀ sói;

    boil this medicine in water, and use it as a wash.

  • îeh-cìⁿ, sĭ cìⁿ-thâu khṳ̀ cṳ́ tâk-îeh kâi;

    poisoned arrows, are those whose points have been steeped in poison.

  • pû îeh;

    to steep drugs quickly in boiling water.

  • cien îeh;

    to steep drugs a long time, boiling slowly.

  • tŭn îeh;

    to heat medicines in a dish surrounded by boiling water.

  • ngâu ko̤-îeh;

    make salve.

  • cì îeh;

    to prepare medicines.

  • hûa îeh;

    to concoct remedies.

  • kap îeh;

    to compound medicines.

  • ngói îeh bûah;

    triturate medicinal powders.

  • ceng îeh-îⁿ;

    pound up the component parts of pills.

  • hôk tâk îeh;

    an antidote for poison.

  • cheⁿ îeh, sêk îeh;

    crude drugs and prepared drugs.

  • chèng îeh;


  • húe îeh;

    explosive powders.

  • jîp îeh;

    put in a chemical preparation.

  • sìa îeh;
