A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / cit | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / cit

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  • A ridge.

  • chù cit;

    the elevated ridge of a roof.

  • lîam hue teh cit;

    an ornamental ridge in stucco.

  • suaⁿ cit téng;

    a ridge of hills.

  • tàng cit;

    the roof-tree.

  • To weave; to manufacture.

  • cit pò;

    to make cloth.

  • cit hue chaú;

    to weave flowered fabrics.

  • cit măng;

    make netting.

  • cit măng saⁿ;

    to make a netted jacket.

  • cit cău kêk;

    the officer who attends to the procuring of silk and porcelain for the palace.

  • A bream or perch.

  • cit hṳ̂;


  • tōa cit bó̤;

    a fat bream.

  • khīe cit hṳ̂ kâi līo-bût tîeh lô̤h kàu-kàu;

    must put in plenty of the dressing that is to go with the perch.

  • âng sie cit-hṳ̂;

    a roasted bream.

  • ŭ nâng khîeh cit-hṳ̂ khṳ̀ pû kaⁿ-ná cap, bûe cap;

    some people cook perch in olive juice or plum juice.

  • cit-hṳ̂ ŏi khui ūi;

    perch aids digestion.

  • Sickness; disorders.

  • cît pēⁿ;


  • thìaⁿ cît;

    painful ailments.

  • jíam cît;

    to infect.

  • cît sok; kip cît;

    in great haste.

  • Envy.

  • cît-kò;


  • cí kâi nâng cît-kò căi;

    this person is of a very jealous disposition.


  • Gorse; furze.

  • pêh cît-lî;

    gorse, used in medicine.

  • thih cît-lî;

    iron caltrops used in war.

  • cît-lî cí;

    gorse seed.