To do; actions.
co̤h kang;
to work.
co̤h châng;
to till the soil.
hĭa co̤h câi;
very mean and stingy.
to relapse.
pēⁿ hwt-co̤h;
the ailment has returned.
To build dykes or intrenchments; to ram down the earth.
co̤h toi;
to make a dyke.
co̤h huang-ûi chîeⁿ;
to build a protecting wall.
co̤h châng hūaⁿ;
make embankments between fields.
co̤h bé-thâu;
build a pier.
To cut short; to interrupt the connection; most.
cô̤h ău sṳ̂;
cut off all the heirs.
khîong teng cô̤h hŏ;
disinherit all the descendants.
hía kíaⁿ sĭ cô̤h kíaⁿ;
this is a disinherited son.
cô̤h lō;
sunder the connection of the road.
cô̤h kan;
break off the connection.
cô̤h chù hông seⁿ;
all resources seemed cut off, but a way out of the difficulty appeared.
cô̤h tùi kâi ūe;
a pun on words.
cô̤h cîah;
stop the rations.
cía hó̤ cô̤h tīo;
it may be severed from this point.
ngía cô̤h;
superior to all.
cô̤h céng;
extinct, as a race or species.
cô̤h sì hó̤;
the best the earth affords.