A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / chieh | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / chieh

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  • The Chinese foot.

  • bâk chieh;

    a carpenter’s foot rule.

  • pò chieh;

    a foot in cloth measure.

  • cok chieh;

    the measure used in shoes.

  • khek chieh ;

    a carpenter’s square.

  • châi chieh;

    a tailor’s measure.

  • chieh chùn ŭ tōa sòi;

    feet and inches are of different lengths.

  • câp hun ûi cêk chùn, câp chùn ûi cêk chieh, câp chieh ûi cêk tn̆g;

    ten tenths make an inch, ten inches make a foot, ten feet make an ell.

  • cêk tn̆g kûiⁿ, káu chieh bô̤ ēng;

    for reaching ten feet a nine foot pole is useless.

  • m̄ kàu chieh chùn;

    not of full stature.

  • àiⁿ sĭm-mih chieh tō?

    What are its dimensions to be?

  • nîe thiⁿ chieh;

    a sextant.

  • saⁿ-chieh hai-thông;

    a young lad.

  • thih-chieh;

    an iron bludgeon.

  • i tó̤ bú thih-chieh khṳt nâng thoíⁿ;

    he is wielding an iron bludgeon for people’s amusement.

  • ŭ nâng khîa toaⁿ thih-chieh, ŭ nâng khîa sang thih-chieh;

    some had single bludgeons, and others had one in each hand.

  • The peacock.

  • khóng-chieh;


  • khóng-chieh khui phîn;

    the peacock spreads its tail.

  • khóng-chieh lêng;

    peacock’s feathers.

  • khóng-chieh ngán;

    the eye in a peacock’s feather.

  • A mat; matting.

  • cháu chîeh;

    straw matting.

  • tîn chîeh;

    rattan matting.

  • tek chîeh;

    bamboo matting.

  • lîang chîeh;

    bed mats for hot weather.

  • ńng chîeh;

    flexible matting, used for wrapping bundles.

  • chîeh pau; chîeh tō̤;

    straw bags.

  • chṳ cháu-chîeh;

    spread down a straw mat.

  • cŏ̤ chîeh;

    sit on a mat.

  • sai chîeh;

    an instructor. (In olden times a teacher sat on a mat on the west side of his school-room).