A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / cek | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / cek

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  • A candle.

  • lâh cek;

    wax candles.

  • cúi cêk;

    a cat-tail rush.

  • ce cek;

    candles having no animal fat in them.

  • cho̤ cêk;

    a suet candle.

  • bói cêk tùi tōa cek;

    buy a couple of large candles.

  • tíam cek; líam cek;

    light a candle.

  • soiⁿ suah cek;

    previously prepare the candles for lighting, by lighting and inverting them for a moment.

  • íe cêk;

    make candles.

  • pûn kùe cek;

    blow out the candle.

  • teng-nâng khṳ̀ cĭeⁿ cek;

    go and put a candle in the lantern.

  • so̤ cek-sim;

    twist candle wicks.

  • cìm cek kut;

    insert a peg in the lower end of the candle.

  • cek tîeh bói kău lâh kâi, huang cìaⁿ chue bô̤ hìeⁿ ŏi lŭi;

    in buying candles, get those made chiefly of wax, and then they will not be so apt to run down when the wind blows on them.

  • cek kùe khṳ̀;

    the candle has gone out.

  • chíu màiⁿ jṳ́ tîeh cek-îu;

    do not get your hands daubed with candle grease.

  • cek sái;

    the snuff from a candle.

  • hó̤ khṳ̀ á ki cek lâi tíam;

    go and get a candle and light it.

  • cí ki cek líam lío bô̤ hìeⁿ kng;

    this candle does not give a good light.

  • chái-hue kâi cek;

    a candle of varied colors.

  • tâng pâng hue-cek;

    the candles in a bridal chamber.

  • chong thiⁿ lâh cêk;

    an enormous candle used in an illumination in the open air.

  • cek tâi;

    a candle-stand.

  • cek kóng;

    a small candle-stick.

  • tâng cek, siah cek, pêh-thih cêk;

    a brass, pewter, or tin cylinder, holding oil and a wick for burning it.

  • cek-tâi kha; siah cek-kha;

    a candle-stick holder.

  • cek-tîh;

    a low candle-stick.

  • A father’s younger brother.

  • a-cek; cek-pĕ;

    father’s younger brother.

  • cek kong; lău cek; có cek;

    grand father’s younger brother.

  • cek peh hiaⁿ-tĭ;

    male cousins, whose fathers were brothers.

  • chin cek-pĕ; pau cek;

    father’s own younger brother, the two having the same mother.

  • cek tîet;

    uncle and nephew.

  • lău cek kong;

    great grandfather’s younger brother.

  • a-cek kíaⁿ;

    an uncle’s infant child.

  • thâng a-cek;

    grandfather’s younger brother’s son.

  • cŭang a-cek;

    great grandfather’s younger brother’s grandson.

  • côk cek;

    a distant cousin on the father’s side.

  • sòi cek;

    what a wife calls her husband’s younger brother.

  • To store up, to accumulate, to increase, to multiply.

  • cek hok;

    happiness derived from works of supererogation, (a phrase used by Buddhists).

  • cek ak;

    an accumulation of sins.

  • cek-thiok;

    to amass.

  • tun-cek;

    to heap up.

  • tun-cek cîⁿ-ngṳ̂n;

    to amass wealth.

  • cek tek;

    to increase in goodness.

  • cek nî;

    added years.

  • jît cek gûeh lúi;

    days and months multiply.

  • cek nî, lúi gûeh;

    a prolongation of life.

  • lúi-cek cò̤ cêk ē;

    collect in a single sum.

  • pōiⁿ cek ùaⁿ;

    to adjudicate the accumulated cases.

  • cŭ-cek cò̤ cêk tu;

    congregate in one swarm.

  • cek hueh;

    the blood has settled there.

  • cek khì;

    to nurse wrath.

  • kú nî kâi cek tâk;

    the poisonous accumulations of many years.

  • cek kú kâi mûeh;

    long hoarded things.

  • cek kú kâi pēⁿ;

    a disease of many years standing.

  • sio huang khṳ̀ cek;

    aperient and cathartic.

  • phùaⁿ cek hueh;

    relieve congestion.

  • To estimate; to sound; to fathom.

  • cek-sǹg;

    to conjecture; to calculate; to make an estimate.

  • cò̤-nî cek-sǹg to m̄ chut;

    however much I cogitate upon it, I cannot make it out.

  • cē cek-sǹg cū chut;

    as soon as you reckon it over you will see what it amounts to.

  • A rule; a standard; wherefore; in that case.

  • huap-cek;

    a rule or pattern to go by.

  • it cek cò̤-nî, jī cek cò̤-nî?

    What is the first step in the process, and what the second?

  • it cek lô̤h hŏ, jī cek cĭeⁿ sie, châng cĭu kōi hwt;

    firstly there must be rain, and secondly there must be warmth, then the rice will readily sprout up.

  • cìeⁿ-seⁿ îu cṳ cek khó̤, híe-seⁿ cĭu tẁn-tẁn m̄-hó̤;

    that method may answer, but the other will assuredly not do.

  • jîen-cek, lṳ́ cò̤-nî tàⁿ?

    If so, then what say you?

  • sûi cek sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    this is then the case.

  • cek lī;

    rules and regulations.

  • sĭang cek châng, tong cek châng, hĭa cek châng;

    the upper, middle, and lower field.

  • Panicled millet.

  • sú cek;

    the two kinds of millet.

  • cì sĭa cek tôaⁿ;

    the altar at which offerings are made to the gods of the land and of grain.

  • One; a, an, the; entire.

  • cêk téng bō̤;

    a cap.

  • cêk kâi nâng;

    a person.

  • cêk kĭaⁿ sṳ̄;

    an affair.

  • cêk ki pit;

    a pen.

  • cêk ki teng;

    a lamp.

  • cêk īeⁿ mûeh;

    a thing.

  • cêk khún pò;

    a roll of cloth.

  • cêk kò̤ bâk;

    a cake of ink.

  • cêk ciah cío;

    a bird.

  • cêk ciah gû;

    an ox.

  • cêk ciah cûn;

    a boat.

  • cêk ciah chíu;

    one hand.

  • cêk kha sieⁿ;

    a box.

  • cêk lúi hue;

    a flower.

  • cêk câng chīu;

    a tree.

  • cêk tîo so̤h;

    a rope.

  • cêk kháu phûn;

    a grave.

  • cêk cō̤ thah;

    a pagoda.

  • cêk koiⁿ pâng;

    a room.

  • cêk nía saⁿ;

    a jacket.

  • cêk lîap tāu;

    a bean.

  • cêk tah hûn;

    a cumulus cloud.

  • cêk tîo hûn;

    a fleck of cloud.

  • cêk bó châng;

    a field.

  • cêk khu hn̂g;

    a garden.

  • cêk kîu sùaⁿ;

    a ball of thread.

  • cêk pĭⁿ sùaⁿ;

    a skein of thread.

  • cêk cho̤h bí;

    a small quantity of rice.

  • cêk pé îam;

    a handful of salt.

  • cêk phóng sua;

    a double-handful of sand.

  • cêk tun thòaⁿ;

    a heap of coal.

  • cêk thâh cṳ-cheh;

    a pile of books.

  • cêk pńg cṳ;

    a book.

  • cêk khuh cúi;

    a puddle of water.

  • cêk în cîeh;

    a tier of stones.

  • cêk kah úaⁿ;

    a set of ten rice bowls.

  • cêk cun cúi;

    a bottle of water.

  • cêk phè hue;

    an apronfull of flowers.

  • cêk pau thn̂g;

    a package of sugar.

  • cêk tît ûeh;

    a perpendicular stroke.

  • cêk pé châ;

    a bundle of fire-wood.

  • cêk phìⁿ mn̂g;

    a door.

  • cêk tō̤ nâng;

    one generation.

  • cêk pâk càng;

    a dumpling.

  • cêk tùi koi;

    a pair of fowls.

  • cêk sang ôi;

    a pair of shoes.

  • cêk tūi piaⁿ-íong;

    a company of soldiers.

  • cêk khûn îeⁿ;

    a flock of sheep.

  • cêk khûn nâng;

    a throng of people.

  • cêk ûeh;

    a dash.

  • cêk phuah;

    a stroke to the left.

  • cêk tíam;

    a dot.

  • cêk cūe;

    a line.

  • cêk hîeh cheh;

    a leaf of a book.

  • cêk phien cṳ;

    a page of a book.

  • cêk cūe hûn;

    a crease.

  • cêk cūe phang;

    a crack.

  • cêk hâng cṳ;

    a column in a book.

  • cêk cūe jī;

    a column of letters.

  • cêk ūi nâng-kheh;

    a guest.

  • cêk tieⁿ cúa;

    a sheet of paper.

  • cêk tu ngṳ̂n;

    a pile of dollars.

  • cêk tu mīⁿ-hue;

    a small quantity of flour.

  • cêk huang ngṳ̂n;

    a sealed packet of dollars.

  • cêk phit pò;

    a whole piece of cloth.

  • cêk tâng píaⁿ;

    a cylinder full of cakes.

  • cêk ie kûn;

    a petticoat.

  • cêk pa pùi;

    a pimple.

  • cêk tô̤ phû-thô̤;

    a cluster of grapes.

  • cêk búe hṳ̂;

    a fish.

  • cêk tioh hêⁿ;

    a prawn.

  • cêk phàu tê;

    a drawing of tea.

  • chong cêk phàu tê;

    infuse some tea.

  • cêk thiap îeh;

    a dose of medicine.

  • cêk phit bé;

    a horse.

  • cêk tîo cîⁿ;

    a string of cash.

  • cêk sîaⁿ cîⁿ;

    a portion of money.

  • cêk hūn ke-ngîap;

    a portion of an estate.

  • cêk hong suaⁿ;

    a hill.

  • cêk kèⁿ ceng;

    a harpsichord.

  • cêk pak ji-ūe;

    a drawing.

  • cêk phìen châ;

    a splinter.

  • cêk nôi hun-kuah;

    a hill of potatoes.

  • cêk hwn phŭe;

    a coverlet.

  • cêk tĕⁿ chài;

    a bunch of vegetables.

  • cêk phŏ̤ tek;

    a clump of bamboos.

  • cêk cun ang-kíaⁿ;

    a doll.

  • cêk lap cúi;

    a dipperfull of water.

  • cêk phîak chòi;

    a batch of dough.

  • hāi úa cò̤ tīo cêk phûeh chòi;

    put me to useless trouble; made me waste my labor.

  • cêk ciu kîe;

    cêk tún kîe; cêk tîo kîe; a bridge.

  • cêk kù, cêk kù;

    sentence by sentence.

  • lṳ́ cai úa cêk kù sĭ cêk kù;

    you know I mean what I say and that there is no recanting nor shuffling.

  • cêk bw̄n;

    ten thousand.

  • hṳ́ cêk kâi;

    that one.

  • hṳ́ cêk jît;

    that day.

  • hiah ke cêk jît;

    stay a day longer.

  • hṳ́ cêk pôiⁿ;

    on that side.

  • cí cêk nâng;

    this individual.

  • cêk sin thìaⁿ;

    my whole body aches.

  • seⁿ cêk sin pùi;

    the whole person covered with prickly heat.

  • cêk mīn khṳt máng kă kàu cêk tíam cêk tíam âng-âng;

    his face has been bitten by mosquitoes till it is all little red dots.

  • i cêk póiⁿ chíu bŏi khîeh phû;

    he cannot raise his hand.

  • cêk ut;

    at a right angle; a sharp turn.

  • cêk khek cêk khek;


  • cêk pâi, cêk pâi;

    spread in rows.

  • cêk cak kíaⁿ;

    a short section.

  • cêk khip cêk khip khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ seng;

    round by round, gradually ascended.

  • cêk keh cêk keh khí khṳ̀;

    mounted step by step.

  • cêk kauh cêk kauh khîeh-khí;

    take it up roll by roll.

  • cĭeⁿ thui cêk pō cêk pō;

    went up the stairway step by step.

  • kîaⁿ lō cêk hûah cêk huah;

    strode along the road.

  • cêk lu cêk lu;

    hummocks at short distances apart.

  • cêk câng cêk câng;

    shelf by shelf.

  • cêk lēng, cêk lēng;

    furrow by furrow.

  • cêk ceng cêk ceng;

    cup after cup.

  • cêk mâk cêk mâk;

    mesh by mesh.

  • cêk gé cêk gé;

    having spikes.

  • cêk phau cêk phau;


  • cêk kak cêk kak;

    having corners, or angles.

  • cêk côih cêk côih;

    in slices.

  • cêk cng, cêk cng;

    brick by brick.

  • cêk hâp, cêk hâp;

    clash after clash (of cymbals).

  • cêk cih cêk cih;

    in even folds.

  • cêk phiak, cêk phîak;

    batch by batch.

  • cêk ĭeⁿ cêk ĭeⁿ;

    twig by twig.

  • cêk căm cêk căm;

    stage by stage.

  • cêk cak cek cak;

    verse by verse.

  • cêk cieⁿ cêk cieⁿ;

    chapter after chapter.

  • cêk ĭam cêk ĭam;

    in gradations, one above another, (as garments of unequal length, as mountains, or as slats in a shutter).

  • cêk seh cêk seh;

    piece by piece, (as pork that is laid out for sale).

  • cêk sueh sĭ sìeⁿ-ceⁿ;

    that is one explanation of it.

  • lṳ́ cài sĭeⁿ cêk sĭeⁿ;

    you think it over again.

  • cèng cêk sieⁿ cía, cêk sieⁿ hía;

    plant a bed of this and a bed of that.

  • lâi cêk hăng tīaⁿ;

    came only once.

  • phah i cêk ē;

    struck him once.

  • chēng cêk têng pò;

    wore only one thickness of clothing.

  • cêk ē cêk ē;

    stroke by stroke.

  • khṳ̀ cêk cūa tīaⁿ;

    went only once.

  • thiaⁿ cêk kùe;

    heard it once.

  • íⁿ-keng thóiⁿ cêk kùe lío;

    have already seen it once.

  • khṳ̀ cêk hûe;

    go once.

  • khṳ̀ cêk tńg tīaⁿ;

    go only once.

  • cêk sî sĭeⁿ m̄ chut;

    cannot just now think of it.

  • cêk sî cêk khek to m̄ ôiⁿ;

    have not a moment’s leisure.

  • khṳ̀ kàu cêk nî;

    was there a year.

  • cêk kâi gûeh khṳ̀ sì hăng;

    goes four times a month.

  • lṳ́ cò̤ lṳ́ cêk piⁿ lí, úa cò̤ úa cêk piⁿ lí;

    you attend to your affairs, and I will attend to mine.

  • khĭa tŏ̤ cêk piⁿ;

    stand on one side.

  • cêk chīu sin seⁿ cĕng-cĕng ko-sîn;

    the trunk of the tree is all covered with mould flies.

  • pàng cò̤ cêk tît;

    put them down so as to make a straight row.

  • cêk tît cáu;

    ran straight on.

  • cêk tît tńg lâi;

    came straight back.

  • ke cêk khùn-kíaⁿ;

    a little while longer.

  • cêk mâk nih;

    in just a second.

  • ŭ cêk khùn;

    quite a long while.

  • cêk siap-sî;

    a little while.

  • cêk tńg sin cĭu lâi;

    will be here in the time it takes to turn around.

  • hui cêk hui;

    turn around once.

  • cêk thìo cĭu khí khṳ̀;

    went up at one jump.

  • niap cêk kâi kóiⁿ;

    lay a plait.

  • cêk kâi cuh, cêk kâi cuh;


  • cêk hù to̤ che;

    a set of knives and forks.

  • cêk koiⁿ cêk keh khuah căi;

    taking all the rooms together, it is very spacious.

  • cêk chù cêk chù m̄ sie tâng;

    it is different in different places.

  • cêk kâi khang, cêk kâi khang;

    interstices at regular intervals.

  • cêk kṳn;

    one catty.

  • cêk níe;

    one ounce.

  • cêk khẃn;

    of one kind.

  • cêk lūi nâng;

    one class of people.

  • cêk sut-kíaⁿ hô-cie;

    a little pepper.

  • lô̤h cêk cho̤h kíaⁿ sī-îu;

    put in a little soy.

  • tih cêk nih-kíaⁿ chò lô̤h-khṳ̀;

    drop in a very little vinegar.

  • cêk sut-kíaⁿ-nîh; cêk sut-kíaⁿ-ni;

    just the least bit.

  • cêk thúi tṳ-nêk;

    a leg of pork.

  • cêk thúi koi;

    a quarter of a fowl.

  • cêk îaⁿ, cêk îaⁿ;

    encampments at short distances from each other, extending over a considerable space.

  • cêk tūi cêk tūi;

    in companies, stationed a little distance apart.

  • ŭ cêk kâi cĭu ŏi cò̤ tit;

    if I had one only, I could get along.

  • ŭ ke cêk kâi cĭu hó̤;

    if there were one more it would be enough.

  • cêk jît tàⁿ ūe bô̤ hiah;

    talked the whole day without stopping.

  • cêk mêⁿ bô̤ ût;

    did not sleep any all night.

  • cúi phùn cêk koiⁿ;

    the water spattered all around.

  • cêk nî bô̤ sói;

    did not wash it during an entire year.

  • cêk mêⁿ tó̤ phûeh ūe;

    talked through the entire night.

  • cêk sì nâng;

    all his lifetime.

  • mīn tèng cêk tah o-o;

    a black spot on his face.

  • cêk kâi cháu-cáng;

    a rick of straw.

  • khṳ̂n cêk khṳ̂n cháu;

    make a hay stack.

  • cù-chang cù-chang chin-chĭeⁿ cí cêk kò̤ cúi-phûeh;

    porous like this sponge.

  • cêk chiet kâi sṳ̄ to sĭ úa lí;

    the whole affair was managed by me.

  • cêk-ki-līu;

    from that time on; during the whole time; from then till now continuously; at one stretch.

  • cêk-ki-līu sĭ ēng i;

    has employed him from the beginning.

  • cêk-ki-līu tŏ̤ cí-kò̤ khĭa-khí;

    have lived here all the time.

  • Humid; enriched; redolent.

  • tek cêk;

    rich in virtues.

  • ṳn cêk;

    rich in mercy.

  • kong cêk;

    rich in merit.

  • jŭn cêk;

    rich in moisture.

  • hŏ cêk;

    moistened with showers.

  • cêk kip ău sì;

    benefit after ages.

  • cêk kip tī ĕ;

    to enrich the whole earth.