A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / cùe | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / cùe

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  • Exceedingly; extremely; the superlative degree.

  • cùe hó̤;

    extremely good.

  • cùe lîang-sĭen;

    wholly righteous.

  • cùe kang-ak;

    very wicked.

  • cùe ngía;

    exceedingly beautiful.

  • cùe khá;

    very quick-witted.

  • cùe lĭ-hāi;

    exceedingly harmful.

  • cùe ìo-kín kâi;

    the most important one.

  • cùe bô̤ tèng-ēng kâi;

    the most useless of all.

  • cùe soiⁿ lâi;

    the very first to come.

  • cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ cùe kang-khó;

    this is extremely difficult.

  • cùe ún-tàng;

    the safest.

  • úa thóiⁿ cò̤ cùe o̤h;

    I consider it the most difficult of all.

  • ŭ nâng thóiⁿ cò̤ cùe kōi;

    some people consider it the easiest.

  • cí kâi nâng cùe m̄-hó̤;

    this man is the worst of all.

  • To reiterate.

  • màiⁿ tàⁿ khah cùe;

    do not repeat it too many times.

  • tàⁿ khah cùe, nâng thiaⁿ tîeh cū ìam;

    if you repeat it too often people will be sick of hearing it.

  • Sin; crime; guilt; to offend.

  • hŭam cŭe;

    to violate the law.

  • mn̄g cŭe;

    examine a criminal.

  • tīaⁿ cŭe;

    to condemn.

  • sĭu cŭe;

    get his demerits.

  • sí cŭe;

    a capital crime.

  • ŭ cŭe;


  • bô̤ cŭe;


  • cŭe jîn;

    a criminal.

  • cŭe-kùe;


  • cŭe-ak;


  • cai cŭe;

    conscious of his fault.

  • sìa cŭe;

    pardon a fault.

  • sìa-míen i kâi cŭe;

    forgive his offense.

  • kia cŭe;

    a repeated offense.

  • tit cŭe tîeh lṳ́;

    I have wronged you.

  • cŭe-ak kẁn-îong;

    the measure of his iniquity is full.

  • cŭe só̤ eng tit;

    a well deserved fate.

  • sù cŭe;

    I beg your pardon.

  • jīn cŭe;

    confess the fault.

  • tâng cŭe;

    equally guilty.

  • cŭe sòi;

    it is a venial offense.

  • lṳ́ kâi cŭe sĭ tăng;

    your crime is great.

  • cŭe tōa;

    the offense is heinous.

  • cŭe khin;

    a slight offense.

  • ngí cŭe;

    to judge an offense.

  • kìe mêng sĭm-mih cŭe;

    declare what crime it is.

  • phōiⁿ cŭe;

    to sentence for crime.

  • taⁿ-tng i kâi cŭe;

    bear the conseqences of another’s crime.

  • kíaⁿ thòi a pĕ sĭu-cŭe;

    a son receiving punishment in his father’s stead.

  • khîu thòi ang sĭu cŭe;

    seek to be punished in a husband’s stead.

  • chut jîp nâng kâi cŭe;

    participate in another’s guilt.

  • chut thut tīo i kâi cŭe;

    permit him to escape due punishment.

  • sìa-míen i kâi cŭe-ak kùe-sit;

    overlook his sins and errors.

  • A column; a line; a row.

  • cêk jît thâk kúi cūe cṳ;

    read several columns of letters in a day.

  • cêk hîeh cò̤ poih cūe;

    make eight columns to the leaf.

  • cêk cūe sía saⁿ-câp kâi jī;

    write thirty letters to the column.