A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / cheh | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / cheh

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  • A scheme; a plan.

  • cheh mn̄g;

    subject of inquiry.

  • kòi-cheh;

    an expedient.

  • lṳ́ ŭ sĭm-mih lîang cheh?

    What plan do you propose?

  • ŭ kâi nâug lâi hìen cheh;

    some one unfolded a plan.

  • bô̤ cheh;

    without plan.

  • sok chíu bô̤ cheh;

    folded his hands and did nothing.

  • siet kòi-cheh;

    start a scheme.

  • Books; a schedule; a register, a list, an inventory; to appoint; a patent or commission.

  • cṳ-cheh;


  • cêk pńg cheh;

    a book.

  • cău cueh;

    make a list.

  • thóiⁿ cheh;

    to read silently.

  • nâng teng cheh;

    a list of persons.

  • ìn cheh;

    print books.

  • kó cheh;

    ancient registers.

  • kua cheh;

    book of ballads.

  • khek cheh;

    a song book.

  • îeh cheh;

    medical books.

  • kap cṳ-cheh;

    to bind books.

  • cheh phûe;

    the cover of a book.

  • cheh hĭeh;

    the leaves of a book.

  • cṳ-cheh phò;

    a book-store.

  • sía cheh kha;

    write on the ends of the leaves of a closed book.

  • cheh-hong cò̤ ûang;

    appointed to a kingship.

  • hŏ-kháu cheh;

    a list of the population.

  • thîen cheh;

    enrol on the lists.

  • kin-nî hûang-tì cheh-lîp hûang-hŏ;

    this year the emperor has made an empress by patent.