A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / cha | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / cha

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  • To diverge; a discrepancy; a mistake.

  • cha-chò̤;

    to err.

  • cha-m̄-to̤; cha-m̄-cōi;

    not much difference.

  • cha khṳ̀ hn̆g;

    a great divergence.

  • bŏi cha bŏi chak;

    there is no mistake in it.

  • cêk-sî cha-chak;

    a momentary blunder.

  • cham-cha;

    not uniform.

  • cham-cha, m̄ côi;


  • cham-cham cha-cha, chŵn m̄ kui-it;

    very dissimilar, and not of one lot.

  • To place with the large and small ends alternating.

  • cha chíu;

    to fold the arms.

  • sie cha tŏ̤ kò̤;

    laid together heads and points.

  • cha m̄ bûa;

    cannot pack them in snugly, with heads and points alternating.

  • sie cha cĭu pàng tit lô̤h;

    you can put them in, if you lay them with the large and the small ends alternating.

  • To roast in a pan; to fry.

  • kang chá;

    to parch in a dry pan.

  • cheⁿ chá;

    to fry the raw material.

  • chá bí-kam-tê;

    to parch rice for making coffee.

  • cien chá;

    to fry in fat.

  • chá sek;

    to fry till done.

  • màiⁿ chá khah thíam;

    do not fry it too much.

  • A voucher; a document; a receipt.

  • cîⁿ-chà;

    paper money.

  • ēng chà;

    use paper money.

  • sái chà;

    send a draft.

  • ngṳ̂n lâi ūaⁿ chà;

    exchange the money for a draft.

  • Wood; fuel; fire-wood.

  • cám châ;

    to cut fire-wood.

  • châ pé;

    fire-wood in bundles.

  • ēng châ lâi cò̤ mûeh-hîaⁿ;

    use wood as fuel.

  • nín sĭ hîaⁿ châ, a hîaⁿ thôaⁿ?

    Do you use wood or coal as fuel at your house?

  • châ, kâi ngṳ̂n kúi tàⁿ?

    How many piculs of wood for a dollar?

  • châ kâi ngṳ̂n chit-câp pé;

    seventy bundles of wood for a dollar.

  • châ-thâu;

    a knotty stick.

  • phùa châ;

    to split kindlings.

  • phùa châ pó;

    a small axe.

  • châ-húe ēng ke căi;

    used a great deal of fire-wood.

  • châ sai;

    lumber; wood used in carpentry.

  • ta châ m̄-hó̤ kṳ̆n húe;

    dry wood should not be laid close to a fire; do not put yourself in the way of temptation.

  • nūaⁿ châ m̄ hó̤ tio;

    it is not well to lean on a rotten stick.

  • khieh châ;

    waifs; drift-wood.

  • kheh-cío kaⁿ châ;

    a stick in the bill of a magpie.

  • kṳ̀ châ;

    to saw wood.

  • châ kho;

    a wooden hoop.

  • ôi tit châ khui, bŏi tit kṳ̀ ka-lânh;

    the wedge that rives, is itself nipped fast.

  • cài châ kâi châ cûn;

    a boat used for carrying wood.

  • châ ôi;

    wooden shoes.

  • châ kîah;

    wooden clogs.

  • châ kîe;

    a wooden bridge.

  • châ pèⁿ;

    a wooden handle.

  • cêk ki châ;

    a fagot.

  • châ póiⁿ;

    a slab.

  • cêk kò̤ châ;

    a piece of wood.

  • châ chùi;

    chips of wood.

  • hieⁿ châ;

    sandal wood.

  • bâk châ;


  • âng châ;


  • cieⁿ châ;

    camphor wood.

  • cieⁿ châ bô̤ mih ŏi cù;

    camphor wood is not often affected by dry rot.

  • kheh kâi châ in;

    grave a wooden seal.

  • tōiⁿ châ;

    hard wood.

  • châ khah phàⁿ;

    this wood is too porous.

  • khó-nōi châ ío jūn;

    the wood of the Persian lilac is tougher.

  • châ thâu;

    a stump.

  • châ phûe thiu;

    a shaving.

  • Witless; doltish; stupid.

  • huaⁿ-hí i cìeⁿ tōa, châ-châ nē, cn̂g kâi bô̤ ēng;

    am pleased to have him so well grown, but he is stupid and of no use at all.

  • i kâi châ kâi, m̄ hó̤ ǹg i;

    he is a dolt and no dependence can be placed on him.

  • kuaⁿ-châ;

    a coffin.

  • kuaⁿ-châ pang;

    lumber for coffins.