A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / chi | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / chi

  1. 1.

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  • A wife.

  • hu chi;

    husband and wife.

  • chi ke;

    a wife’s relations.

  • chi kŭ;

    a wife’s elder brother.

  • chi chiap;

    wife and concubines.

  • chi jî bó kíaⁿ;

    wives and children.

  • The gills of a fish.

  • hṳ̂ chi âp cúi;

    the fish draws water through its gills.

  • i àiⁿ sie kă, kâi chi-kó cū phàng-phàng;

    when they are going to fight, they dilate their gills.

  • tah tîeh i kâi chi-kó i cū cáu m̄ khṳ̀;

    if you hook him in the gill he cannot get away.

  • hṳ̂ chi tîeh líu tīo;

    you must take out the gills.


  • Repulsive, horrid, loathsome, hideous.

  • i kâi mīn chi-gî căi;

    he has a very repulsive face.

  • seⁿ kàu kâi mīn khî-khî kùai-kùai, chi-gî căi;

    his face is very queer, being hairy, fierce, and unpleasant to look at.

  • Suffering.

  • chi-chám;


  • chi-chi chám-chám;

    in great distress.

  • tîeh i chi-chám;

    pity his distress.

  • To sojourn; to perch.

  • bô̤ kò̤ hó̤ chi sin;

    with no place of abode.

  • cĭam-chíaⁿ chi sin;

    lodge temporarily.

  • tŏ̤ cí-kò̤ chi-suah;

    sojourn here.

  • o-a lâi chi-hiah tŏ̤ hṳ́ chīu tèng;

    the crows perch in those trees.

  • Foolish; inapt.

  • chi-ngà;


  • chi-tai;


  • chi-ngâi; chi-chi ngâi-ngâi;


  • chi-chi nē;


  • chi sim;

    weak minded.

  • sim chi-chi;

    of dull wit.

  • chi-kûak chi-kûak;


  • chi-chi, chŵn bŏi seⁿ khì;

    weakly good natured, so that he never gets angry.

  • chi-ko;


  • chi-ko̤ sĭeⁿ;

    simple thoughts.

  • lṳ́ màiⁿ tó̤ chi-ko̤;

    do not try to appear simple.

  • lĭ chi-ko̤;

    a shrewd simpleton.

  • chi-ko̤-kúi lṳ́;

    stole a march on you.

  • īu m̄ sĭ chi ĭu m̄ sĭ kôk, cò̤-nî cìeⁿ-seⁿ cò̤;

    why should one who is neither a simpleton nor an idiot do that?

  • bŏi chi bŏi lang, bŏ̤i cò̤ a ko a ong;

    in order to be a good old aunt or uncle one needs be both stupid and deaf.

  • Extravagant; superfluous.

  • chia-chí;

    rich and profuse.

  • ēng-tō chia-chí;

    use lavishly.

  • hong-sôk chia-chí;

    wasteful habits.

  • hṳ́-kò̤ kâi chù-thêh chia-chí căi;

    the houses there are very luxurious.

  • chia-chí kùiⁿ-sìⁿ;

    accustomed to luxury.

  • i kâi hôk-sek khah kùe chia-chí;

    his clothing is too expensive; he dresses extravagantly.


  • Winsome; attractive; vivacious; genial and shrewd.

  • cí kâi ío chí-chío, hṳ́ kâi li ío tōa-pang;

    the one is the more pleasing, the other the more admirable.

  • lêng-lāi chí-chío;

    witty and charming.

  • Shame.

  • lîam-chí;

    decency; modesty.

  • bô̤ lîam-chí;


  • ŭ lîam-chí;


  • tîeh cai lîam-chí;

    must be decent.

  • kù lîam-chí;

    regard decency.

  • m̄ kù lîam-chí;

    regardless of decency.

  • pun nâng chí-chìe;

    made a laughing stock.

  • cí kâi nâng bô̤ chí căi;

    this person is shameless.

  • i sĭ bô̤ chí kâi nâng;

    he is a shameless fellow.

  • bô̤ chí cṳ thû;

    a brazen faced rascal.

  • The sting of insects.

  • phang chì;

    the sting of a bee.

  • hiet ŭ chì;

    scorpions have stings.

  • khṳt phang tàng tîeh chì;

    stung by a bee.

  • bô̤ chì phang;

    a stingless bee; a magistrate who is too amiable to harm anybody.

  • To try, to test.

  • chì thóiⁿ;

    try it and see.

  • chì thóiⁿ ŏi khah kîam a bŏi;

    try it and see whether it is too salt.

  • chì thóiⁿ hó̤ a m̄-hó̤;

    try it and see whether it is good.

  • chì cîah;

    test it by tasting it.

  • chì tîeh căi-seⁿ?

    How do you find it?

  • chì tîeh hó̤, úa cū àiⁿ;

    if I find it good I shall want some.

  • lṳ́ m̄ cêng chì, căi tit cai hó̤ a m̄-hó̤?

    Since you have not tried it, how do you know whether it is good or not?

  • úa thâu-soiⁿ chì tîeh hó̤ lío, cìaⁿ khîeh lâi khṳt lṳ́ cîah;

    I first tried it and found it good, and so brought some for you to partake of.

  • chì-ngīam kùe kâi; that which has already been tested keng kùe chì-līen;

    has endured trial.

  • àiⁿ chì-līen i;

    wishes to put him to the test.

  • îeh chì;

    experimental treatment in medicine.

  • chì cêk ē;

    try it once.

  • chì cē!

    We’ll see!

  • lṳ́ chì sĭeⁿ cē;

    you try to think it up.

  • chì kim cîeh;

    a stone used in testing gold.

  • īⁿ chì, hieⁿ chì, hŭe chì, tōiⁿ chì;

    the examinations for the degrees of sìu-châi, kṳ́-jîn, cin-sṳ̆, and hâng-lîm.

  • hú-chì, kūiⁿ-chì;

    the examinations in the departmental and in the district cities.

  • hok chì;

    a re-examination of the candidates.

  • hù chì;

    to repair to the examination.

  • èng chì;

    to attend the examinations.

  • Thorns; prickles.

  • seⁿ chì;


  • lō seⁿ chì;

    the path is thorny.

  • cí khí chīu seⁿ chì;

    this sort of tree has thorns on it.

  • chì-kau-tek;

    the thorny bamboo.

  • chì-nâ-phè; chì-lîm-phè;


  • chiah tîeh chì;

    got thorns in it.

  • chì chiah tîeh chíu;

    the thorns pricked his hands.

  • ki chì chiah jîp nêk tói;

    a thorn stuck into his flesh.

  • suaⁿ téng pêh hwt ŭ seⁿ chì kâi mûeh;

    there are prickly plants growing spontaneously on the mountains.

  • Prepared fish fins.

  • hṳ̂ chì;

    a kind of food made from the fins of fish.

  • chì kîu; hó̤-pau-chì;

    fish fins made into pellets and cakes.

  • A pennon or streamer.

  • kî-chì;


  • chah tōa-bó̤-mûeh kî-chì;

    erect a great number of flags.

  • kî-chì chiⁿ-mêng;

    flags new and bright.

  • To murder a superior.

  • chì pĕ kâi nâng;

    a parricide.

  • chì kun kâi nâng;

    a regicide.

  • chì i kâi cú;

    murdered his master.

  • Eye-lashes.

  • mâk-chì-mô̤ⁿ;

    the eyelashes.

  • Hairy spines.

  • hô̤-tṳ chì;

    porcupine quills.

  • Dilatory; slow.

  • chî-gî;


  • chî-gî, put kwt;

    undecided and unsettled in mind.

  • úa thiaⁿ tîeh chî-chî gî-gî;

    on hearing this I was in great doubt what to do.

  • m̄-hó̤ chî-ĭen;

    do not procrastinate.

  • chî-māng kúi jît;

    delay a few days.

  • kàu taⁿ le khah chî lío;

    it is now too late.

  • taⁿ khéng hûe-thâu pìⁿ hó̤ hŵn bŏ̤i chî;

    if you are now willing to reform, it is not yet too late.

  • kong-mîaⁿ chî cá m̄ tâng;

    fame comes at diverse times to different persons.

  • To arrange methodically.

  • chî-pĭ;

    to prepare carefully.

  • mih mûeh chî-pĭ;

    everything is ready.

  • put lêng chî ke, ien lêng tì kok?

    If you cannot keep your family in order, how can you rule a kingdom?

  • chî-chŵn;

    well regulated.

  • m̄ chî-chŵn;

    not in complete order.

  • siu-sîp kàu chî-chî céng-céng;

    arranged in perfect order.

  • bw̄n mûeh chî-pĭ, cí khìam tang huang;

    all that is required is ready, excepting only a favorable wind.

  • lóng-cóng chî-chî pĭ-pĭ lìo;

    all is methodically prepared.

  • To spread abroad.

  • kak chù chî mîaⁿ;

    its name is known everywhere.

  • chî-mîaⁿ kâi ko̤-îeh;

    a renowned salve.


  • A market; to trade.

  • koi-chĭ;

    the market.

  • sîaⁿ chĭ;

    the city market.

  • po chĭ;

    a mart.

  • pă chĭ;

    to close a market.

  • hṳ-chĭ;

    a country fair.

  • cĭeⁿ chĭ;

    go to market.

  • hâng chĭ;

    the exchange or bourse.

  • m̄ cai sĭm-mih hâng-chĭ;

    do not know the current rate.

  • chĭ kè;

    the market price.

  • chĭ-céⁿ;

    a market man.

  • tâng chĭ-thâu khṳ̀ kàu chĭ-búe jîeh hn̆g?

    How far is it from one end of the market to the other?

  • tàu-chĭ;

    to barter.

  • chĭ-tàu m̄ sêng;

    did not accomplish the exchange.

  • tàu-chĭ tàu tit sêng;

    effected the exchange.

  • chĭ têng;

    elevated stalls.

  • chĭ-kè àiⁿ tăi-cíang;

    the market price is rising.

  • hâng-chĭ tăi-tîet;

    the current price is falling.

  • ún àiⁿ lâi khṳ̀ hù chĭ;

    we are going to repair to the market.

  • chĭ tèng bōi sĭm-mih kè?

    What does it sell for in the market?

  • tăi-kit lĭ-chĭ;

    a good speculation.

  • lĭ-chĭ căi!

    How profitable! (said derisively).

  • tŏ̤ chĭ khui phò;

    open a shop in a business street.

  • cĭeⁿ chĭ bói chài;

    go to market to buy food.

  • lṳ́ kâi ūe tàⁿ lâi m̄ kah koi-chĭ;

    what you say is not in accordance with the recognized rules of trade here.

  • kè m̄ tùi chĭ;

    the price is not such as is paid here.

  • phò m̄ tùi chĭ;

    the shop is not on a business street.

  • cía hùe kah m̄ kùe hâng-chĭ;

    these goods are not suited to this market.

  • cìeⁿ-sî kâi chĭ-chêng căi-seⁿ?

    What is the present condition of the market?

  • koi-tn̂g mûaⁿ-ciah chĭ;

    a small market street.

  • úa cí ki chìn kah koi-chĭ;

    these scales of mine are in accordance with the standard of the market.

  • sìn-lâu hái-chĭ;

    a mirage of cities in the sea.

  • khĭa tōa chĭ mīn kâi nâng;

    one familiar with the market.

  • To feed; to nourish.

  • chī kàu i tōa;

    to rear.

  • kò nâng lâi chī nĭ;

    hire a wet nurse.

  • chī tṳ;

    rears pigs.

  • chī ah;

    rears ducks.

  • chī káu;

    keeps a dog.

  • chī ciah eng-ko̤;

    keeps a parrot.

  • màiⁿ chī khah pá;

    do not overfeed him.

  • tîeh cai chī i;

    you must remember to feed it.

  • chī káu ŏi ĭe búe;

    even a dog will wag his tail when he sees the one that feeds him.

  • tâng sòi chī kàu tōa;

    reared up from infancy.

  • chī lío khṳt it thau-cáu;

    after it was domesticated, it ran away.

  • bô̤ thang hó̤ chī i;

    have nothing to feed it on.

  • cang sĭm-mûeh chī i?

    What do you feed it upon?

  • chī kú cĭu sêk;

    keep it a long time and it will become tame.

  • cí kâi mûeh chī bô̤ iah;

    it is of no use to keep this creature.

  • chī bŏi tōa;

    it will never grow.

  • chī bŏi ṳ̂ah;

    it will not live.

  • chī m̄ ûah;

    it did not live.

  • chī m̄ sêk;

    it cannot be domesticated.

  • i ío sòi tîeh ŭ nâng chī i;

    it is very young; and some one must take care off and feed it.

  • m̄-hó̤ chī kâi;

    what cannot be domesticated.

  • chī pĕ, chī bó̤;

    to support one’s parents.

  • chī bó̤ chī kíaⁿ;

    support one’s wife and children.

  • chī cío ke-húe lío: chī tṳ chī gû ke-húe phû;

    keeping birds spends your substance: keeping cattle increases it.