A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / heng | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / heng

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  • To give rise to; to start; to prosper.

  • heng căi;

    getting on finely.

  • heng lông;

    to flourish.

  • sì-kài heng-lông căi;

    great worldly prosperity.

  • heng-ŭang;


  • i ke lăi sĭm sĭ heng-ŭang;

    his family is very prosperous.

  • tī-tiang-sî heng kang?

    When will you begin the work?

  • heng-sĕng;


  • ūn-khì heng;

    luck is favorable.

  • kàu cí-kò̤ lâi àiⁿ tong-heng lío;

    it is going to flourish from this time on.

  • heng ke lîp ngîap;

    prosperous families found estates.

  • The thorax; the breast.

  • heng-côiⁿ; heng-kuaⁿ-côiⁿ;

    the chest.

  • phŏ̤ tŏ̤ heng-kuaⁿ-côiⁿ;

    clasp to the breast.

  • sim-heng hó̤;

    has a good disposition.

  • sim-heng khuah-tōa;

    of generous disposition.

  • heng-keh;

    the diaphragm.

  • heng-keh tìeⁿ-tìeⁿ;

    a stricture or weight in the diaphragm.

  • tûi heng, tah ka-ciah;

    beat the breast and slap the sides, as in token of earnestness.

  • koi heng, ah ka-ciah;

    has a projecting breast bone and is round shouldered.

  • heng-kám kut;

    the breast-bone.

  • saⁿ heng-côiⁿ sĭ jṳ́ tîeh sĭm mûeh?

    With what have you daubed the front of your tunic?

  • cîah lío kâi thng, màiⁿ tih tîeh saⁿ heng-côiⁿ;

    do not in eating drop your soup on the front of your tunic.

  • To influence throughout; successful.

  • chut jîp heng thong;

    having all things to your liking.

  • ngŵn heng lĭ ceng;

    the universal providence.

  • To take delight in; elated; joyful.

  • hí-hèng;


  • hí-hèng cū cò̤, m̄ hí-hèng cū m̆;

    if he takes pleasure in it he will do it, if he does not take pleasure in it, he will not do it.

  • kau-hèng;

    highly pleased with.

  • bô̤ hèng;

    takes no delight in.

  • ŭ hèng;

    takes delight in.

  • ŭ hèng-thâu;

    having a joyful time.

  • sàu heng;

    spoil the fun.

  • cí hûe hèng-hèng àiⁿ lâi cò̤ mih sṳ̄, khṳt i có̤ tīo khṳ̀, kìe-cò̤ sàu-hèng;

    if just when you are starting off in high spirits to do something he puts a stop to it, that is called spoiling the pleasure.

  • ngŏ̤ tîeh i ŭ hèng-sîn kâi sî-hāu cò̤ lâi cū hó̤;

    do it when it happens that he is in good spirits, and it will be all right.

  • Punishment; legal torture; inimical to.

  • sĭu hêng;

    to receive punishment.

  • hêng-hŵt;


  • hêng huap;

    the penal code.

  • ngîam hêng;

    severe punishments.

  • ēng tăng hêng;

    inflict a heavy punishment.

  • kîaⁿ hêng;

    carry the sentence into effect.

  • kim-jît kîaⁿ hêng;

    this is the day for the execution.

  • m̄ ēng hêng i to m̄ khéng cio;

    without torture he will not own it.

  • cē ēng hêng i cū cio;

    aa soon he was tortured he confessed.

  • poih jī hêng-khak;

    the horoscope is inimical.

  • i nŏ̤ nâng siang hêng;

    the two are at swords points.

  • Form; aspect; shape; visage; contour.

  • bô̤ hêng bô̤ sĭang;

    without form or likeness.

  • bô̤ hêng-sĭang hó̤ thóiⁿ;

    without visible shape.

  • hêng-măuⁿ; hêng-îong;

    the general appearance.

  • hêng-îong chut lâi sĭo căi;

    his appearance is very similar.

  • kak-kak ŭ kâi hêng-sì;

    each has his peculiar aspect.

  • hêng-thói;

    the visible substance.

  • hêng-sìeⁿ;

    the visible likeness.

  • ŭ hêng bô̤ hêng;

    real and spiritual; visible and invisible; natural and supernatural; evident and unfounded.

  • hêng-ciah khó̤-gî;

    the evidences are doubtful.

  • pìⁿ chut cin hêng;

    showed his true character.

  • ūe i kâi hêng-tô;

    drew a map of it.

  • suaⁿ hêng seⁿ lâi chin-chĭeⁿ pit kè;

    the contour of the mountain is like that of a pen rack.

  • sĭen ak cṳ pò̤ jû íaⁿ sûi hêng;

    the rewards of righteousness and the deserts of wickedness follow them as the shadow follows the substance.

  • i kâi mīn ŭ chìe hêng;

    he has a smiling face.

  • būe sêng hêng;

    not yet shapen.

  • ŭ kâi nâng hêng;

    has a human shape.

  • i kâi mīn seⁿ lâi ak hêng;

    his face has a wicked look.

  • ía hêng ía sìeⁿ;

    a wild aspect.

  • The elements.

  • ngŏ hêng sĭ húe bâk kim thó;

    the five elements are water, fire, wood, metal, and earth.

  • thóiⁿ ngŏ hêng;

    tell fortunes.

  • ngŏ hêng siang seⁿ siang khak kâi tŏ̤-lí sĭ chim-àu;

    the doctrine of mutual reproduction and extinction among the elements is very abstruse.

  • Conduct; behavior; actions.

  • tek hĕng;

    virtuous conduct.

  • ŭ tek ŭ hĕng kâi nâng;

    a man of character.

  • cí kâi nâng kâi pín-hĕng cìaⁿ phài;

    this man’s character is irreproachable.

  • tău hĕng chim;

    skilled in Buddhist tricks.

  • cí kâi nâng nío-chṳ́ hĕng;

    this person is of a thievish disposition.

  • cí kâi nâng kâi hĕng sĭ hó̤ a m̄ hó̤?

    Does this person conduct himself properly or not?

  • sĭeⁿ tó̤ hĕng;

    to contemplate suicide.

  • Fortunate; lucky; happily.

  • hĕng tit;

    happily succeeded in.

  • hĕng tit i lâi;

    luckily he came.

  • ke mn̂g put hĕng;

    domestic affliction.

  • i put hĕng tó̤ mīaⁿ;

    he is unhappily not to be long lived.

  • thiⁿ put hĕng tang hŵn sĭ ŭ hĕng;

    cheer in the midst of misfortune.

  • hĕng bŏi tì mīaⁿ;

    luckily does not involve life.

  • sǹg sĭ bw̄n hĕng;

    deemed it very fortunate.

  • Prunes, almonds, and plums.

  • hĕng-jîn;


  • hĕng-jîn tê;

    an emulgent tea made from almonds.

  • ngṳ̂n hĕng;

    the nuts of the gingko.

  • tîam-hĕng, khó-hĕng;

    sweet almonds and bitter almonds.

  • Surfeited; glutted; filled.

  • cîah kàu hēng;

    have eaten it till I loathe it.

  • tǹg-tǹg cîah cí kâi, cîah lío hĕng căi;

    have eaten this every meal, until I am sick of it.

  • cîah kàu būe cîah thóiⁿ tîeh cū soiⁿ hĕng;

    have taken it so often that as soon as I see it my stomach turns against it.

  • Dislike, hate, aversion.

  • úa hĕng i;

    I dislike him.

  • chūa nâng hĕng;

    leads to dislike.

  • hĕng kàu i khàng kut;

    dislike him thoroughly.

  • ún bô̤ hĕng i;

    we do not dislike him.

  • hĕng bŏi tit hiah;

    an unconquerable aversion.

  • nâng sieh i to m̄ pá le, cò̤ ŭ hĕng i?

    When we have been so kind that we could not do enough for him, how can it be that we dislike him.

  • cē thóiⁿ cĭu hĕng;

    hated him as soon as I saw him.