A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / bîe | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / bîe

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  • To trace, to limn, to sketch.

  • bîe jī;

    to trace letters through paper.

  • bîe sía;

    to trace letters, laying thin paper over the characters to be copied.

  • bîe i kâi īeⁿ;

    limn its likeness.

  • bîe kàu sĭo;

    sketched a good likeness.

  • To peek; to peep; to espy.

  • i tó̤ bîe thóiⁿ ŭ khang-khiah a bô̤;

    he comes and peeps about to see if there is any chink for him to see through.

  • lṳ́ màiⁿ lâi tó̤ bîe thóiⁿ, úa cai;

    you need not come and spy around, I know you are there.

  • i tīaⁿ-tîeh lâi bîe thóiⁿ, nâng thâu-soiⁿ ṳ̆ i;

    as he is sure to come spying around, we will prepare for him beforehand.

  • bô̤ bîe;

    no peeking allowed.

  • The eyes half shut; to squint.

  • mâk bîe-bîe;


  • mâk tieⁿ kàu bîe-bîe;

    she affects languor by keeping her eyelids half closed.

  • A temple; a fane.

  • thài bīe;

    the imperial ancestral temple.

  • ke bīe; có bīe;

    an ancestral temple.

  • sîn bīe;

    an idol temple.

  • bīe ú;

    temples of every kind.

  • cêk cō̤ bīe;

    one temple.

  • bûn bīe;

    a temple where civil officers worship.

  • bú bīe;

    a temple where warriors worship.

  • bīe cok;

    a temple curator, a sexton.

  • sin khí bīe;

    newly built temples.

  • sîaⁿ-hn̂g bīe;

    the municipal temple in a walled city.

  • thó-tī bīe;

    the temple of the local god.

  • cheⁿ-lêng bīe;

    temple of the green dragon.

  • jîp bīe sie hieⁿ;

    go into the temple to burn incense.

  • khṳ̀ keng-bīe kò̤ pài, cah ngṳ̂n-tĭaⁿ, hieⁿ, cek;

    go to the temple to worship, taking spirit-money, incense, and candles.