A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / cang | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / cang

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  • To take; to make use of; a sign of the accusative.

  • cang cía a cang hía;

    make use of this or that.

  • cang sĭm-mûeh khṳt i cîah?

    What will you give him to eat?

  • cang hó̤ ūe kio i tàⁿ;

    speak comfortably to him.

  • cang bô̤ cò̤ ŭ;

    made out of nothing; unfounded.

  • tîeh cang sêng-sim, m̄ thû-thû cang ūe tàⁿ;

    there must be sincerity as well as professions.

  • cang ta-po ké cò̤ cṳ-nîe;

    had a man disguised as a woman.

  • àiⁿ cang tī-tîang khṳ̀?

    Whom will you send?

  • The coir palm.

  • cang-sui;

    a coir cloak.

  • cang so̤h;

    coir rope.

  • cang chîeh;

    a coir mat.

  • cang sàu;

    a coir broom.

  • cang sieⁿ;

    a coir trunk.

  • A lady’s coiffure.

  • tá cang;

    do up the hair.

  • lâu mô̤ⁿ, phah cang;

    let the hair grow, in order to arrange it in the style of a married woman.

  • jû-ì cah tŏ̤ cang sim;

    an ornament was inserted in the centre of the coiffure.

  • kíaⁿ-jît kâi cang siu khṳ̀ ngía căi;

    your hair is very prettily arranged to-day.

  • cang-kíaⁿ lô̤;

    the hair arranged in a coil.

  • A square lifting net, suspended on a frame, and let down by a long rope.

  • áu cang; khang cang;

    to fish with lifting nets.

  • khîa ki cang lâi áu hṳ̂;

    set a lifting net to catch fish.

  • áu-cang máng-tìeⁿ;

    a mosquito bar having a folding frame inside.

  • Sedate; serious; a high road.

  • cang kèng;

    serious and respectful.

  • twn cang;

    strictly correct in conduct.

  • cang ngîam;

    strictly proper.

  • cang tŏng;


  • khang cang tōa lō;

    a level highway.

  • A mane.

  • bé cang mô̤ⁿ;

    a horse’s mane.

  • tṳ cang mô̤ⁿ;

    hog’s bristles.

  • A peruke; a wig; false hair.

  • ké cáng;

    a false peruke.

  • lṳ́ kâi cang ŭ ciap cáng a bô̤?

    Do you wear false hair?

  • To hold on tightly with the hands.

  • nŏ̤ ciah chíu cáng i kâi piⁿ;

    held on to his queue with both hands.

  • cáng kín-kín m̄ khéng pàng;

    he held on tightly, and would not let go.

  • cáng i m̄ cŭ;

    could not hold on to it.

  • To collect and tie up, as in a sheaf; to unite under one rule or in a whole.

  • cáng cò̤ cêk ē;

    bind them in one bundle.

  • pá-cáng;

    an ensign, the second grade below a captain, and the lowest of army officers.

  • thih pá-cáng;

    a low but permanent office, in which there is neither hope of promotion nor fear of degradation.

  • Robust; hardy; lusty; to inspirit; to incite.

  • càng teng;

    able-bodied men.

  • càng nî;

    in strong health.

  • càng-kĭen;

    strong and hardy.

  • càng sṳ̆;

    one accomplished in manly sports.

  • càng-sĕng;


  • sìo-càng;

    young and hearty.

  • mîn càng;

    the militia.

  • eng-hîong chut sìo-càng;

    violence comes of youthful vigor.

  • íong càng;

    volunteer troops.

  • pûi-càng;


  • càng i kâi táⁿ;

    incite his courage.

  • cîah kàu pûi-càng tōa-kīaⁿ;

    become very stout and hardy.

  • Dumplings, boiled in a wrapping of leaves.

  • càng kîu;

    three cornered dumplings.

  • càng kâi;

    many cornered dumplings.

  • càng pau sĭm-mih kâi?

    What is in the dumplings?

  • càng pâk khah phàⁿ;

    these dumplings are not well filled.

  • cí kâi càng sĭ kîam kâi a sĭ tîam kâi?

    Have these dumplings a sweet or a salt filling?

  • càng sĭ ēng tek-hîeh kah kîam-cháu khṳ̀ pâk;

    dumplings are tied up in bamboo leaves, with a bulrush.

  • pâk càng kâi tek-hîeh ēng ke kùe jú hó̤, bŏ̤i chàu tek-hîeh bī;

    the bamboo leaves used in wrapping dumplings are better after having been used several times, for then they will not impart a taste to the dumpling.

  • A warehouse; godowns.

  • càng-pâng;

    a store-room.

  • càng co;


  • tun-pàng càng tèng;

    stored in the godown.

  • kẃn-càng;


  • kāng i khṳ̀ càng kò̤ khí;

    go and take it out of the godown for him.

  • To stand up; to stand still.

  • càng kha m̄ cŭ;

    cannot stand it.

  • ceng kàu i càng kha m̄ cŭ;

    punished them till they gave way altogether.

  • i cí-hûe cn̂g kâi càng kha m̄ cŭ tŏ̤-kò̤;

    he is now wholly unable to maintain his position.

  • líang pôiⁿ kâi bûn bú kuaⁿ tŏ̤ càng-pang, ŭ cìaⁿ peh nâng tŏ̤ táng khim-che lâi;

    the civil and military officers stood on either side in the order of their rank, about a hundred in all, awaiting the arrival of the ambassador.

  • tău-thâi cŏ̤ jīm, i ēng khṳ̀ càng-pang a mín?

    On the Intendant of Circuit’s coming to enter upon his office, does he go to attend upon him, standing where his rank prescribes?

  • cí-kò̤ cn̂g kâi càng m̄ cŭ kha;

    there is no foothold at all here; this position cannot be maintained.

  • To praise, as in worship.

  • càng-múi;


  • cheng-càng;

    to laud.

  • To assist.

  • càng-cŏ̤;

    to aid.

  • càng sêng cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄;

    help to bring this about.

  • A classifier of trees and plants.

  • cêk câng hue, cêk câng chài, cêk câng chīu;

    a flower, a vegetable, and a tree.

  • cêk câng kúe-cí;

    a fruit tree.

  • peh cĭeⁿ chīu-câng téng;

    climbed a tree.

  • cí câng hue ngía căi, īu phang;

    this shrub is beautiful and it is fragrant too.

  • úa thóiⁿ cí kâi câng-sin khùn: tîeh èng pûi;

    I see that this plant is weak: fertilizing matter must be put around it.

  • cí câng chīu sin ío tōa, hṳ́ câng li chīu ki ío cōi;

    this tree has the larger trunk, and that one the greater number of branches.

  • kìaⁿ-seⁿ sĭ seⁿ tŏ̤ chīu câng tèng;

    parasites grow upon trees.

  • Steps; shelves; gradations.

  • cêk câng, nŏ̤ câng;

    one or two gradations.

  • cĭeⁿ kàu tŏiⁿ saⁿ câng;

    went up to the third landing.

  • thâu cêk câng;

    the first in an ascending series.

  • hṳ́ búe câng;

    the farthest off in the series.

  • tîeh ŭ câng chṳ̀;

    there must be gradations.

  • tâh-pō-câng;

    a stairway.

  • saⁿ câng lâu;

    a building of three diminishing storeys.

  • peh kàu tŏiⁿ ngŏ câng; climbed to the fifth storey.

  • tû àiⁿ kêh cò̤ kúi câng?

    How many shelves will you have put into the cupboard?

  • pàng tŏ̤ tŏiⁿ saⁿ câng;

    put it on the third shelf.

  • thui-keh jîeh cōi câng?

    How many steps are there in the stairs?

  • hṳ̂ kâi thah tŏ̤ cí ĕ kàu hṳ́ téng ŭ nŏ̤ peh gūa keh tâh-pō-câng;

    that pagoda has over two hundred steps in its stairway.

  • To drench by pouring from above.

  • pun hŏ câng kàu cêk sin;

    drenched by the rain.

  • câng-êk;

    take shower baths.

  • tîeh cai thóiⁿ, m̄ hó̤ câng tîeh nâng;

    must look out that you do not souse people with it when pouring it down.

  • The parenchymatous viscera.

  • ngŏ-căng lâk-hú;

    all the internal organs of a body.

  • hùi, sim, pî, kuaⁿ, sĭen, cía sí kìe-cò̤ ngŏ căng; tăi-chîang, sío-chîang, ūi, táⁿ, phâng-kuang, sim-pau-lôk, cía sĭ kìe-cò̤ lâk hú;

    the lungs, heart, spleen, liver and kidneys are called the five viscera; the large and small intestines, the stomach, the gall, the bladder, and the heart-case are called the membraneous viscera.

  • căng hú siang phùe;

    the two sorts of viscera are the complement each of the other.

  • A terrace.

  • suaⁿ-sîa cêk căng cêk căng;

    the slope of the hill is terraced.

  • ngŏ căng lâu;

    a building with five diminishing storeys.

  • cêk căng cêk căng nâng-mûeh cōi căi;

    there are a great many people in this crowd, standing so that their heads appear in ascending and receding tiers.

  • To present; to bestow upon; to make a parting gift.

  • kàu cāng;

    to present to.

  • hŏng cāng;

    respectfully offer as a gift.

  • lī cāng ang jîn;

    promoted according to rule.

  • cāng chùi, bô̤ cāng cîⁿ;

    give promises instead of the cash.

  • úa cāng i cêk peh ngṳ̂n cò̤ lō hùi;

    I gave him a hundred dollars for his travelling expenses.

  • hĕng tit ŭ móng nâng tó̤ cāng chùi, sṳ̄ cìaⁿ sêng;

    could a certain person be had as negotiator, the business would be done.

  • cāng-sàng îeh-îⁿ;

    gave a parting gift of medicinal pills.

  • cāng kè cng;

    make wedding presents.

  • cāng lṳ́ bōi;

    let you have it at no profit to myself.

  • bô̤ mûeh hó̤ cāng lṳ́;

    I have nothing to give you as a souvenir.

  • hó̤ tit lṳ́ cāng úa cêk pì cṳ lak;

    I wish you would give me a helping hand for a moment.