A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / hiah | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / hiah

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  • To stop, cease, rest, or pause.

  • hiah sek;

    to repose.

  • hiah kang;

    knock off work.

  • hiah cŭ;

    to cease.

  • hiah kha;

    cease moving the feet.

  • hiah chíu;

    cease doing what is being done with the hands.

  • hiah kheh;

    a guest at an inn.

  • hiah tìam;

    stop at an inn.

  • hiah hêk cē;

    rest a moment.

  • hiah khùn-kíaⁿ;

    stop a little while.

  • hiah nŏ̤ saⁿ jît;

    stop for two or three days.

  • hiah tīo khang-khùe;

    stop work.

  • seng-lí hiah ngîap;

    has given up the business.

  • tàⁿ m̄ hiah;

    talk without ceasing.

  • m̄ khéng hiah;

    would not stop.

  • hiah tàⁿ;

    put down the load.

  • tŏ̤ i kò̤ hiah cêk mêⁿ;

    stopped with him one night.

  • hiah kàu taⁿ jîeh kú?

    How long since they stopped?

  • hiah cē cū tîeh cai cò̤;

    after stopping a moment, must go on working at it.

  • cío hiah tŏ̤ chīu tèng;

    birds perch in the trees.

  • hiah-tīam;

    to halt.

  • hiah jûah;

    rest on account of heat.

  • chíaⁿ hiah cêk ē;

    please stop a moment.

  • hŵn-lío būe hiah;

    have not yet stopped.

  • hì hiah pêⁿ a būe?

    Is the performance over yet?

  • hiah kó lío;

    the performance is finished.

  • hiah tàu;

    take a nooning.

  • hiah hŏ;

    when the rain ceases.

  • cá cò̤, cá hiah, māng cò̤ li māng hiah;

    if you begin early you will stop early, but if you begin late you will stop late.

  • bô̤ kò̤ hó̤ hiah kha;

    no resting place for the foot.

  • hue sie m̄ hiah;

    the fire kept burning unceasingly.

  • húe tô̤h būe hiah;

    the fire has not yet ceased to blaze.

  • Official underlings and attendants; government service; to minister to.

  • che hîah;

    a constable or policeman.

  • gê hiah;

    a runner about the public courts.

  • pŭ hîah;

    a sergeant.

  • thâu hîah, súaⁿ hîah;

    the head sergeant and his second.

  • cūaⁿ-hîah;


  • cîaⁿ mîaⁿ, cîa hîah;

    to attain distinction.

  • ŭ mîaⁿ ŭ hîah kâi nâng;

    a person of reputation.

  • cong jît hîah-hîah, to sĭ kù lĭ tīaⁿ-tīaⁿ;

    incessantly at work, with no regard for ought but gain.

  • ciu jît hîah-hîah, bô̤ sî ôiⁿ;

    drudges all day without repose.

  • saⁿ pang nâng-hîah, cêk pang sĭ chui cîⁿ-nîe kâi, cêk pang sĭ lîah châk kâi, cêk pang sĭ lí ùaⁿ kĭaⁿ câp sṳ̄ kâi;

    there are three classes of official underlings, one class is made up of those who collect the taxes, one of those who catch thieves, and one of those who attend to all sorts of law cases.

  • The forehead; a fixed number or quantity.

  • thâu hîah;

    the forehead.

  • hîah kak;

    the protuberances on the forehead.

  • pín hîah;

    a tablet.

  • khâp thâu khâp hîah;

    to kneel and knock the head on the ground.

  • cŭang thâu cŭang hîah;

    to beat the head against something.

  • tiaⁿ thâu khâp hîah;

    to come across one.

  • hîah gūa;

    over and above the fixed amount.

  • hîah sìo;

    the fixed number.

  • ŏi khueh hîah a bŏi?

    Is there any vacancy in the number?

  • khok hîah;

    a large full forehead.