A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / chng | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / chng

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  • A sore; an ulcer.

  • chng-kháu;

    the visible part of a sore.

  • seⁿ chng;

    has sores.

  • thâu-mo̤ⁿ tîeh chîang sói, cìaⁿ bŏi seⁿ chng;

    the hair must be regularly washed then you will not have an ulcerated scalp.

  • chng kit phí;

    the sore is forming a scab.

  • chng-kháu kâi phí būe hó̤ peh tīo;

    the scab must not yet be picked off the sore.

  • chng-kháu ŭn khṳ̀ khuah;

    the sore has gradually spread.

  • lâng tîeh chut cheng-chó̤, cìaⁿ hó̤ ēng îeh khṳ̀ siu chng-kháu;

    the pus must all exude, then medicine may be used to dress the sore.

  • khah méⁿ siu chng-kháu;

    healed the sore too soon.

  • chng-kháu chut lâng, chut būe cheng-chó̤;

    the pus has not yet ceased to form in the sore.

  • chng-kháu cong-kú bŏi siu-bûa;

    the sore never heals up.

  • siu-bûa lío cĭu kit phí;

    when it heals, a scab will form.

  • chng-kháu chĭeⁿ bûe-nêk;

    proud flesh has appeared in the sore.

  • chng-kháu phêng-hôk lío;

    the sore is already well.

  • chng-kháu chŵn-jú lío;

    the ulcer is healed.

  • chng îeh;

    salve for ulcerated scalp.

  • pêh tâk chng;

    malignant white ulcers.

  • teng chng;

    small projecting ulcers.

  • ciang-1âi cí kâi chng-kháu káⁿ tîeh phùa kìaⁿ;

    this ulcer will leave a scar.

  • A granary.

  • chng-pâng;

    a storehouse.

  • chek-chng;

    a granary.

  • khui chng cín-cì;

    open the public granary to save the people from starvation.

  • kàu móng jît cĭu huang chng;

    on that day the granaries will be closed and sealed.

  • tîah chek jîp chng;

    buy in paddy at the granary.

  • ngĭ chng;

    a granary from which food is dispensed to the poor.

  • chng kàm-tok;

    an overseer of public granaries.

  • chng ngâu;

    bins in a granary.

  • chng bí;

    garnered rice.

  • cíeⁿ chng;

    guard the granary.

  • jîp chng;

    take into the granary.

  • chê chng khò;

    examine the stores in a granary.

  • The compartments of a boat.

  • cûn chng;

    the hold of a ship.

  • thân chng, búe chng, tang chng;

    the three hatches.

  • khui chng;

    begin to unlade the cargo.

  • huang chng;

    seal up the hatches.

  • lô̤h chng tói;

    put down into the hold.

  • chō̤ lô̤h kàu cêk chng;

    fill the hold with it.

  • A hamlet; a farmstead;

  • hieⁿ chng;

    a small village.

  • chng hu;

    a countryman.

  • chng cng;

    a hamlet.

  • saⁿ ke chng;

    a farmstead.


  • To perforate, to bore, to string.

  • chng gû phīⁿ;

    pierce the nose of an ox to prepare it for the leading string.

  • chng hĭⁿ;

    to pierce the ears.

  • chng cîⁿ;

    to string cash.

  • chng cêk choiⁿ cêk choiⁿ;

    string them so as to have a thousand on each string.

  • chng tîo so̤h kùe khṳ̀;

    run a string through it.

  • chng m̄ jîp;

    cannot perforate it.

  • chng m̄ kùe;

    the string will not go through.

  • chng cêk pak cu;

    string a string of beads.

  • chng cam;

    to thread a needle.

  • ŭ sî tîo sùaⁿ cĭu chng m̄ kùe;

    sometimes the thread will not go through because it is too large.

  • tŏ̤ gê-mn̂g lăi chng-chng chah-chah;

    goes in and out in a familiar way at the yamun.

  • i mîaⁿ-ke căi, tī kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ to chng-chah tit jîp;

    he is very expert in getting any sort of case put through.

  • To prick; to thrust into; to stab.

  • kîaⁿ chǹg;

    to assassinate.

  • chǹg kheh;

    an assassin.

  • chǹg-sìu;

    to embroider.

  • ki-chǹg i;

    to taunt him.

  • chǹg-sṳ́;

    a sub-prefect.

  • chǹg sí i;

    stabbed and killed him.

  • chǹg kàu hueh lâu;

    stabbed so as to draw blood.

  • tōiⁿ căi, chǹg m̄ jîp;

    it is very solid, I cannot drive the knife in.

  • cam chǹg tîeh chíu;

    thrust a needle into his hand.

  • m̄ cai thâu, khṳt cam chǹg tîeh;

    inadvertently got pricked by the needle.

  • chǹg cîh khṳ̀;

    broke it by the thrust.

  • chǹg kàu chap-chap-chùi;

    broken into fragments by the thrust.

  • chieⁿ li-li chǹg;

    continuous thrusts from spears.

  • A table; a stand.

  • îⁿ chn̂g;

    a round table.

  • sì-sien-chn̂g;

    a square table, for only four sitters.

  • poih sien chn̂g;

    a large square table, for eight sitters.

  • chn̂g-kūiⁿ;

    a table with drawers.

  • îⁿ-chn̂g sĭen-cí īeⁿ;

    an oval table.

  • kí-chn̂g;

    a long narrow table.

  • kĕ chn̂g;

    a low table.

  • chn̂g pôiⁿ;

    an oblong table.

  • chn̂g kíaⁿ;

    a small table.

  • chn̂g íⁿ mûeh-kĭaⁿ;


  • tōa chak chn̂g;

    a large lacquered table.

  • ùaⁿ-chn̂g;

    a judge’s bench.

  • A bedstead.

  • mîn-chn̂g;

    a bedstead.

  • cêk tieⁿ tōa mîn-chn̂g;

    a large double bedstead.

  • tōa chn̂g chîeh;

    a mat for a double bedstead.

  • mîn-chn̂g pang;

    the bed boards.

  • mîn-chn̂g phîn;

    the head and foot boards.

  • mîn-chn̂g kâi ti-tu téng;

    the frame of a tester.

  • mîn-chn̂g hūeⁿ;

    the braces between the posts of a bedstead.

  • mîn-chn̂g thek sĭ hó̤ peh-cĭeⁿ mîn-chn̂g;

    the rungs of a bedstead assist one in climbing into the bed.

  • chak mîn-chn̂g;

    a lacquered bedstead.

  • tîn tói mîn-chn̂g;

    a bedstead with a rattan bottom.

  • khàng chn̂g;

    a divan.

  • jī chn̂g;

    a medium sized bedstead.

  • saⁿ hō̤ mîn chn̂g;

    a small bedstead.

  • chn̂g pho;

    bed and bedding.

  • cĭeⁿ chn̂g;

    go to bed.

  • jît tâng cîah, mêⁿ tâng chn̂g;

    messmates and bed-fellows.

  • uaⁿ chn̂g;

    set up a bridal couch.

  • pàng tŏ̤ mîn-chn̂g kha;

    put it by the bedstead.

  • ût tŏ̤ mîn-chn̂g kîⁿ;

    slept on the edge of the bedstead.

  • To sit on the heels; to squat.

  • chn̂g kàu kha sng;

    squatted till his legs ached.

  • tŏ̤ hṳ́ chîeⁿ piⁿ tó̤ chn̂g;

    squatting by the wall.

  • koi tó̤ chn̂g;

    the hen is squatting.

  • phah kàu i bŏ̤i chn̂g bŏi khĭa;

    beat him so he can neither squat nor stand.

  • chn̂g-phìu pûah lô̤h khṳ̀;

    tipped over backwards in squatting down.