Wood; timber; wooden.
an artist who works in wood.
bâk-kang sai-pĕ;
a carpenter.
cò̤ bâk-kang;
do carpentery.
a carpenter’s foot rule.
cêk kò̤ bâk kâi;
made of a single piece of wood.
putchuck, used as medicine.
bâk pŏ;
the vegetable kingdom, the whole list of characters having this radical.
bâk cheⁿ;
the planet Jupiter.
bâk hì;
a puppet show.
ŭ khí chīu-bâk chiu-thiⁿ-sî lut hîeh, ṳ khí chīu-bâk tang-thiⁿ-sî hîeh cìaⁿ lut, ŭ khí chīu-bâk bô̤ mih lut hîeh;
some shrubs shed their leaves in autumn, some in winter, and some do not shed them much at all.
Close; imperforate; without interstices; occult.
sòi bâk;
of close texture.
thīⁿ kàu bâk-bâk;
sewed with fine stitches.
without interstices.
cí kâi pò bâk-câk;
this cloth is imporous.
úa kâi hîuⁿ àiⁿ bâk hâng kâi;
I want my wadded jacket close-quilted in lines.
kau-chap khṳ̀ ciu-bâk;
having a close and intimate relationship with each other.
pìn kàu bâk-bâk;
interweave them closely so as to leave no interstices.
sẃn i pìu khṳ̀ bâk kâi;
select one that is close plaited.
hĭa tĭeh pâi bâk-bâk;
lay the tiles so as to leave no crevices.
cò̤ bâk-bâk;
make it so that there will be no chinks.
pâi bâk cē;
spread them close together.
the real moving cause.
Ink; style, letters, writings.
bâk īⁿ;
an ink-stone.
bâk hû;
a box for prepared ink.
bâk âp;
a box holding cakes of ink.
bâk kè;
an ink rack.
cêk tîo bâk;
a bar of ink.
cêk kò̤ bâk;
a cake of ink.
bâk cúi;
liquid ink.
pit bâk cúa īⁿ;
writing materials.
bâk sùaⁿ;
a line made with ink.
a carpenter’s line and reel.
bâk hṳ̂;
the cuttle fish.
bâk pó;
dried cuttle fish.
bâk khah kṳ̂t;
the ink is too thick.
bâk khah chieh;
the ink is too thin.
bâk sía lô̤h khṳ̀ ŭn;
the ink spreads after writing.
bâk bûa lông cē;
rub up a little more ink.
ŭ sîn bâk;
all lined and marked out.
tăi lô̤h bâk;
put pen to paper.
cí kâi nâng hó̤ pit bâk;
this is a good penman.
bûn bâk kâi nâng;
a student.
àiⁿ sía ngía jī, tîeh ēng hó̤ pit bâk;
if you would write a beautiful hand, you must use good pens and ink.
kiaⁿ bâk hó̤ cò̤ îeh;
Pekinese ink is good as a medicine.
ní bâk-cúi kâi pò;
cloth colored in ink.
bâk-cúi ūe;
drawn in ink.
cí kâi bâk sĭ sĭm-mih kâi cò̤ kâi?
Of what is this ink made?
hó̤ cang o-in cò̤ bâk;
soot may be made into ink.
bâk īam-īam;
the ink is glossy.
a very dark reddish brown.
bâk sái;
ink dried on the stone.