A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / bói | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / bói

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  • To buy.

  • bói hùe;

    buys goods.

  • bói sĭu;

    to buy in.

  • bói cok;

    bought the full quantity.

  • bói poiⁿ;

    to purvey; a comprador.

  • bói kàu cuang;

    buys wholesale.

  • chàm chùi bói;

    to buy at retail or buy piecemeal.

  • bói pīn lío;

    bought and made ready.

  • cò̤ bói bōi;

    be a trader.

  • bói bōi seng-lí;

    the business of a merchant.

  • siu bói kó-tóng;

    curiosities bought here.

  • bói lâi kùi, bōi khṳ̀ phīⁿ;

    bought dear and sold cheap.

  • bói chiah-kha;

    bought a concubine.

  • bói chiah-kha kíaⁿ;

    bought a female slave.

  • bói sùaⁿ;

    buy thread; employ a detective.

  • bói jîp bōi chut;

    buy in and sell out.

  • bôi hôk nâng sim;

    win people’s hearts.

  • bói sí i kâi sim;

    get complete possession of his affections.

  • bói chân-hn̂g chù-ok;

    buy land and houses.

  • i tó̤ bó̤i bōi;

    he is engaged in trade.


  • Cannot; unable; incapable.

  • i ŏi a bŏi?

    Can he or can he not?

  • úa bŏi;

    I cannot do it.

  • hāi i bŏi cîah bŏi ût;

    caused him to lose both appetite and sleep.

  • khah tăng, bŏi taⁿ;

    it is too heavy, I cannot carry it.

  • m̄ cai i ŏ a bŏi;

    do not know whether he is able to do it or not.

  • To sell.

  • bōi tīo;

    sold off.

  • bōi m̄ khṳ̀;

    cannot sell.

  • àiⁿ bōi, bô̤ nâng àiⁿ;

    wants to sell it but nobody wants it.

  • m̄ kam bōi;

    not willing to sell it.

  • bōi mêⁿ;

    evening sales.

  • chut bōi;

    for sale.

  • chàm-chùi bô̤ bōi;

    will not sell at retail.

  • bōi kàu cuang;

    sell wholesale.

  • kàu kĭaⁿ cìaⁿ ŭ bōi;

    sold only by the lot.

  • bōi sin;

    sold himself.

  • tău bói tău bōi;

    trade in contraband articles.

  • bōi tṳ-kíaⁿ;

    sell pigs; sell into foreign servitude.

  • hẃn bōi nâng kháu;

    sell girls into brothels.

  • bōi nâng-chêng khṳt i;

    to curry favor.

  • bōi chut cĕng-cĕng cîⁿ;

    sell for cash.

  • bōi sîh pńg;

    sell at less than cost.

  • khṳt i bōi;

    betrayed by him.

  • bōi kok;

    betray one’s country.

  • sî bói sî bōi;

    sold as soon as bought.

  • bōi líen;

    barter one’s honor.

  • bōi pàng;

    let prisoners away.

  • bōi bó kè kíaⁿ kâi cîⁿ i to àiⁿ;

    he will take the price of his wife and children.