A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / ang | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / ang

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  • ang A husband.

  • ang bó;

    ang cía; husband and wife.

  • bô̤ ang, bô̤ kíaⁿ;

    without husband or sons.

  • ang-cía kíaⁿ;

    the young couple.

  • i kâi ang tī-kò̤ húe?

    From what place does her husband come?

  • ang hău-seⁿ, bó hău-seⁿ;

    the band is youthful and the wife also.

  • m̄ khéng kè lău ang;

    unwilling to marry an old man.

  • lău ang-cía;

    an old couple.

  • soiⁿ ang;

    first husband.

  • côiⁿ ang;

    former husband (now dead).

  • ău ang;

    second husband.

  • Rest; peace; to place at ease.

  • phêng-ang;


  • ang-sek;


  • ang-sek jît;

    the Sabbath.

  • ang-sek-hieⁿ;

    gum benjamin.

  • ang-kham;

    a shrine, or case for ancestral tablets.

  • ang ūi;

    to appoint the seats (for guests).

  • hâp sĭa phêng-ang;

    all the clans at peace.

  • ang sim lô̤h ngîap;

    keep your mind on your occupation.

  • ang ke;

    to support a family.

  • ēng jîeh cōi cîⁿ ang ke?

    How much is used for the support of the family?

  • ang-tùn kàu hó̤-hó̤;

    well provided for.

  • ang-jîen cṳ̆-căi;

    in quiet ease and comfort.

  • ang-lôk-kong;

    a mere man of pleasure.


  • A quail.

  • phah ang-chun;

    to fight quails.

  • lîah ang-chun;

    to carry around a quail that is being trained to fight.

  • ang-chun khuang;

    a quail pen.

  • ang-chun tō̤;

    a bag for carrying quails.

  • ang-chun pie;

    the banner of the champion quail.

  • lông ang-chun;

    to keep quails.

  • chíu lîah ang-chun bó̤;

    to carry a female quail about, (in order to appear to be a sportsman).

  • ŭ nâng lîah ang-chun phùa ke, ŭ nâng lîah ang-chun hwt ke;

    some train quails to the ruin of their families, some train them and thereby found families.

  • An earthen jar, without handles or spout.

  • cíu àng;

    wine jar.

  • bí àng;

    rice jar.

  • mêng-thn̂g àng;

    candy jar.

  • kîam-chài àng;

    salt vegetable jar.

  • hue kim àng;

    an urn, holding the bones of the dead.

  • àng thâu puah;

    a pot used as a cover for a jar.

  • cíu àng thô;

    the clay used to stop the mouths of wine-jars.

  • àng thâu īu;

    a species of pumelo; a runt.

  • tham cîah, pûah lô̤h mêng-thn̂g àng;

    the greedy fall into the sweetmeat jar.

  • chō̤ cêk àng cúi;

    holds a jar of water.

  • cò̤ cêk àng chò;

    make a jar of vinegar.

  • àng tói kâi chò-koi;

    the animalcules in a jar of vinegar.

  • kŭaⁿ cêk àng cúi tĭⁿ-tĭⁿ;

    bring a full jar of water.

  • lŏ cêk àng kôi;

    pickle a jar of mashed fish.

  • ŭ cêk àng cau tṳ-nêk;

    had a jar of corned pork.

  • khṳ̀ ûn kúi àng cíu;

    go and heat up some jars of whiskey.

  • hue-kim-pău thóiⁿ-cò̤ mêng-thn̂g àng;

    mistook an urn of dead men’s bones for a candy pot.

  • tâng phûa m̄ sói àng, cē sói, sie-lîn-thàng;

    old mother Tang did not often wash her jars, but when she did, she washed holes in them.

  • àng-le;

    a potsherd.

  • A banquet.

  • sṳ̀ àng;

    confer a banquet.

  • ím àng;

    to feast.

  • eng-îang àng; têk-mêng àng;

    the banquet given by the provincial authorities to those who take the military or civil degree of kṳ́-jìn.

  • khûang-lîm àng;

    an imperial banquet, given to those who take the degree of cìu-sṳ̄.

  • The leg of a boot.

  • hia àng;

    hia tháng; a boot leg.

  • khǹg ki to̤ tŏ̤ hia-àng tói;

    kept a knife in his boot leg.

  • khùai-hia kâi hia-àng sĭ lâi níu kâi;

    the leg of the top-boot buttons up.

  • phùa hia-tháng;

    a torn boot leg; a scholar who gets no office.

  • The leg of a stocking.

  • bûeh àng; bûeh tháng;

    a stocking leg.

  • mn̂g-kó-àng;

    the enciente of a city gate.

  • màiⁿ khṳt i kueⁿ tŏ̤ mn̂g-kó-àng tói, kă máng;

    do not let him get shut in between the inner and outer gates to pass the night bitten by mosquitoes.

  • A stoppage of the nose, caused by a cold; nasal, as a tone.

  • tàⁿ-ūe àng-àng;

    to speak through the nose.

  • i chek-cúi lío tàⁿ-ūe àng-ǹg;

    having a cold in his head, he speaks nasally.

  • kâi phīⁿ àng-ǹg àng-ǹg, kang-khó căi;

    the nose stopped up, with a distressing cold.

  • In conformity to; to lay or press the hand upon; to fix upon; to cause to stop; to give as security.

  • àng cìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    thus, like this.

  • àng hìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    so, like that.

  • àng côiⁿ hìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    as before.

  • àng cí kâi hìeⁿ ngía;

    as handsome as this.

  • àng cìeⁿ cōi;

    so many.

  • àng hìeⁿ cíe;

    so few.

  • àng cí kâi hìeⁿ hó̤;

    as good as this.

  • àng huap-lût phōiⁿ;

    administer according to law.

  • àng cìeⁿ tn̂g, àng cìeⁿ tōa; àiⁿ li lâi, màiⁿ li suah!

    I have only what is of this length and size; if you want it, take it, if you do not want it, let it alone!

  • tŏ̤-lí àng cìeⁿ chim;

    doctrine so deep.

  • àng hìeⁿ tn̂g;

    so long as that.

  • ŏi tit àng cí cêk kâi cìeⁿ tōa cū àiⁿ;

    if I can get one as large as this I want it.

  • bô̤ nâng àng lṳ́ cìeⁿ hó̤;

    nobody is so good as you.

  • bô̤ nâng àng i hìeⁿ m̄ hó̤;

    nobody is so bad as he.

  • àng tăi-ke hìeⁿ-seⁿ tàⁿ lâi kîaⁿ;

    let us do as they all say.

  • àng hìeⁿ khî!

    How strange!

  • àng kúi cĭu kṳ́;

    in conformity to established custom.

  • lṳ́ àng cìeⁿ-seⁿ, úa àng hìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    you do thus, and I do so.

  • àng mêh;

    feel the pulse.

  • chíu àng sim-kuaⁿ-thâu;

    lay the hand on the heart.

  • àng kìam tŏ̤ chíu,

    grasped the sword in his hand.

  • àng gûeh cîⁿ-ngṳ̂n;

    to fix the monthly stipend.

  • àng piaⁿ put tŏng;

    to halt the troops.

  • àng-tǹg;

    to give as security for something borrowed.

  • àng-tǹg mûeh-kĭaⁿ;

    to give things in pledge.

  • cang chân-khòi cò̤ àng;

    take the deed of his field as security.

  • àng tīaⁿ jît-khî;

    to set a fixed time.

  • àng khieⁿ hâh phah;

    strike the key of the tune.

  • àng páng;

    set the tune.

  • àng-sok m̄ tîo;

    does not successfully repress it.

  • àng-sok kàu tîo-tîo;

    keeps in subjection.

  • sìn àng peh ngṳ̂n;

    take in pawn, for its full value, of a hundred dollars.

  • i àiⁿ àng náng jîeh cōi cîⁿ?

    How much does he wish to borrow from us, giving security for it?

  • cò̤ àng;

    give as security.

  • àng pō lâi kîaⁿ;

    set your steps carefully as you go.

  • àng-chak;

    the provincial judge.

  • cò̤ tîeh àng-chak, mīn cĭu o;

    if you do the work of a provincial judge, you will become dark visaged.

  • Red; rosy; ruddy; the blood; lucky, pleasant, because red is the color used for marriage sedans, the highest official buttons, and other tokens of rank.

  • âng sek;

    a red color.

  • tōa âng;

    deep red.

  • hue âng;


  • thô̤ âng;

    peach pink.

  • hún ang;

    the color of rouge.

  • it pín âng;

    bright red.

  • săi âng;

    persimmon red.

  • sang âng;

    deep pink.

  • bâk âng;

    dark red.

  • cu-sa âng;

    light red.

  • âng-săi;


  • âng hûn;

    red clouds.

  • chim âng;

    deep red.

  • chíen âng;

    pale red.

  • cíu cîah kàu mīn ham-ham-âng;

    flushed with wine.

  • âng si-sùaⁿ só̤ mâk-kîⁿ;

    a red line on the edge of the eye lids.

  • chùi-lîm-phûe cu-cu-âng;

    the lips bright red.

  • ngṳ̂n-cu âng;

    the color of vermilion.

  • îu âng;

    painted red.

  • mâk-kho âng;

    red around the eyes.

  • âng hue ńng;

    a young lady.

  • chut hue-âng;

    to issue a notice of a reward.

  • âng kîⁿ;

    a red flag.

  • âng hue bŏi phang, phang hue bŏi âng;

    brilliant flowers are scentless, and fragrant flowers are not bright colored.

  • âng sṳ̄, pêh sṳ̄;

    happy affair, or grievous affair.

  • hue âng líu lêk;

    a variety of bright colors.

  • hue âng ngṳ̂n;

    a reward, received for public service, in catching a thief or murderer.

  • âng ngŵn ńng-cṳ́ to̤ pô̤h mīaⁿ;

    many handsome girls have hard fates.

  • chiⁿ âng;

    fresh and ruddy.

  • âng pêh âng pêh;

    pink and white.

  • mīn âng-âng;

    a ruddy countenance.

  • âng-mô̤ⁿ-nâng;

    red haired people, Europeans.

  • âng thâu cûn;

    a junk.

  • pàng âng;

    have dysentery.

  • phùi âng;

    to spit blood.

  • âng pó̤ cîeh;

    a ruby.

  • âng téng;

    the red button, an insignia of high rank.

  • âng sang-hû;

    red coral.

  • tòng âng-sim;

    hit the centre of the target.

  • âng eng bō̤;

    an official hat having red fringe on the crown.

  • âng cang so̤h;

    red hairstrings.

  • âng nê-sùaⁿ;

    an umbrella used by officials of high rank.

  • âng tài cṳ́;

    a belt worn by blood-relations of the emperor.

  • âng cûn;

    an official boat.

  • pōiⁿ âng-saⁿ cŭe;

    inflict the punishment of banishment.

  • âng khòi;

    a stamped deed.

  • kìⁿ tîeh nâng mīn cĭu âng;

    blushed if she saw any one.

  • mīn âng-kōng-chiah;

    blushed deeply.

  • A flood, an inundation.

  • âng-cúi;

    the deluge of Yu, B.C. 2200.