A prostitute.
a strumpet.
chiang ke;
a bagnio.
o̤ chiang, siet tó;
harbour prostitutes and institute games of chance.
chiang, iu, cău, cut, to sĭ hĭa-cūaⁿ kâi nâng;
courtesans, actors, yamen runners, and jailors are low people.
chiang kíaⁿ lṳ́!
You little coquette!
káu cak chiang-phû;
nine joints of sweet flag.
Boisterous; insubordinate.
chiang-chiang khûang-khûang;
acting like one possessed.
i sĭm sĭ chiang-khûang;
he is very unruly.
obstreperous; ferocious.
Having many descendants.
ău-ĭ chiang-sĕng căi;
his posterity is numerous.
A shed; a shelter.
sîn chíang;
a pavilion for the gods.
phâng chíang;
a shed where sails are kept under shelter.
cûn chíang;
a boat house.
ngīam hùe chíang;
an examining shed.
îam chíang;
a salt shed.
To lead; to take the lead.
hṳ́ hùaⁿ nâng sĭ i tó̤ chìang chut;
all those people are lead on by him.
cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ sĭ i chìang-sí kâi;
it was he who instigated this.
hu chìang hŭ sûi;
the husband leads, and the wife follows.
To take the lead in singing.
chìang hŏ̤;
the call and response in chanting.
lṳ́ chìang úa hŏ̤;
you lead and I will follow.
chìang lói;
to give orders at a ceremony.
thâng chìang;
to thrum and sing.
chìang hì;
to sing plays.
chìang tău;
to call out to clear the road.
kò̤ chìang;
to sing solos.
The red rose.
the cinnamon rose.
chîang-mûi lō;
rose water made from red roses.
The intestines.
tăi chîang, sìo chîang;
the large and the small intestines.
tît chîang;
the rectum.
chîang huang hĭa hueh;
blind piles.
A long time; to excel.
always; a long time.
chîang seⁿ put láu;
physical immortality.
sĭ i só̤ chîang;
it is what he excels in.
cêk bô̤ só̤ chîang;
he excels in nothing.
A crowbar; to dig with a crowbar.
a wooden crowbar having an iron sheath.
thih chîang;
an iron crowbar.
chîang kàu kâi khang chim-chim;
dig out a deep hole.
chîang kâi khang hó̤ khîa ki thĭo;
dig a hole to set a post in.
Common; ordinary; always.
úa thóiⁿ tîeh phêng-chîang;
it appears to me to be an ordinary thing.
phêng-phêng chîang-chîang, bô̤ sĭm-mih ko̤h īeⁿ;
it is quite ordinary, and does not differ from the common ones.
chîang-chîang sìo-līam lṳ́;
I am always speaking about you.
úang-chîang i to m̄ pat cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
he never did so before.
lṳ́ tîeh chîang lâi cē;
you must come oftener.
chîang ŭ kâi sṳ̄;
it is a common occurrence.
chîang ŭ kâi mûeh;
it is an ordinary thing.
Having only one good leg; crippled; halt.
chĭang kha-teⁿ;
to hop on one foot, having only one sound leg.
kîaⁿ to m̄ kîaⁿ, cò̤-nî tó̤ chĭang?
Why do you not walk properly instead of hopping along on one foot?
kúai-kha chĭang-tôi kâi nâng;
a cripple.
i nŏ̤ kâi tó̤ chĭang-chin-cheⁿ;
the two are playing the game of hopping on one foot over seven stones placed at equal distances apart.