A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / chut | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / chut

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  • To go forth; to issue.

  • chut chut jîp jîp;

    keeps running out and in.

  • cêk hûe chut, cêk hûe jîp;

    a going out involves a coming in.

  • chut mn̂g;

    to go out of doors.

  • chut kháu;

    go outside.

  • chut khṳ̀ tī-kò̤?

    Where has he gone?

  • chut bōi;

    for sale.

  • chut sùe;

    to let.

  • chut tóiⁿ;

    to mortgage.

  • pôih chut lâi;

    pulled it out.

  • pôih m̄ chut;

    cannot pull it out.

  • máng m̄ chut;

    cannot pull it up with both hands.

  • phŏ̤ i chut lâi;

    brought her out in his arms.

  • thiu chut thiu jîp;

    pull out and thrust in, as a damper.

  • chut sîn;

    become possessed by a god or demon.

  • lău-îa chut sîn;

    the god takes possession of a mortal.

  • i chut mn̂g a būe?

    Is she married yet?

  • chut sek;

    become conspicuous.

  • sĭ i sĭang chut sek;

    he is most prominent.

  • chut ceng;

    go out against insurgents.

  • chut cèng;

    to surpass others.

  • pún-nía chut cèng;

    more able than others.

  • bô̤ lṳ́ chut khṳ̀;

    you will not be allowed to go out.

  • tàⁿ m̄ chut chùi;

    unable to speak it plainly.

  • chut thâu thiⁿ;

    got out of difficulty.

  • chut sin chut pńg;

    to provide both service and capital.

  • cêk nâng chut pńg, cêk nâng chut kang;

    one supplies the capital and the other the labor.

  • chut kha chut chíu;

    furnish the labor.

  • chut sì;

    born; enter on life.

  • lú chut sì tŏ̤ tī-kò̤?

    Where were you born?

  • chut kîaⁿ;

    to travel.

  • chut gūa;

    go abroad.

  • chut kīe, chut cûn;

    go out in a sedan chair or in a boat.

  • chùt kè;

    married off.

  • chut ke;

    away from home.

  • sĭ i chut thâu;

    he takes the lead in it.

  • lîah i lâi chut khì;

    take him to vent spite upon.

  • chut jît;

    cause the sun to rise.

  • jît chut;

    the sun rises.

  • chut khĕng;

    cause a rainbow.

  • chut thô mīn;

    the dry land appeared.

  • chut kè a būe?

    Is she yet married?

  • sī íⁿ-keng kè chut kâi cáu-kíaⁿ;

    it is a daughter who is already married.

  • sĭeⁿ m̄ chut;

    cannot think what it was.

  • sie kang chut cîⁿ;

    unite in furnishing the requisite amount of money.

  • cò̤ chut kâi mûeh-kĭaⁿ;

    the things made.

  • kó-cá tng-sî chut ŭ cêk kâi n̂ang—;

    in ancient times there was a man who—.

  • chê chut lâi;

    searched it out.

  • m̄ cai i kâi chut mût;

    do not know its origin nor end.

  • chut siaⁿ;

    speak loud.

  • chut ío tōa siaⁿ;

    speak louder.

  • m̄ káⁿ chut siaⁿ;

    dare not speak aloud.

  • chut khang īa sĭ sí, jĭp khang īa sĭ sí;

    whether he goes into or comes out of the hole he will be killed.

  • chut lâk;

    put forth strength.

  • lâk chut tōa tōa;

    exert yourself vigorously.

  • tōa chut mîaⁿ;

    far famed.

  • kîaⁿ chut;

    carry into practice.

  • sĭ i chut cú-ì;

    it is for him to decide.

  • cò̤ tī-tîang chut cîaⁿ?

    Who will take up the case as plaintiff?

  • chut kò̤-sī;

    issue a proclamation.

  • chut che, chut sài;

    send messengers.

  • nău chut sṳ̄;

    create a disturbance.

  • chut sṳ̆;

    enter public life.

  • lò chut ūe kha;

    let the cat out of the bag.

  • chut kùi;

    brings honor to his family.

  • àiⁿ chut jîeh hn̆g?

    How far do wish to extend it?

  • chut cu; chut tāu;

    have small-pox.

  • chut khî;

    surpasses belief.

  • cía cĭu chut khî lío;

    it is incredible.

  • chun thâu chut lâi íam;

    stretched out his head and looked.

  • A classifier of verses and plays.

  • cêk chut khek;

    a ballad.

  • cêk chut hì;

    a play.

  • cêk jît cò̤ cêk chut tīaⁿ;

    they act only one play a day.

  • hì chut;


  • cí chut sĭ i kâi síu hì;

    this is their chief play.

  • cĭeⁿ chut cò̤ tîeh seng-tòaⁿ, ĕ chut cò̤ tîeh lău seng;

    the first acts are performed by inexperienced performers, the later ones by their best actors.