A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / chim | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / chim

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  • Deep; profound; intimate; intense; very.

  • cúi bô̤ hìeⁿ chim;

    the water is not very deep.

  • cúi ho̤h chim;

    the water is quite deep.

  • tŏ̤-lí chim;

    this doctrine is deep.

  • i jī-bâk chim;

    he is a person of profound scholarship.

  • chim sek;

    deeply tinted.

  • chim ṳn;

    great kindness.

  • i nŏ̤ nâng ìo chim kau;

    the two are on excellent terms with each other.

  • chim-tîm;


  • i kâi kòi-mông chim-tîm;

    his plot was a deep laid one.

  • keⁿ chim lío;

    it is past midnight.

  • chim kìu;

    deep research.

  • chim-chim chíu ip-că;

    a very low bow.

  • chim-au chim-au;


  • chim hn̆g;

    far distant.

  • chim nâng bô̤ chíen gṳ́;

    deep thinkers do not make shallow speeches.

  • líu kàu chim-chim;

    dig it deep.

  • kût chim cē;

    dig deeper.

  • chim-àu;


  • hó̤ li kau chim, m̄-hó̤ li kau chíen;

    be intimate with the good, and hold little intercourse with the bad.

  • chîu kak khṳ̀ chim căi;

    his enmity is very deep.

  • chim hṳ̆n i;

    dislike him greatly.

  • thn̄g chim;

    probe deeply.

  • chǹg ŭ cêk chùn chim;

    pierced to the depth of an inch.

  • chim kàu chah m̄ căi;

    so deep I cannot touch bottom.

  • To sleep.

  • chím cîah m̄ uaⁿ;

    no comfort either in eating or in sleeping.

  • bûang chang hùi chím;

    loss of food and sleep.

  • cìaⁿ chím, lăi chím;

    the sleeping appartments for males and for females.

  • Sybiline; an omen.

  • chìm cṳ;

    a sybiline book.

  • khieh tîeh chìm-cṳ;

    choose an omen from a sybiline book.

  • chìm-cṳ tī;

    a plot of ground indicated by an omen found in a sybiline book.

  • jû khieh tîeh chìm cṳ khǹg kín-kín;

    keep it carefully as one would keep a hint from the book of fate.

  • To search for; to explore; common.

  • chîm-chūe;

    to search for.

  • chîm-chūe m̄ tîeh;

    could not find it.

  • kṳn thâu chîm kṳn búe;

    to investigate thoroughly.

  • chîm pó̤;

    search for treasure.

  • chîm-sieⁿ kâi nâng;

    an ordinary person.

  • chîm-sîeⁿ kâi mûeh;

    a common article.

  • chîm-sîeⁿ kâi sṳ̄;

    a frequent occurrence.

  • chîm tī;

    to explore the country.

  • kàu ku-ā nî cìaⁿ chîm tîeh;

    found it after many years search.

  • chîm-chut ŭ ko̤h īeⁿ kâi ì chut lâi;

    found out another meaning for it.

  • To invade; to usurp.

  • chîm-thun sìo-bâk;

    took illegal possession of the account books.

  • chîm-hŭam kéng-kài;

    invaded their boundaries.

  • chîm-cìam;

    to usurp.

  • chim hŵt;

    to invade and chastise.

  • To take hold of for the purpose of moving; to lay hold of and sway; to joggle; to shake.

  • chĭm m̄ tin-tăng;

    cannot stir it from its position.

  • khṳt i khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ chĭm cū chĭm khí lâi;

    let him steadily lift at it and it will move.

  • nŏ̤ nâng khṳ̀ kio i sie-hŭ chǐm;

    two persons went to help him move it.

  • chin-chĭeⁿ suaⁿ-meⁿ chĭm cîeh-teng, chĭm tîeh bô̤ bī bô̤ sò;

    like a dragon fly laying hold of a stone half imbedded in the earth for the purpose of lifting it, the stone is not swayed at all thereby.

  • màiⁿ chĭm tîeh chn̂g;

    do not jog the table.