A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / choiⁿ | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / choiⁿ

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  • A thousand.

  • câp peh kìe-cò̤ cêk choiⁿ;

    ten hundreds are called one thousand.

  • choiⁿ suaⁿ bw̄n cúi;

    over innumerable mountains and seas; very far off.

  • khèng cok choiⁿ chiu;

    congratulate the empress on her birthday.

  • choiⁿ lí bé;

    a swift courier.

  • choiⁿ kim bói chù, bw̄n kim bói lîn;

    thousands of dollars may buy a house, but millions of dollars will not secure good neighbours.

  • choiⁿ-bw̄n m̄ hó̤ khṳ̀;

    beyond all doubt, it is inexpedient to go.

  • A small broom; to scrub with a broom.

  • tek-chóiⁿ;

    a bamboo broom.

  • siu-chóiⁿ;

    a stiff broom.

  • chóiⁿ cheng-khih;

    scrub it clean with a broom.

  • koi-mô̤ⁿ chóiⁿ;

    a feather brush.

  • cang chóiⁿ;

    a coir broom.

  • hĭⁿ chóiⁿ;

    an ear brush.

  • chóiⁿ pn̄g-lōi;

    scour the skimmer.

  • chóiⁿ thûn;

    the annual house-cleaning.

  • To scratch for food.

  • kio koi pêⁿ-īeⁿ, m̄ chóiⁿ cū bô̤ cîah;

    is like the fowls, that must either scratch or go without food.

  • koi tó̤ chóiⁿ thô-ĕ;

    the hen is scratching the ground for food.

  • To inspirit; to incite; to urge on; to stir up; to arouse.

  • sĭ i chòiⁿ i khṳ̀ cò̤;

    it was he who put him up to do it.

  • úa pńg-pńg m̄ lâi, sĭ khṳt i chòiⁿ kàu thíam cìaⁿ lâi;

    I should not have come of myself, but I was pestered so constantly by him that I came.

  • lṳ́ hó̤ chòiⁿ i nā kò̤;

    you should urge him to stay there.

  • Silk-worms.

  • chôiⁿ keⁿ si;

    silk-worms spin silk.

  • chôiⁿ si;

    the silk spun by silk-worms.

  • chôiⁿ-kóiⁿ;


  • chôiⁿ tāu;

    the chrysalis.

  • chôiⁿ îah;

    the moth.

  • chôiⁿ n̆ng;

    the eggs.

  • cí khí chôiⁿ ío tōa tîo;

    this sort of silk-worm is large.

  • chôiⁿ cîah sng-sûi hîeh;

    silk-worms feed on mulberry leaves.

  • chī chôiⁿ;

    to keep silk-worms.

  • jû chôiⁿ cîah hîeh;

    like the consumption of mulberry leaves by silk-worms.

  • ŏ̤ chôiⁿ bâi;

    beetling eyebrows.