A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / hau | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / hau

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  • Immense; vast.

  • hau-hŵn;


  • i kâi sṳ̄ hau-hŵn căi;

    his affairs are very perplexing.

  • ke-ēng sĭm sĭ hau-hŵn;

    his family expenses are almost numberless.

  • To scream; to bawl; to yell.

  • phâu-hau;

    to yell.

  • hùaⁿ nâng tó̤ phâu-hau;

    many people yelling.

  • kúi khàu, sîn hau;

    demons wailing and spirits crying out; a dreadful clamor, as at a fight or a fire.

  • Empty; unfilled.

  • hau pak;

    an empty belly.

  • hau pak phōiⁿ kong;

    to perform public duties without any salary.

  • i cí hûe tó hau tŏ̤ kò̤;

    he belly is now empty.

  • To howl, to bellow, to breath hard.

  • phâu-háu;


  • hùaⁿ nâng cē phâu-háu, i cū cáu;

    as soon as they all began to scream at him, he fled.

  • i khì căi, jw̆n phâu-háu, jw̆n thìo;

    he was in a great rage, and screamed and jumped about frantically.

  • chẃn-háu;

    to pant, to breathe with difficulty.

  • The cries of animals.

  • hóⁿ tó̤ háu;

    the tigers are roaring.

  • hô̤ tang sai háu;

    the lions are roaring on the east side of the river; the old woman is scolding like Xanthippe.

  • Friendly.

  • hûa-háu;


  • hûa-hûa háu-háu;

    having great affinity.

  • Filial piety; dutiful.

  • kîaⁿ hàu kâi kíaⁿ;

    a filial son.

  • put hàu kâi kíaⁿ;

    an unfilial son.

  • hàu hēng;

    filial conduct.

  • hău hĕng ŏi kám-tŏng nâng kâi sim;

    dutiful behaviour moves people’s hearts.

  • ka-kī phah pĕ khǹg-kòi pât nâng kîaⁿ-hàu;

    beats his own father and exhorts others to filial piety.

  • i ŭ tíam hàu sim;

    he has a filial heart.

  • jī-câp-sì hàu;

    the “Twenty-four Examples of Filial Piety.”

  • peh hĕng hàu ûi soiⁿ;

    of all virtues filial piety is chief.

  • kîaⁿ-hàu pĕ-bó̤;

    obey your parents.

  • kîaⁿ hàu kong-ku;

    respect your husband’s parents.

  • tong chîn hàu cṳ́;

    loyal courtiers and dutiful sons.

  • tŏ̤ ke ŏi kîaⁿ-hàu pĕ-bó̤, cò̤ kuaⁿ cū ŏi cĭn-tong chîo-thêng;

    he who is dutiful toward his parents when at home is faithful to the government when he takes office.

  • hàu hŭ;

    a filial daughter-in-law; a dutiful wife.

  • Dominating; eminent.

  • hâu-kîet;


  • eng-hîong hâu-kîet;

    energetic and capable.

  • thó hâu;

    a local tyrant.

  • hâu kng;

    a dazzling light.

  • cok íⁿ cṳ hâu;

    the dominating member of his clan.

  • Easy, leisurely; to linger.

  • i cò̤ sṳ̄ hâu-hâu nē;

    she does things very leisurely.

  • àiⁿ hâu kàu tī-tiang sî?

    How long are you going to linger over it?

  • jît ùaⁿ lío, m̄ hó̤ hâu a;

    it is late in the day, it will not do to loiter.

  • A ten-thousandth part of a tael; a pencil’s point; motes; minute.

  • câp hâu cò̤ cêk lî, câp lî cò̤ cêk hun, câp hun cò̤ cêk cîⁿ, câp cîⁿ cò̤ cêk níe;

    the table of divisions in Chinese money.

  • lî hâu si hut to sǹg;

    reckons to the utmost farthing.

  • si hâu bŏi chò̤;

    there is not the slightest error.

  • hun hâu bŏi tāⁿ;

    there is not the smallest mistake.

  • cêk hâu to bô̤ îong-chêng;

    does not show the least temper.

  • cí ki pit kâi hâu ío hó̤;

    this pencil has a better point.

  • The name which one takes on becoming great.

  • cò̤ kâi hău;

    to make up a title or a name for one.

  • àiⁿ cò̤ kâi hău tîeh màiⁿ kio i kâi có kâi mîaⁿ-hō̤ sie tâng jī;

    in taking a manly name, no letters must be used that were in the names of one’s ancestors.

  • hău-seⁿ;


  • hău-seⁿ nâng;

    a young person.

  • hău-seⁿ kíaⁿ;

    a lad.

  • A high school or gymansium.

  • hâk hău;

    a seminary.

  • ŭ kwn-gāi hâk-hău kâi sṳ̄ i cìaⁿ ŭ lí;

    anything that appertains to the seminary he takes up and regulates.

  • The king-crab.

  • hāu khak hó̤ cò̤ pû-hia;

    the shell of the king-crab many be used as a dipper.

  • hāu peh-cheh;

    the scales under a king-crab; Venetian blinds.

  • hāu n̆ng;

    the roe of the king-crab.

  • hāu búe hó̤ cò̤ îeh;

    the tail of the king-crab is used in medicine.

  • lău-sît kùe hāu;

    more harmless than a king-crab.

  • To fulfill; to verify; effects; efficacious; inherent power.

  • hāu huap;

    to fulfill the law; to follow a pattern.

  • hó̤ khṳt nâng hāu huap;

    worthy of emulation.

  • ŭ kong-hāu;

    possessing merit.

  • kong-hāu jû sîn;

    divinely efficacious, (as a pill).

  • sît-căi ŭ hāu-ngīam;

    certainly has efficacy.

  • m̄ pí hôk îeh bô̤ hāu kâi;

    not as a medicine that produces no effect.

  • hôk îeh bô̤ kong-hāu;

    quack medicines have no intrinsic merit.

  • màiⁿ hāu-huap i kâi īeⁿ;

    do not emulate his style.

  • sûi-sî cū kìⁿ kong-hāu;

    will immediately perceive its efficacy.

  • sît-căi ŭ hāu;

    is really effective.

  • ŭ kong ŭ hāu;

    is effective; possesses those qualities which produce an effect.

  • bô̤ kong bô̤ hāu;

    without inherent power.

  • ŭ hāu ŭ ngīam;

    has efficacy.

  • ŭ hāu bô̤ hāu tăng thóiⁿ pa-tāu: ŭ îeh bô̤ îeh tăng thòiⁿ sìn-cîeh; ŭ sîn bô̤ sîn tăng thóiⁿ lûi-sîn;

    as to whether things possess inherent power, you have only to consider the croton oil fruit: as to their medical properties, it is only necessary to look at the effects of arsenic: as to whether there are gods or not, you need only consider what is done by the god of thunder.

  • To inquire after; to wait for; a time or period; a period of five days.

  • mn̄g-hāu;

    to inquire after one’s health; to send salutations.

  • i lâi mn̄g-hāu lṳ́;

    he has come to pay his respects to you.

  • kio úa mn̄g-hāu i;

    give my respects to him.

  • thĕng-hāu;

    to wait.

  • úa tŏ̤ cí hāu-thĕng lṳ́ lâi;

    I will wait here till you come.

  • tŏ̤ cí hāu lṳ́ kú lío;

    have been here waiting for you a long time.

  • hāu i chìn cē cìaⁿ hó̤ cîah;

    wait till it cools, and then it may be eaten.

  • sṳ̄-hāu;

    to serve; to wait upon.

  • hāu lṳ́ kâi kè lâi;

    I wait, Sir, for you: (said on invitation cards).

  • coih-hāu;

    holidays, at the new and full moons.

  • khì hāu m̄ sie tâng;

    the seasons are dissimilar.

  • hāu pó kuaⁿ;

    an officer by brevet; an expectant of office.

  • bô̤ sî-hāu hó̤ cò̤;

    there is no time for doing it.

  • àiⁿ táng kàu tī kâi sî-hāu?

    Until when will you wait?

  • cí hûe bô̤ sî bô̤ hāu;

    there is not now time for it.

  • cí hûe m̄ sĭ sî m̄ sĭ hāu;

    this it no time for it.

  • hīn-khek sĭ sĭm-mih sî hāu?

    What time is it now?

  • màiⁿ tak-nn̄g tīo sī-hāu;

    do not waste the time.

  • sî-hāu íⁿ-keng kàu lío;

    the time has arrived.

  • To toil; to labor earnestly; exertions.

  • hāu lâk;

    earnest effort.

  • hāu-lâu;

    to moil.

  • tŏ̤ kun côiⁿ kò̤ hāu lâk;

    led the van in effort, took the lead in exertion.

  • tng-hāu khíen bé cṳ lâu;

    worked like a horse.