A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / cap | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / cap

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  • Juice; gravy.

  • cúi cap;

    the juice.

  • chài cap;

    the watery part of vegetables.

  • kîam-chài cap;

    the brine in which vegetables have been pickled.

  • pin-lô̤ cap maìⁿ phùi cêk saⁿ;

    do not get betel juice all over your jacket.

  • chio kṳ̂t cē, màiⁿ chio kàu cap-cap;

    mix it stiff, do not make a thin batter of it.

  • bô̤ thng bô̤ cap, cîah căi tit lô̤h?

    With no moisture about it, how can I eat it?

  • cí lîap kaⁿ bô̤ mih cap;

    this orange is not very juicy.

  • cap lông-lông;

    thick juice.

  • cap cheng-cheng;

    thin juice.

  • ío ŭ cap;

    more juicy.

  • cah-cap cah-cap nē;

    of the right consistence.

  • hṳ́-cap sîap chut lâi;

    the gravy of the fish has oozed out.

  • To intrench; to encamp; to settle.

  • îaⁿ cap tŏ̤ tī-kò̤?

    Where is the camp set?

  • cí cêk tūi cap tŏ̤ cí, hṳ́ cêk tūi cap tŏ̤ hṳ́;

    this company is intrenched here, and that one there.

  • chíaⁿ cap-cŭ;

    invite one to stay or to put up for the night.

  • i cap tŏ̤ sùaⁿ-thâu;

    he is established at Swatow.

  • Documents; writings.

  • cúa-cap;

    paper used for documents.

  • sîeⁿ-sîeⁿ ŭ cṳ-cap lâi úang;

    communications were constantly exchanged.

  • lô̤h kâi cap;

    send a document.

  • Mixed; unassorted; confused.

  • câp hùe;

    mixed goods.

  • câp mûeh;

    all sorts of things.

  • câp sṳ̄;

    many kinds of business.

  • câp sek;

    many colored.

  • phah câp;

    do all sorts of work.

  • tó̤ tng phah câp;

    engaged in doing odd jobs.

  • câp kieh;

    a man of all work.

  • lw̆n-câp;

    in confusion.

  • sim câp;

    the mind distracted.

  • câp căi;

    many different things to be attended to.

  • màiⁿ lap-câp tàⁿ;

    do not garble it in the telling.

  • lap-lap-câp-câp;

    all mixed confusedly.

  • ôiⁿ câp nâng;


  • câp-céng kíaⁿ;

    a bastard.

  • chap-chap câp-câp;


  • lṳ́ màiⁿ lâi cí-kó̤ chap-câp;

    do not come here and idle about at times when others are engaged.

  • câp bŭ;

    sundry engagements.

  • câp-kap;

    a mixture of many kinds.

  • câp-pĕ câp-bó̤ kíaⁿ;

    a lot of scamps from various places.

  • Ten, a complete number.

  • tŏiⁿ câp;

    the tenth.

  • câp-it;


  • câp ciah chn̂g;

    ten tables.

  • câp gūa;

    over ten.

  • cîaⁿ câp kâi;

    about ten of them.

  • câp kím;

    all sorts of condiments.

  • câp cok;

    full; complete.

  • câp hun hó̤;

    perfectly good.

  • câp sîaⁿ sieh;

    as kind as possible.

  • câp chŵn;


  • câp hun tit cêk;

    got one tenth of it.

  • câp kúi kâi?

    How many over-ten are there?

  • kúi câp kâi;

    several tens of them.

  • kúi câp nî;

    several decades.

  • câp gūa nâng;

    more than ten persons.

  • put kùe sù câp hàng sú;

    only a few short seasons.

  • câp jī kè;

    an upright cross.

  • câp jī lō-thâu;

    two roads, crossing at right angles.

  • câp, pat bô̤ cêk;

    does not know a tithe of it.

  • câp ŭ káu ngía;

    nine out of ten of them are pretty.

  • peh chia m̄ jû ngŏ-câp hīn;

    fifty per cent paid down is better than a hundred per cent on credit.

  • câp-poih séⁿ;

    the eighteen provinces.

  • chûn kàu câp pé ki;

    have ten bunches of them remaining.

  • câp ŭ káu khṳ̀;

    have disposed of nine tenths of them.

  • it câp kâi;

    a single ten.

  • it jī câp;

    one or two tens.

  • it ngŏ, it câp;

    five or ten at a time.

  • câp-hun huaⁿ-hí;

    wholly pleased.

  • A guard house at a pass.

  • câp pâng;

    the quarters for the guards.

  • cíeⁿ câp-pâng;

    stand on guard at the guard house.

  • câp tun;

    a guard station.