To brush; to flap; to wave to and fro.
hiuh-tīo tîn-ai;
brush down the cobwebs.
màiⁿ thèng hiuh tîeh nâng;
do not hit people by careless brushing.
hiuh lío, phông-phông eng;
after dusting the dust flies everywhere.
khîeh ki tōa ki kâi lâi hiuh cìaⁿ ŭ bī;
take a large one to dust with and then it will be of some use.
To flog; to thrash.
cang tek-pì-kíaⁿ hiuh-hiuh-kìe, lí-kẃn hiuh;
took a bamboo whip, and laid it on him so that you could hear the blows incessantly.
hiuh kàu i cêk sin cĕng-cĕng khĕng;
thrashed him till his body was covered with wales.